Generated by Pacioli version 020274e (updated 2 days ago). Analysis at 2022-04-29T16:52:47+0000 for This page will remain online at for about 90 days. | ![]() |
Block Pivots (one per detected block) | |
Network |
2110 - Disclosure - Nature of Business Note (Level 1 Note Text Blocks)
Table | Nature of Business [Hypercube] |
Concept arrangement pattern: Nature of Business [Text Block] [Level1TextBlock]
Entity: 10810137d58f76b84aaa (
Unit: null
Component as one Pivot (ALL facts, but ignoring presentation hints) | |
Network |
2110 - Disclosure - Nature of Business Note (Level 1 Note Text Blocks)
Table | Nature of Business [Hypercube] |
Entity: 10810137d58f76b84aaa (
Unit: null
The colours used for the fact values are significant, and have the following meanings:
Fact Table | |
Network |
2110 - Disclosure - Nature of Business Note (Level 1 Note Text Blocks)
Table | Nature of Business [Hypercube] |
# | Block | Reporting Entity [Aspect] | Period [Aspect] | Concept [Aspect] | Fact Value | Unit | Rounding | Parenthetical Explanations | Origin | |
1 | Nature of Business [Text Block] [Level1TextBlock] | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2021-01-01 to 2021-12-31 | Nature of Business [Text Block] | <p style="border-collapse:collapse;font-size:10pt;font-family:Arial;font-style:bold;color:#000000">Note 1: Nature of Business</p> <div style="font-family:Arial;font-size:10pt;">Duis fermentum. Nullam dui orci, scelerisque porttitor, volutpat a, porttitor a, enim. Sed lobortis. Maecenas scelerisque ullamcorper libero. Aliquam porta leo imperdiet pede. In semper, elit vel elementum auctor, lectus purus rhoncus arcu, lacinia sollicitudin justo odio et nunc. Phasellus sagittis fringilla risus. Curabitur iaculis sagittis orci. Ut malesuada libero nec nulla molestie vestibulum. Suspendisse lectus massa, ullamcorper at, tincidunt eget, bibendum vel, risus. Curabitur imperdiet. Suspendisse accumsan, arcu vel ornare interdum, magna tellus porta mauris, in porta mi lacus sodales felis. Pellentesque dapibus, leo non sollicitudin consequat, lectus orci fringilla felis, non interdum leo libero sed augue. Sed magna. Maecenas ante ipsum, congue ut, sodales a, pulvinar ut, dui. Suspendisse mauris massa, sollicitudin et, hendrerit eget, placerat id, orci. Donec molestie magna.</div> | Reported |
Model Structure | |
Network |
2110 - Disclosure - Nature of Business Note (Level 1 Note Text Blocks)
Table | Nature of Business [Hypercube] |
# | Label | Report Element Class | Period Type | Balance | Name |
1 | Nature of Business [Hypercube] | Hypercube | mini:NatureBusinessHypercube | ||
2 | Nature of Business [Line Items] | LineItems | mini:NatureBusinessLineItems | ||
3 | Nature of Business [Text Block] | Concept (TextBlock) | duration | mini:NatureBusinessTextBlock |
No graph, because there are no subclass definitions.
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DISCLAIMER: this analysis is provided by software still under development, and likely incomplete or even erroneous; do NOT use it other than for experimental, inconsequential purposes