
Template: 360000-002-PropertyPlantAndEquipmentComponentsAlternative
Template label: Property, Plant, and Equipment Components Alternative
Template name: PropertyPlantAndEquipmentComponentsAlternative
Description: Basic disclosure for the breakdown of the components of property, plant and equipment categorized by type; models each type of property, plant and equipment using a [Concept]
Disclosure name: PropertyPlantAndEquipmentNetByTypeRollUp
Keywords: Property, Plant and Equipment, components
Star rating: 4
XBRL Instance: Instance.xml
XBRL Taxonomy: Template.xsd
XBRL Formulas: Template_formulas.xml
Image: Template.jpg
Image (small): Template_Small.jpg
Exemplars: Exemplars
Visual example: (shown below) 360000-002-PropertyPlantAndEquipmentComponentsAlternative

Last updated: 5/12/2021 3:59:38 PM
