Standard Label: | Description of significant judgements and assumptions made in determining that entity does not control another entity even though it holds more than half of voting rights |
Name: | ifrs-full:DescriptionOfReasonWhyEntityWithMoreThanHalfOfVotingPowerDirectlyOrIndirectlyOwnedWhichIsNotSubsidiaryDueToAbsenceOfControl |
Identifier: | ifrs-full_DescriptionOfReasonWhyEntityWithMoreThanHalfOfVotingPowerDirectlyOrIndirectlyOwnedWhichIsNotSubsidiaryDueToAbsenceOfControl |
Documentation: | The description of significant judgements and assumptions made in determining that the entity does not control another entity even though it holds more than half of the voting rights. |
Category of Term: | Concept |
References: | (Coming Soon!) |
Balance type: | none |
Period type: | duration |
Data type: | xbrli:stringItemType |
Last updated: 5/10/2021 5:11:28 PM