XBRL Report Runner(tm), Version 1.10.7, presented by Coyote Reporting, LLC Current license expires: Thu Feb 01 00:00:00 PST 2345 [ XPath, XSL, and XQuery functionality provided by the Saxon XSLT and XQuery Processor from Saxonica Limited ] Type 'help' or '?' for a list of commands Type 'help ' for detailed assistance on specific commands Running script file: file:/C:/Users/Charlie/Documents/CurrentVersions/AUDITCHAIN-0200-MINI/type-subtype4/_Process.xrun XRun> open type-subtype.xsd Opening [file:/C:/Users/Charlie/Documents/CurrentVersions/AUDITCHAIN-0200-MINI/type-subtype4/type-subtype.xsd] Duration: 188ms; Approximate Memory in use: 10956640 XRun> validate A arcroleRef element MUST have an xlink:href attribute. The xlink:href attribute MUST be a URI. The URI MUST point to a arcroleType element in a taxonomy schema document. Unable to resolve 'http://xbrlsite.azurewebsites.net/2016/conceptual-model/cm-arcroles.xsd#has-part'. A arcroleRef element MUST have an xlink:href attribute. The xlink:href attribute MUST be a URI. The URI MUST point to a arcroleType element in a taxonomy schema document. Unable to resolve 'http://xbrlsite.azurewebsites.net/2016/conceptual-model/cm-arcroles.xsd#has-part'. A arcroleRef element MUST have an xlink:href attribute. The xlink:href attribute MUST be a URI. The URI MUST point to a arcroleType element in a taxonomy schema document. Unable to resolve 'http://xbrlsite.azurewebsites.net/2016/conceptual-model/cm-arcroles.xsd#has-part'. A arcroleRef element MUST have an xlink:href attribute. The xlink:href attribute MUST be a URI. The URI MUST point to a arcroleType element in a taxonomy schema document. Unable to resolve 'http://xbrlsite.azurewebsites.net/2016/conceptual-model/cm-arcroles.xsd#has-part'. A arcroleRef element MUST have an xlink:href attribute. The xlink:href attribute MUST be a URI. The URI MUST point to a arcroleType element in a taxonomy schema document. Unable to resolve 'http://xbrlsite.azurewebsites.net/2016/conceptual-model/cm-arcroles.xsd#has-part'. Duration: 355ms; Approximate Memory in use: 18663512 XRun> outputfile _XRun_type-subtype.xsd_Validation.html Output file set to: file:/C:/Users/Charlie/Documents/CurrentVersions/AUDITCHAIN-0200-MINI/type-subtype4/_XRun_type-subtype.xsd_Validation.html Duration: 1ms; Approximate Memory in use: 18663512 XRun> signalhtml Output File (variable '_outputFile') set to: file:/C:/Users/Charlie/Documents/CurrentVersions/AUDITCHAIN-0200-MINI/type-subtype4/_XRun_type-subtype.xsd_Validation.html Saving signals to C:\Users\Charlie\Documents\CurrentVersions\AUDITCHAIN-0200-MINI\type-subtype4\_XRun_type-subtype.xsd_Validation.html 2022-02-21 13:25:32:201; PROGRESS; {http://www.coyotereporting.com/xre/xsl}XslTransformProgressSignal> 2022-02-21 13:25:32:271; PROGRESS; {http://www.coyotereporting.com/xre/xsl}XslTransformProgressSignal> Duration: 267ms; Approximate Memory in use: 16490496 XRun> close Duration: 4ms; Approximate Memory in use: 16490496 XRun> open type-subtype2.xsd Opening [file:/C:/Users/Charlie/Documents/CurrentVersions/AUDITCHAIN-0200-MINI/type-subtype4/type-subtype2.xsd] Duration: 49ms; Approximate Memory in use: 20261584 XRun> validate A arcroleRef element MUST have an xlink:href attribute. The xlink:href attribute MUST be a URI. The URI MUST point to a arcroleType element in a taxonomy schema document. Unable to resolve 'http://xbrlsite.azurewebsites.net/2016/conceptual-model/cm-arcroles.xsd#has-part'. A arcroleRef element MUST have an xlink:href attribute. The xlink:href attribute MUST be a URI. The URI MUST point to a arcroleType element in a taxonomy schema document. Unable to resolve 'http://xbrlsite.azurewebsites.net/2016/conceptual-model/cm-arcroles.xsd#has-part'. A arcroleRef element MUST have an xlink:href attribute. The xlink:href attribute MUST be a URI. The URI MUST point to a arcroleType element in a taxonomy schema document. Unable to resolve 'http://xbrlsite.azurewebsites.net/2016/conceptual-model/cm-arcroles.xsd#has-part'. A arcroleRef element MUST have an xlink:href attribute. The xlink:href attribute MUST be a URI. The URI MUST point to a arcroleType element in a taxonomy schema document. Unable to resolve 'http://xbrlsite.azurewebsites.net/2016/conceptual-model/cm-arcroles.xsd#has-part'. A arcroleRef element MUST have an xlink:href attribute. The xlink:href attribute MUST be a URI. The URI MUST point to a arcroleType element in a taxonomy schema document. Unable to resolve 'http://xbrlsite.azurewebsites.net/2016/conceptual-model/cm-arcroles.xsd#has-part'. Duration: 95ms; Approximate Memory in use: 22371200 XRun> outputfile _XRun_type-subtype2.xsd_Validation.html Output file set to: file:/C:/Users/Charlie/Documents/CurrentVersions/AUDITCHAIN-0200-MINI/type-subtype4/_XRun_type-subtype2.xsd_Validation.html Duration: 0ms; Approximate Memory in use: 22371200 XRun> signalhtml Output File (variable '_outputFile') set to: file:/C:/Users/Charlie/Documents/CurrentVersions/AUDITCHAIN-0200-MINI/type-subtype4/_XRun_type-subtype2.xsd_Validation.html Saving signals to C:\Users\Charlie\Documents\CurrentVersions\AUDITCHAIN-0200-MINI\type-subtype4\_XRun_type-subtype2.xsd_Validation.html 2022-02-21 13:25:32:427; PROGRESS; {http://www.coyotereporting.com/xre/xsl}XslTransformProgressSignal> 2022-02-21 13:25:32:440; PROGRESS; {http://www.coyotereporting.com/xre/xsl}XslTransformProgressSignal> Duration: 20ms; Approximate Memory in use: 24233256 XRun> close Duration: 2ms; Approximate Memory in use: 24233256 XRun> open type-subtype.xsd Opening [file:/C:/Users/Charlie/Documents/CurrentVersions/AUDITCHAIN-0200-MINI/type-subtype4/type-subtype.xsd] Duration: 79ms; Approximate Memory in use: 11918664 XRun> outputfile type-subtype_ModelStructure.xml Output file set to: file:/C:/Users/Charlie/Documents/CurrentVersions/AUDITCHAIN-0200-MINI/type-subtype4/type-subtype_ModelStructure.xml Duration: 0ms; Approximate Memory in use: 11918664 XRun> xslt ../../Stylesheets/FRSDT_XBRL_To_XML_ModelStructure.xsl Transform: file:/C:/Users/Charlie/Documents/CurrentVersions/AUDITCHAIN-0200-MINI/type-subtype4/type-subtype.xsd using file:/C:/Users/Charlie/Documents/CurrentVersions/Stylesheets/FRSDT_XBRL_To_XML_ModelStructure.xsl Transform completed in 95ms (variable '_xslt_thread' is set) Duration: 96ms; Approximate Memory in use: 12943088 XRun> close Duration: 3ms; Approximate Memory in use: 12943088 Total Script Duration: 1161ms; Approximate Memory in use: 12943088