
Term: Income from continuing involvement in derecognised financial assets cumulatively recognised
Standard Label: Income from continuing involvement in derecognised financial assets cumulatively recognised
Name: ifrs-full:IncomeFromContinuingInvolvementInDerecognisedFinancialAssetsCumulativelyRecognised
Identifier: ifrs-full_IncomeFromContinuingInvolvementInDerecognisedFinancialAssetsCumulativelyRecognised
Documentation: The cumulative amount of income recognised from the entity's continuing involvement in derecognised financial assets (for example, fair value changes in derivative instruments). [Refer: Income from continuing involvement in derecognised financial assets; Derivatives [member]]
Category of Term: Concept
References: (Coming Soon!)
Balance type: credit
Period type: instant
Data type: xbrli:monetaryItemType

Last updated: 5/10/2021 5:11:46 PM
