($ in millions)
Benefit ObligationsFair Value of Plan AssetsFunded Status*
At December 31:201320122013201220132012
U.S. Plans
Overfunded plans
Qualified PPP$ 49,315$$ 53,954$$ 4,639$
Underfunded plans
Qualified PPP$$ 54,907$$ 53,630$$ (1,277)
Excess PPP 1,425 1,576 (1,425) (1,576)
Retention Plan 294 327 (294) (327)
Nonpension postretirement benefit plan 4,633 5,282 177 433 (4,456) (4,849)
Total underfunded U.S. plans$ 6,352$ 62,092$ 177$ 54,063$ (6,175)$ (8,029)
Non-U.S. Plans
Overfunded plans
Qualified defined benefit pension plans$ 9,336$ 6,944$ 10,240$ 7,889$ 904$ 945
Nonpension postretirement benefit plans 10 12 11 12 1 0
Total overfunded non-U.S. plans$ 9,346$ 6,956$ 10,251$ 7,901$ 905$ 945
Underfunded plans
Qualified defined benefit pension plans$ 32,697$ 35,956$ 29,223$ 30,169$ (3,474)$ (5,788)
Nonqualified defined benefit pension plans 6,587 6,418 (6,587) (6,418)
Nonpension postretirement benefit plans 822 1,007 81 107 (741) (900)
Total underfunded non-U.S. plans$ 40,106$ 43,381$ 29,304$ 30,276$ (10,802)$ (13,106)
Total overfunded plans$ 58,661$ 6,956$ 64,205$ 7,901$ 5,544$ 945
Total underfunded plans$ 46,458$ 105,473$ 29,481$ 84,338$ (16,977)$ (21,134)

* Funded status is recognized in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as follows: Asset amounts as prepaid pension assets; (Liability) amounts as compensation and benefits (current liability) and retirement and nonpension postretirement benefit obligations (noncurrent liability).
