Disclosure Information: Interests in unconsolidated structured entities
Label: Interests in unconsolidated structured entities
Name: InterestsInUnconsolidatedStructuredEntities
Parent Topic: OtherFinancialStatementAccounts
Documentation: The disclosure of interests in structured entities that are not controlled by the entity (unconsolidated structured entities). [Refer: Unconsolidated structured entities [member]]
Concept arrangement pattern: [Hierarchy]
Completion state:
Status: OK
Exemplars: Example
Taxonomy Network: http://xbrl.ifrs.org/role/ifrs/ias_1_2021-03-24_role-800500

Line Label Object Class (Data type) Period Type Balance Report Element Name

Business Rules for Disclosure: Controlled Natural Language

Business Rules for Disclosure: Machine-Readable
From Arcrole (predicate) To

Exemplars Available for Disclosure: Machine-Readable
Entity Name and Text Block or Detailed Disclosure

Visual example


Last updated: 5/10/2021 5:12:34 PM
