Disclosure Information: Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Current Period, Gain (Loss) on Restructuring, Net of Tax, by Creditor [Roll Up] |
Label: | Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Current Period, Gain (Loss) on Restructuring, Net of Tax, by Creditor [Roll Up] |
Name: | TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodGainLossonRestructuringNetOfTaxRollUp |
Parent Topic: | Debt |
Documentation: | Roll up of details of gain (loss) on restructuring of troubled debt restructuring, debtor, current period, net of tax. |
Commentary: | |
Level: | Detail |
Concept arrangement pattern: | [Roll Up] |
Completion state: | WIP |
Status: | |
Templates: | |
Exemplars: | Example |
Taxonomy Network: | https://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/disclosure/Debt |
Line | Label | Object Class (Data type) | Period Type | Balance | Report Element Name |
1 | Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Current Period [Table] | Table | us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodTable | ||
2 | Legal Entity [Axis] | Axis | dei:LegalEntityAxis | ||
3 | Consolidated Entity [Domain] | Member | dei:EntityDomain | ||
4 | Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Current Period [Axis] | Axis | us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodAxis | ||
5 | Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Current Period, Creditor [Domain] | Member | us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodCreditorDomain | ||
6 | Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Current Period [Line Items] | LineItems | us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodLineItems | ||
7 | Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Current Period, Gain (Loss) on Restructuring, Net of Tax [Roll Up] | Abstract | us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodGainLossOnRestructuringNetOfTaxAbstract | ||
8 | Gains (Losses) on Restructuring of Debt | Concept (Monetary) | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:GainsLossesOnRestructuringOfDebt |
9 | Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Current Period, Gain (Loss) on Restructuring, Tax Effect | Concept (Monetary) | For Period | Debit | us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodGainLossOnRestructuringTaxEffect |
10 | Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Current Period, Gain (Loss) on Restructuring, Net of Tax, Total | Concept (Monetary) | For Period | Credit | us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodGainLossOnRestructuringNetOfTax |
Business Rules for Disclosure: Controlled Natural Language |
Rules for disclosure: disclosures:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodGainLossonRestructuringNetOfTaxRollUp This disclosure: - MUST be represented as the Concept Arrangement Pattern: cm:RollUp - MUST contain the Level 4 Detailed concept: us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodGainLossOnRestructuringNetOfTax |
Business Rules for Disclosure: Machine-Readable |
From | Arcrole (predicate) | To |
disclosures:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodGainLossonRestructuringNetOfTaxRollUp | drules-arcroles:disclosure-hasConceptArrangementPattern | cm:RollUp |
disclosures:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodGainLossonRestructuringNetOfTaxRollUp | drules-arcroles:disclosure-requiresConcept | us-gaap:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodGainLossOnRestructuringNetOfTax |
cm:Thing | cm-arcroles:class-subClass | disclosures:TroubledDebtRestructuringDebtorCurrentPeriodGainLossonRestructuringNetOfTaxRollUp |
Exemplars Available for Disclosure: Machine-Readable |
Entity Name and Text Block or Detailed Disclosure |
Visual example |
Example |
Last updated: 5/12/2021 3:19:50 PM