BLACK HILLS CORP /SD/ | 2013 | FY | 3

Oil and Gas Operations

We account for our oil and gas activities under the full cost method. Under the full cost method, costs related to acquisition, exploration and estimated future expenditures to be incurred in developing proved reserves as well as estimated reclamation and abandonment costs, net of estimated salvage values are capitalized. These costs are amortized using a unit-of-production method based on volumes produced and proved reserves. Any conveyances of properties, including gains or losses on abandonment of properties, are typically treated as adjustments to the cost of the properties with no gain or loss recognized. However, we recognized a gain on the sale of a majority of our Williston Basin assets in 2012. See Note 21 for further discussion.

Costs directly associated with unproved properties and major development projects, if any, are excluded from the costs to be amortized. These excluded costs are subsequently included within the costs to be amortized when it is determined whether or not proved reserves can be assigned to the properties. The properties excluded from the costs to be amortized are assessed for impairment at least annually and any amount of impairment is added to the costs to be amortized. These costs are generally expected to be included in costs to be amortized within the term of the underlying lease agreement which varies in length.

Under the full cost method, net capitalized costs are subject to a ceiling test which limits these costs to the present value of future net cash flows discounted at an SEC required rate, net of related tax effects, plus the lower of cost or fair value of unproved properties included in the net capitalized costs. Future net cash flows are estimated based on SEC-defined end-of-period commodity prices adjusted for contracted price changes and held constant for the life of the reserves. An average price is calculated using the price at the first day of each month for each of the preceding 12 months. If the net capitalized costs exceed the full cost “ceiling” at period end, a permanent non-cash write-down would be charged to earnings in that period. As a result of lower natural gas prices, we recorded a non-cash ceiling test impairment of oil and gas long-lived assets included in the Oil and Gas segment in 2012. No ceiling test write-down was recorded in 2013 or 2011. See Note 12 for additional information.

The SEC definition of “reliable technology” permits the use of any reliable technology to establish reserve volumes in addition to those established by production and flow test data. This definition allows, but does not require us, to calculate PUDs to be booked at more than one location away from a producing well. We elected to include PUDs of only one location away from a producing well in our volume reserve estimate. See information on our oil and gas drilling activities in Note 20.

Companies are permitted but not required to disclose probable and possible reserves. We have elected not to report on these additional reserve categories.
