9202 - Support - Hypercubes

Line Label Object Class Period Type Balance Report ElementName
1 9202 - Support - Hypercubes Network



2 Hypercubes [Abstract] Abstract nfp:HypercubesAbstract
3 Document Information [Table] Hypercube nfp:DocumentInformationTable
4 Entity Information [Table] Hypercube nfp:EntityInformationTable
5 Statement of Financial Position, Classified [Table] Hypercube nfp:StatementFinancialPositionClassifiedTable
6 Statement of Activity [Table] Hypercube nfp:StatementActivityTable
7 Statement of Changes in Net Assets [Table] Hypercube nfp:StatementChangesInNetAssetsTable
8 Statement of Cash Flows [Table] Hypercube nfp:StatementCashFlowsTable
9 Notes [Table] Hypercube nfp:NotesTable
10 Significant Accounting Policies [Table] Hypercube nfp:SignificantAccountingPoliciesTable
11 Disclosures [Table] Hypercube nfp:DisclosuresTable
12 Cash and Cash Equivalents Subclassifications [Table] Hypercube nfp:CashCashEquivalentsSubclassificationsTable
13 Receivables Subclassifications [Table] Hypercube nfp:ReceivablesSubclassificationsTable
14 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Roll Forward [Table] Hypercube nfp:AllowanceForDoubtfulAccountsRollForwardTable
15 Inventories Subclassifications [Table] Hypercube nfp:InventoriesSubclassificationsTable
16 Property, Plant and Equipment Subclassifications [Table] Hypercube nfp:PropertyPlantEquipmentSubclassificationsTable
17 Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses Subclassifications [Table] Hypercube nfp:AccountsPayableAndAccruedExpensesSubclassificationsTable
18 Long-term Debt Subclassifications [Table] Hypercube nfp:LongtermDebtSubclassificationsTable
19 Long-term Debt Maturities [Table] Hypercube nfp:LongtermDebtMaturitiesTable
20 Net Assets Note [Table] Hypercube nfp:NetAssetsNoteTable