($ in millions)
Benefit ObligationsFair Value of Plan AssetsFunded Status*
At December 31:201320122013201220132012
U.S. Plans
Overfunded plans
Qualified PPP$ 49,315$$ 53,954$$ 4,639$
Underfunded plans
Qualified PPP$$ 54,907$$ 53,630$$ (1,277)
Excess PPP 1,425 1,576 (1,425) (1,576)
Retention Plan 294 327 (294) (327)
Nonpension postretirement benefit plan 4,633 5,282 177 433 (4,456) (4,849)
Total underfunded U.S. plans$ 6,352$ 62,092$ 177$ 54,063$ (6,175)$ (8,029)
Non-U.S. Plans
Overfunded plans
Qualified defined benefit pension plans$ 9,336$ 6,944$ 10,240$ 7,889$ 904$ 945
Nonpension postretirement benefit plans 10 12 11 12 1 0
Total overfunded non-U.S. plans$ 9,346$ 6,956$ 10,251$ 7,901$ 905$ 945
Underfunded plans
Qualified defined benefit pension plans$ 32,697$ 35,956$ 29,223$ 30,169$ (3,474)$ (5,788)
Nonqualified defined benefit pension plans 6,587 6,418 (6,587) (6,418)
Nonpension postretirement benefit plans 822 1,007 81 107 (741) (900)
Total underfunded non-U.S. plans$ 40,106$ 43,381$ 29,304$ 30,276$ (10,802)$ (13,106)
Total overfunded plans$ 58,661$ 6,956$ 64,205$ 7,901$ 5,544$ 945
Total underfunded plans$ 46,458$ 105,473$ 29,481$ 84,338$ (16,977)$ (21,134)

* Funded status is recognized in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as follows: Asset amounts as prepaid pension assets; (Liability) amounts as compensation and benefits (current liability) and retirement and nonpension postretirement benefit obligations (noncurrent liability).


At December 31:ObligationAssetsObligationAssets
Plans with PBO in excess of plan assets$ 41,003$ 29,223$ 99,184$ 83,799
Plans with ABO in excess of plan assets 40,315 29,213 98,263 83,677
Plans with assets in excess of PBO 58,651 64,194 6,944 7,889


The following table presents the company’s defined benefit pension plans’ asset classes and their associated fair value at December 31, 2013. The U.S. Plan consists of the Qualified PPP and the Non-U.S. Plans consist of all plans sponsored by the company’s subsidiaries.

($ in millions)
U.S. PlanNon-U.S. Plans
Level 1Level 2Level 3TotalLevel 1Level 2Level 3Total
Equity securities(a)$ 15,929$$$ 15,929$ 6,489$$$ 6,489
Equity commingled/mutual funds(b)(c) 216 2,593 2,809 132 8,325 8,457
Fixed income
Government and related(d) 7,093 1 7,094 8,682 42 8,724
Corporate bonds(e) 14,639 5 14,644 1,881 4 1,885
Mortgage and asset-backed securities 691 19 709 8 8
Fixed income commingled/
mutual funds(b)(f) 221 716 274 1,211 75 8,596 8,670
Insurance contracts 1,196 1,196
Cash and short-term investments(g) 427 1,915 2,343 154 451 605
Hedge funds 1,368 860 2,228 740 740
Private equity(h) 3,771 3,771 410 410
Private real estate(h) 3,038 3,038 655 655
Derivatives(i) 1 6 7 1 150 151
Other commingled/mutual funds(b)(j) 36 1,518 1,554
Subtotal 16,795 29,021 7,968 53,784 6,886 31,547 1,110 39,544
Other(k) 170 (80)
Fair value of plan assets$ 16,795$ 29,021$ 7,968$ 53,954$ 6,886$ 31,547$ 1,110$ 39,464

The following table presents the company’s defined benefit pension plans’ asset classes and their associated fair value at December 31, 2012. The U.S. Plan consists of the Qualified PPP and the Non-U.S. Plans consist of all plans sponsored by the company’s subsidiaries.

($ in millions)
U.S. PlanNon-U.S. Plans
Level 1Level 2Level 3TotalLevel 1Level 2Level 3Total
Equity securities(a)$ 15,161$ 1$$ 15,163$ 6,395$$$ 6,395
Equity commingled/mutual funds(b)(c) 96 2,556 2,652 138 7,641 7,779
Fixed income
Government and related(d) 12,945 6 12,951 8,978 76 9,054
Corporate bonds (e) 8,499 11 8,510 1,878 5 1,883
Mortgage and asset-backed securities 922 45 968 9 9
Fixed income commingled/
mutual funds(b)(f) 155 804 267 1,226 78 8,018 8,096
Insurance contracts 1,019 1,019
Cash and short-term investments(g) 244 3,198 3,442 134 373 507
Hedge funds 1,402 756 2,159 646 646
Private equity(h) 4,085 4,085 353 353
Private real estate(h) 2,861 2,861 609 609
Derivatives(i) (6) 62 56 0 856 857
Other commingled/mutual funds(b)(j) 12 907 919
Subtotal 15,650 30,390 8,032 54,072 6,757 30,325 1,042 38,124
Other(k) (442) (66)
Fair value of plan assets$ 15,650$ 30,390$ 8,032$ 53,630$ 6,757$ 30,325$ 1,042$ 38,058


($ in millions)
Defined BenefitNonpension Postretirement
Pension PlansBenefit Plans
U.S. PlansNon-U.S. PlansU.S. PlanNon-U.S. Plans
Net loss$ 1,076$ 1,461$$ 11
Prior service costs/(credits) 10 (127) (7) (6)
Transition (assets)/liabilities 0 0


($ in millions)
Defined Benefit Pension PlansNonpension Postretirement Benefit Plans
U.S. PlansNon-U.S. PlansU.S. PlanNon-U.S. Plans
At December 31:20132012201320122013201220132012
Prepaid pension assets$ 4,639$ 0$ 912$ 944$ 0$ 0$ 1$ 0
Current liabilities—
compensation and benefits (107) (102) (364) (356) (256) (239) (16) (20)
Noncurrent liabilities—retirement
and nonpension postretirement
benefit obligations (1,612) (3,078) (9,705) (11,849) (4,200) (4,610) (725) (880)
Funded status—net$ 2,920$ (3,180)$ (9,157)$ (11,261)$ (4,456)$ (4,849)$ (740)$ (900)


($ in millions)
Defined Benefit Pension PlansNonpension Postretirement Benefit Plans
U.S. PlansNon-U.S. PlansU.S. PlanNon-U.S. Plans
Net loss at January 1$ 19,488$ 18,561$ 22,188$ 18,309$ 806$ 734$ 269$ 211
Current period loss/(gain) (3,989) 2,258 (814) 4,905 (480) 104 (85) 75
Curtailments and settlements 3 2 0
Amortization of net loss included in
net periodic (income)/cost (1,790) (1,331) (1,600) (1,027) (21) (32) (23) (17)
Net loss at December 31$ 13,709$ 19,488$ 19,777$ 22,188$ 304$ 806$ 161$ 269
Prior service costs/(credits) at January 1$ 130$ 139$ (614)$ (768)$$$ (6)$ (10)
Current period prior service costs/(credits) 0 15 (31)
Amortization of prior service (costs)/
credits included in net periodic
(income)/cost (10) (10) 119 154 5 4
Prior service costs/(credits) at
December 31$ 120$ 130$ (496)$ (614)$ 15$$ (32)$ (6)
Transition (assets)/liabilities at January 1$$$ 0$(0)$$$ 0$ 0
Amortization of transition assets/
(liabilities) included in net periodic
(income)/cost 0 0 0(0)
Transition (assets)/liabilities at
December 31$$$ 0$(0)$$$ 0$ 0
Total loss recognized in accumulated
other comprehensive income/(loss)*$ 13,829$ 19,618$ 19,281$ 21,574$ 319$ 806$ 129$ 263

*            See note L, “Equity Activity,” on pages 116 through 118 for the total change in AOCI, and the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income for the components of net periodic (income)/cost, including the related tax effects, recognized in OCI for the retirement-related benefit plans.


Defined Benefit Pension Plans
U.S. PlansNon-U.S. Plans
Weighted-average assumptions used to measure net
periodic (income)/cost for the year ended December 31
Discount rate 3.60% 4.20% 5.00% 3.23% 4.28% 4.33%
Expected long-term returns on plan assets 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 6.21% 6.26% 6.41%
Rate of compensation increase*N/AN/AN/A 2.51% 2.43% 2.37%
Weighted-average assumptions used to measure
benefit obligations at December 31
Discount rate 4.50% 3.60% 4.20% 3.32% 3.23% 4.28%
Rate of compensation increase*N/AN/AN/A 2.52% 2.51% 2.43%

*   Rate of compensation increase is not applicable to the U.S. defined benefit pension plans as benefit accruals ceased December 31, 2007 for all participants.

N/A—Not applicable


Nonpension Postretirement Benefit Plans
U.S. PlanNon-U.S. Plans
Weighted-average assumptions used to measure
net periodic cost for the year ended December 31
Discount rate 3.30% 3.90% 4.80% 6.43% 7.37% 7.75%
Expected long-term returns on plan assets 0.35%N/AN/A 9.01% 9.01% 9.07%
Weighted-average assumptions used to measure
benefit obligations at December 31
Discount rate 4.10% 3.30% 3.90% 7.78% 6.43% 7.37%
N/A—Not applicable


($ in millions)
Defined Benefit Pension PlansNonpension Postretirement Benefit Plans
U.S. PlansNon-U.S. PlansU.S. PlanNon-U.S. Plans
Change in benefit obligation
Benefit obligation at January 1$ 56,810$ 54,085$ 49,319$ 42,861$ 5,282$ 5,273$ 1,019$ 901
Service cost 501 443 35 36 10 14
Interest cost 1,980 2,196 1,524 1,779 164 200 60 64
Plan participants’ contributions 42 47 191 200
Acquisitions/divestitures, net 89 26 (2) 2(0)
Actuarial losses/(gains) (4,344) 3,810 (362) 6,365 (481) 104 (89) 76
Benefits paid from trust (3,303) (3,184) (1,920) (1,987) (557) (551) (6) (6)
Direct benefit payments (108) (97) (464) (454) (43) (35) (28) (27)
Foreign exchange impact (115) 77 (89) (24)
Medicare/Government subsidies 30 53
settlements/other 6 161 15 (44) 21
Benefit obligation at December 31$ 51,034$ 56,810$ 48,620$ 49,319$ 4,633$ 5,282$ 832$ 1,019
Change in plan assets
Fair value of plan assets at January 1$ 53,630$ 51,218$ 38,058$ 35,362$ 433$ 38$ 119$ 112
Actual return on plan assets 3,626 5,596 2,515 3,742 0 0 5 10
Employer contributions 449 557 110 746 0 1
Acquisitions/divestitures, net 35 40 0
Plan participants’ contributions 42 47 191 200
Benefits paid from trust (3,303) (3,184) (1,920) (1,987) (557) (551) (6) (6)
Foreign exchange impact 121 305 (14) (8)
settlements/other 164* (8) (12) 10
Fair value of plan assets at
December 31$ 53,954$ 53,630$ 39,464$ 38,058$ 177$ 433$ 92$ 119
Funded status at December 31$ 2,920$ (3,180)$ (9,157)$ (11,261)$ (4,456)$ (4,849)$ (740)$ (900)
Accumulated benefit obligation**$ 51,034$ 56,810$ 47,806$ 48,369N/AN/AN/AN/A

* Includes the reinstatement of certain plan assets in Brazil due to government rulings in 2011 and 2013 allowing certain previously restricted plan assets to be returned to IBM. The assets will be returned to IBM monthly over a three-year period, starting June 2011 and September 2013 respectively, with approximately $204 million returned during 2013. The remaining surplus in Brazil at December 31, 2013 remains excluded from total plan assets due to continued restrictions imposed by the government on the use of those plan assets.

 **     Represents the benefit obligation assuming no future participant compensation increases.

 N/A—Not applicable


($ in millions)
U.S. PlansNon-U.S. PlansTotal
For the year ended December 31:201320122011201320122011201320122011
Defined benefit pension plans$ (223)$ (526)$ (774)$ 1,396$ 1,040$ 734$ 1,173$ 515$ (40)
Retention Plan 21 18 15 21 18 15
Total defined benefit pension plans
(income)/cost$ (202)$ (507)$ (759)$ 1,396$ 1,040$ 734$ 1,195$ 533$ (25)
IBM 401(k) Plus Plan and
non-U.S. plans$ 785$ 857$ 875$ 575$ 621$ 608$ 1,361$ 1,478$ 1,483
Excess 401(k) 24 29 30 24 29 30
Total defined contribution plans cost$ 809$ 885$ 905$ 575$ 621$ 608$ 1,384$ 1,506$ 1,513
Nonpension postretirement benefit
plans cost$ 218$ 268$ 269$ 79$ 82$ 76$ 298$ 350$ 345
Total retirement-related benefits
net periodic cost$ 826$ 646$ 415$ 2,051$ 1,743$ 1,418$ 2,876$ 2,389$ 1,832


($ in millions)
and RelatedBondsEquityReal EstateTotal
Balance at January 1, 2013$ 76$ 5$ 353$ 609$ 1,042
Return on assets held at end of year (12)(0) 1 33 22
Return on assets sold during the year 1(0) 18 (3) 16
Purchases, sales and settlements, net (24) (1) 26 1 1
Foreign exchange impact 2 0 12 15 29
Balance at December 31, 2013$ 42$ 4$ 410$ 655$ 1,110
($ in millions)
and RelatedBondsEquityReal EstateTotal
Balance at January 1, 2012$ 96$ 39$ 262$ 580$ 977
Return on assets held at end of year 3 (1) 9 (5) 6
Return on assets sold during the year 3 1 9 0 14
Purchases, sales and settlements, net (26) (29) 62 14 21
Transfers, net (2) (5)(0) (3) (10)
Foreign exchange impact 1(0) 11 23 34
Balance at December 31, 2012$ 76$ 5$ 353$ 609$ 1,042


($ in millions)
and Asset-Fixed Income
and RelatedBondsSecuritiesMutual FundsFundsEquityReal EstateTotal
Balance at January 1, 2013$ 6$ 11$ 45$ 267$ 756$ 4,085$ 2,861$ 8,032
Return on assets held at end of year 0(0) (1) 7 104 1,104 889 2,103
Return on assets sold during the year 0(0)(0)(0) (528) (412) (939)
Purchases, sales and settlements, net (5) 3(0)(0) (891) (301) (1,194)
Transfers, net 0 (8) (26) (33)
Balance at December 31, 2013$ 1$ 5$ 19$ 274$ 860$ 3,771$ 3,038$ 7,968
($ in millions)
and Asset-Fixed Income
and RelatedBondsSecuritiesMutual FundsFundsEquityReal EstateTotal
Balance at January 1, 2012$ 29$ 12$ 45$ 246$ 713$ 4,098$ 2,790$ 7,932
Return on assets held at end of year 0 0 1 21 56 855 202 1,135
Return on assets sold during the year 0 2 1 14 (334) (41) (359)
Purchases, sales and settlements, net (1) (2) (9) (26) (533) (90) (660)
Transfers, net (22) (1) 8 (15)
Balance at December 31, 2012$ 6$ 11$ 45$ 267$ 756$ 4,085$ 2,861$ 8,032


($ in millions)
QualifiedNonqualifiedQualifiedNonqualifiedTotal Expected
U.S. PlanU.S. PlansNon-U.S. PlansNon-U.S. PlansBenefit
2014$ 3,393 109 2,026 382 5,910
2015 3,430 112 2,021 382 5,945
2016 3,460 114 2,062 385 6,022
2017 3,477 116 2,086 394 6,073
2018 3,441 118 2,121 407 6,087
2019–2023 17,454 600 11,327 2,325 31,706


($ in millions)
U.S. PlanNon-U.S. PlansNon-U.S. PlansBenefit
2014$ 427$ 8$ 32$ 467
2015 422 8 36 466
2016 416 9 39 464
2017 409 10 42 461
2018 393 10 46 449
2019–2023 1,799 63 286 2,148


($ in millions)
Defined Benefit Pension Plans
U.S. PlansNon-U.S. Plans
For the year ended December 31:201320122011201320122011
Service cost$$$$ 501$ 443$ 505
Interest cost 1,980 2,196 2,456 1,524 1,779 1,843
Expected return on plan assets (3,981) (4,043) (4,043) (2,195) (2,303) (2,521)
Amortization of transition assets 0(0)(0)
Amortization of prior service costs/(credits) 10 10 10 (119) (154) (162)
Recognized actuarial losses 1,790 1,331 818 1,600 1,027 957
Curtailments and settlements 0 0 1
Multi-employer plans/other costs* 85 247 111
Total net periodic (income)/cost$ (202)$ (507)$ (759)$ 1,396$ 1,040$ 734


($ in millions)
Nonpension Postretirement Benefit Plans
U.S. PlanNon-U.S. Plans
For the year ended December 31:201320122011201320122011
Service cost$ 35$ 36$ 33$ 10$ 14$ 11
Interest cost 164 200 236 60 64 67
Expected return on plan assets (1) (9) (9) (10)
Amortization of transition assets 0 0 0
Amortization of prior service costs/(credits) (5) (4) (4)
Recognized actuarial losses 21 32 23 17 13
Curtailments and settlements 0 0
Total net periodic cost$ 218$ 268$ 269$ 79$ 82$ 76

* The 2012 Non-U.S. plans amount includes $162 million related to the IBM UK pension litigation. See page 132 for additional information.
