Disclosure Information: Future Minimum Payments, Present Value of Net Minimum Payments, Sale Leaseback Transactions [Roll Up]
Label: Future Minimum Payments, Present Value of Net Minimum Payments, Sale Leaseback Transactions [Roll Up]
Name: PresentValueOfFutureMinimumLeasePaymentsSaleLeasebackTransactionsRollUp
Parent Topic: LeasesSaleAndLeaseback
Documentation: Roll up of details of present value of future minimum lease payments from sales leaseback transactions.
Commentary: Seems like this disclosure is missing a text block.
Level: Detail
Concept arrangement pattern: [Roll Up]
Completion state: Completed
Status: Test set
Exemplars: Example
Taxonomy Network: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/disclosure/Leases

Line Label Object Class (Data type) Period Type Balance Report Element Name
1 Present Value of Future Minimum Lease Payments, Sale Leaseback Transactions [Roll Up] Abstract us-gaap:PresentValueOfFutureMinimumLeasePaymentsSaleLeasebackTransactionsAbstract
2 Minimum Lease Payments, Sale Leaseback Transactions [Roll Up] Abstract us-gaap:MinimumLeasePaymentsSaleLeasebackTransactionsAbstract
3 Minimum Lease Payments, Sale Leaseback Transactions, within One Year Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit us-gaap:MinimumLeasePaymentsSaleLeasebackTransactionsWithinOneYear
4 Minimum Lease Payments, Sale Leaseback Transactions, within Two Years Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit us-gaap:MinimumLeasePaymentsSaleLeasebackTransactionsWithinTwoYears
5 Minimum Lease Payments, Sale Leaseback Transactions, within Three Years Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit us-gaap:MinimumLeasePaymentsSaleLeasebackTransactionsWithinThreeYears
6 Minimum Lease Payments, Sale Leaseback Transactions, within Four Years Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit us-gaap:MinimumLeasePaymentsSaleLeasebackTransactionsWithinFourYears
7 Minimum Lease Payments, Sale Leaseback Transactions, within Five Years Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit us-gaap:MinimumLeasePaymentsSaleLeasebackTransactionsWithinFiveYears
8 Minimum Lease Payments, Sale Leaseback Transactions, Thereafter Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit us-gaap:MinimumLeasePaymentsSaleLeasebackTransactionsThereafter
9 Minimum Lease Payments, Sale Leaseback Transactions, Total Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit us-gaap:MinimumLeasePaymentsSaleLeasebackTransactions
10 Interest Portion of Minimum Lease Payments, Sale Leaseback Transactions Concept (Monetary) As Of Debit us-gaap:InterestPortionOfMinimumLeasePaymentsSaleLeasebackTransactions
11 Present Value of Future Minimum Lease Payments, Sale Leaseback Transactions, Total Concept (Monetary) As Of Credit us-gaap:PresentValueOfFutureMinimumLeasePaymentsSaleLeasebackTransactions

Business Rules for Disclosure: Controlled Natural Language
Rules for disclosure: disclosures:PresentValueOfFutureMinimumLeasePaymentsSaleLeasebackTransactionsRollUp 
This disclosure:

   - MUST be represented as the Concept Arrangement Pattern: cm:RollUp
   - MUST contain the Level 4 Detailed concept: us-gaap:PresentValueOfFutureMinimumLeasePaymentsSaleLeasebackTransactions

Business Rules for Disclosure: Machine-Readable
From Arcrole (predicate) To
disclosures:PresentValueOfFutureMinimumLeasePaymentsSaleLeasebackTransactionsRollUp drules-arcroles:disclosure-hasConceptArrangementPattern cm:RollUp
disclosures:PresentValueOfFutureMinimumLeasePaymentsSaleLeasebackTransactionsRollUp drules-arcroles:disclosure-requiresConcept us-gaap:PresentValueOfFutureMinimumLeasePaymentsSaleLeasebackTransactions
cm:Thing cm-arcroles:class-subClass disclosures:PresentValueOfFutureMinimumLeasePaymentsSaleLeasebackTransactionsRollUp

Exemplars Available for Disclosure: Machine-Readable
Entity Name and Text Block or Detailed Disclosure
BODY CENTRAL CORP | DineEquity, Inc | ECHELON CORP | NEW JERSEY RESOURCES CORP | Tongji Healthcare Group, Inc. |

Visual example


Last updated: 5/12/2021 3:20:05 PM
