Primary Financial Statements
- Balance Sheet, Classified, Does Not Have Noncontrolling Interest 5
- Balance Sheet, Classified, With Noncontrolling Interest 5
- Balance Sheet, Parenthetical 1
- Balance Sheet, Parenthetical, Two Classes of Stock 5
- Cash Flow Statement, Indirect, Basic 4
- Income Statement, Multi-step, Basic 5
- Income Statement, With Noncontrolling Interest 5
- Accounting Policies 5
- Accrued Liablilties Components 5
- Antidilutive Securities Excluded from Computation of Earnings Per Share 5
- Asset Retirement Obligation Roll Forward 5
- Business Acquisitions 5
- Capital Leases Future Minimum Payments Due 5
- Cash Flow Statement, Indirect, Basic, All Cash Flows from Continuing Operations 5
- Cash, Cash Equivalents, and Short-term Investments Components 5
- Change in Benefit Obligation 5
- Change in Fair Value of Benefit Plan Assets 5
- Concentrations of Risk 5
- Contract Receivable Retainage, Fiscal Year Maturity 5
- Cost-method Investments 5
- Debt Instruments 5
- Deferred Revenue Arrangement, by Type 5
- Discontinuted Operations, by Disposal Group 5
- Document and Entity Information, Basic 1
- Document and Entity Information, Separate into Three Logical Pieces 5
- Document and Entity Information, Separate into Two Pieces 2
- Document and Entity Information, Separate Tables in Separate Networks 3
- Document information 5
- Effective Income Tax Rate Reconciliation 5
- Entity Information 5
- Entity Listings 5
- Equity Method Investments 5
- Extraordinary Items, Basic 5
- Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities Measured on Recurring and Nonrecurring Basis 5
- Fair Value, Assets Measured on Recurring Basis, Unobservable Input Reconciliation 5
- Finite-Lived Intangible Assets Acquired as Part of Business Combination 5
- Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Future Amortization Expense 5
- Funding Status of Defined Benefit Plans 5
- Geographic Area Information 5
- Geographic Area Information, Nested Hierarchy 5
- Geographic Area Information, Nested Hierarchy, Bad example 1
- Hedging Instrument Balance Sheet Location of Gains and Losses Reported 5
- Income Tax Provision Components 5
- Income Tax Provision Components Alternative 5
- Inventory Components 5
- Line of Credit Facility 5
- Long-Term Debt Maturities 5
- Long-term Purchase Commitments 5
- Loss Contingency Accrual 5
- Marketable Debt Securities By Contractual Maturity 5
- Marketable Securities Components 5
- Nonmonetary Transaction By Type 5
- Nonoperating Income (Expense) Components 5
- Operating Leases Future Minimum Payments Due 5
- Organization, Consolidation, Basis of Presentation 5
- Other Assets Components 5
- Other Liabilities, Noncurrent, Components 5
- Prior Period Adjustment 5
- Product Warranty Accrual Roll Forward 5
- Property, Plant and Equipment Policy 5
- Property, Plant, and Equipment Components 5
- Property, Plant, and Equipment Components Alternative 4
- Receivables Components 5
- Reconciliation of Unrecognized Tax Benefits 5
- Related Party Transactions 5
- Restructuring Reserve Roll Forward 5
- Segment Information 5
- Select Financial Information 5
- Share-based Compensation Arrangement By Award 5
- Statement of Comprehensive Income, Basic 5
- Stock by Class 5
- Subsequent Events 5
- Unusual or Infrequent Item 5
- Variable Interest Entities, Carrying Amounts of Assets and Liabilities 5