5/5/2021 7:39:27 AM
Line | Financial Statement Location | Rule Code | Rule (XBRL Formula XPath 2.0 Format) | Rule (Controlled Natural Language Format) | Commentary |
1 | Balance sheet | BS-Impute-01 | if (($Assets = 0) and ($NoncurrentAssets = 0) and not($Assets = $LiabilitiesAndEquity) and ($CurrentAssets = $LiabilitiesAndEquity)) then ($Assets = $CurrentAssets) else ($Assets = $Assets) | If Assets = 0 and NoncurrentAssets = 0 and Assets <> LiabilitiesAndEquity and CurrentAssets = LiabilitiesAndEquity Then Assets = CurrentAssets End If |
2 | Balance sheet | BS-Impute-02 | if (($Assets = 0) and not($LiabilitiesAndEquity = 0) and ($CurrentAssets = $LiabilitiesAndEquity)) then ($Assets = $CurrentAssets) else ($Assets = $Assets) | If Assets = 0 and LiabilitiesAndEquity <> 0 and CurrentAssets = LiabilitiesAndEquity Then Assets = CurrentAssets End If |
3 | Balance sheet | BS-Impute-03 | if (($Assets = 0) and ($NoncurrentAssets = 0) and not($LiabilitiesAndEquity = 0) and ($LiabilitiesAndEquity = $Liabilities + $Equity)) then ($Assets = $CurrentAssets) else ($Assets = $Assets) | If Assets = 0 and NoncurrentAssets = 0 and LiabilitiesAndEquity <> 0 and (LiabilitiesAndEquity = Liabilities + Equity) Then Assets = CurrentAssets End If |
4 | Balance sheet | BS-Impute-04 | if ($NoncurrentAssets = 0 and not($Assets = 0) and not($CurrentAssets = 0)) then ($NoncurrentAssets = $Assets - $CurrentAssets) else ($NoncurrentAssets = $NoncurrentAssets) | If NoncurrentAssets = 0 and Assets <> 0 and CurrentAssets <> 0 Then NoncurrentAssets = Assets - CurrentAssets End If |
5 | Balance sheet | BS-Impute-05 | if ($LiabilitiesAndEquity = 0 and not($Assets = 0)) then ($LiabilitiesAndEquity = $Assets) else ($LiabilitiesAndEquity = $LiabilitiesAndEquity) | If LiabilitiesAndEquity = 0 and Assets <> 0 Then LiabilitiesAndEquity = Assets End If |
6 | Income statement | IS-Impute-12 | if ($NetIncomeLossAttributableToParent = 0 and $NetIncomeLossAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest = 0 and not($NetIncomeLoss = 0)) then ($NetIncomeLossAttributableToParent = $NetIncomeLoss) else ($NetIncomeLossAttributableToParent = $NetIncomeLossAttributableToParent) | If NetIncomeLossAttributableToParent = 0 and NetIncomeLossAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest = 0 and NetIncomeLoss <> 0 Then NetIncomeLossAttributableToParent = NetIncomeLoss End If |
7 | Income statement | IS-Impute-24 | if ($NetIncomeLossAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest = 0 and not($NetIncomeLoss = 0) and not($NetIncomeLossAttributableToParent = 0)) then ($NetIncomeLossAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest = $NetIncomeLoss - $NetIncomeLossAttributableToParent) else ($NetIncomeLossAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest = $NetIncomeLossAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest) | If NetIncomeLossAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest = 0 and NetIncomeLoss <> 0 and NetIncomeLossAttributableToParent <> 0 Then NetIncomeLossAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest = NetIncomeLoss - NetIncomeLossAttributableToParent End If |
QUESTIONABLE USE OF RULE: If the filing reports equity attributable to noncontrolling interest and net income (loss) and net income (loss) attributable to parent are different; assumes that the difference is caused by net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interest. |