Line |
Label |
Object Class |
Period Type |
Balance |
Report ElementName |
1 |
BalanceSheetByLiquidity |
Network |
* |
* | |
2 |
Assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:Assets |
3 |
Property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:PropertyPlantAndEquipment |
4 |
Investment property |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentProperty |
5 |
Goodwill |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:Goodwill |
6 |
Intangible assets other than goodwill |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwill |
7 |
Other financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherFinancialAssets |
8 |
Other non-financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherNonfinancialAssets |
9 |
Investments accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
10 |
Investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates reported in separate financial statements |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentsInSubsidiariesJointVenturesAndAssociates |
11 |
Biological assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:BiologicalAssets |
12 |
Non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale or as held for distribution to owners |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsClassifiedAsHeldForSaleOrAsHeldForDistributionToOwners |
13 |
Inventories |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InventoriesTotal |
14 |
Current tax assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentTaxAssets |
15 |
Deferred tax assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:DeferredTaxAssets |
16 |
Trade and other receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:TradeAndOtherReceivables |
17 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CashAndCashEquivalents |
18 |
Non-cash assets pledged as collateral for which transferee has right by contract or custom to sell or repledge collateral |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncashAssetsPledgedAsCollateralForWhichTransfereeHasRightByContractOrCustomToSellOrRepledgeCollateral |
19 |
Equity and liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:EquityAndLiabilities |
20 |
Equity |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:Equity |
21 |
Equity attributable to owners of parent |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:EquityAttributableToOwnersOfParent |
22 |
Issued capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:IssuedCapital |
23 |
Share premium |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:SharePremium |
24 |
Treasury shares |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:TreasuryShares |
25 |
Other reserves |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherReserves |
26 |
Retained earnings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RetainedEarnings |
27 |
Other equity interest |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherEquityInterest |
28 |
Amount recognised in other comprehensive income and accumulated in equity relating to non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:AmountRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeAndAccumulatedInEquityRelatingToNoncurrentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSale |
29 |
Non-controlling interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncontrollingInterests |
30 |
Liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:Liabilities |
31 |
Provisions |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:Provisions |
32 |
Provisions for employee benefits |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ProvisionsForEmployeeBenefits |
33 |
Other provisions |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherProvisions |
34 |
Trade and other payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:TradeAndOtherPayables |
35 |
Other financial liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherFinancialLiabilities |
36 |
Other non-financial liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherNonfinancialLiabilities |
37 |
Current tax liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentTaxLiabilities |
38 |
Deferred tax liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:DeferredTaxLiabilities |
39 |
Liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:LiabilitiesIncludedInDisposalGroupsClassifiedAsHeldForSale |
40 |
BalanceSheetCurrentNoncurrent |
Network |
* |
* | |
41 |
Current assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentAssets |
42 |
Current assets other than non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale or as held for distribution to owners |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentAssetsOtherThanAssetsOrDisposalGroupsClassifiedAsHeldForSaleOrAsHeldForDistributionToOwners |
43 |
Current biological assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentBiologicalAssets |
44 |
Current inventories |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:Inventories |
45 |
Trade and other current receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:TradeAndOtherCurrentReceivables |
46 |
Current contract assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentContractAssets |
47 |
Current prepayments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentPrepayments |
48 |
Current finance lease receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentFinanceLeaseReceivables |
49 |
Current derivative financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentDerivativeFinancialAssets |
50 |
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:FinancialAssetsAtFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
51 |
Other current financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherCurrentFinancialAssets |
52 |
Current tax assets, current |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentTaxAssetsCurrent |
53 |
Other current non-financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherCurrentNonfinancialAssets |
54 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CashAndCashEquivalents |
55 |
Non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale or as held for distribution to owners |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsClassifiedAsHeldForSaleOrAsHeldForDistributionToOwners |
56 |
Current liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentLiabilities |
57 |
Current liabilities other than liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentLiabilitiesOtherThanLiabilitiesIncludedInDisposalGroupsClassifiedAsHeldForSale |
58 |
Current provisions for employee benefits |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentProvisionsForEmployeeBenefits |
59 |
Other current provisions |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherShorttermProvisions |
60 |
Current borrowings and current portion of non-current borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentBorrowingsAndCurrentPortionOfNoncurrentBorrowings |
61 |
Current government grants |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentGovernmentGrants |
62 |
Trade and other current payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:TradeAndOtherCurrentPayables |
63 |
Current contract liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentContractLiabilities |
64 |
Other current financial liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherCurrentFinancialLiabilities |
65 |
Current derivative financial liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentDerivativeFinancialLiabilities |
66 |
Other current non-financial liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherCurrentNonfinancialLiabilities |
67 |
Current tax liabilities, current |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentTaxLiabilitiesCurrent |
68 |
Current accrued expenses and other current liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentAccruedExpensesAndOtherCurrentLiabilities |
69 |
Current dividend payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentDividendPayables |
70 |
Bank overdrafts |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:BankOverdraftsClassifiedAsCashEquivalents |
71 |
Liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:LiabilitiesIncludedInDisposalGroupsClassifiedAsHeldForSale |
72 |
Equity |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:Equity |
73 |
Equity attributable to owners of parent |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:EquityAttributableToOwnersOfParent |
74 |
Issued capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:IssuedCapital |
75 |
Share premium |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:SharePremium |
76 |
Treasury shares |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:TreasuryShares |
77 |
Other reserves |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherReserves |
78 |
Retained earnings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RetainedEarnings |
79 |
Other equity interest |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherEquityInterest |
80 |
Amount recognised in other comprehensive income and accumulated in equity relating to non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:AmountRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeAndAccumulatedInEquityRelatingToNoncurrentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSale |
81 |
Non-controlling interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncontrollingInterests |
82 |
Non-current assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentAssets |
83 |
Property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:PropertyPlantAndEquipment |
84 |
Intangible assets and goodwill |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IntangibleAssetsAndGoodwill |
85 |
Intangible assets other than goodwill |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwill |
86 |
Goodwill |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:Goodwill |
87 |
Investment property |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentProperty |
88 |
Non-current biological assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentBiologicalAssets |
89 |
Investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates reported in separate financial statements |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentsInSubsidiariesJointVenturesAndAssociates |
90 |
Investments accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
91 |
Non-current investments other than investments accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentInvestmentsOtherThanInvestmentsAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
92 |
Non-current finance lease receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentFinanceLeaseReceivables |
93 |
Non-current held-to-maturity investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentHeldtomaturityInvestments |
94 |
Non-current financial assets available-for-sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentFinancialAssetsAvailableforsale |
95 |
Other non-current financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherNoncurrentFinancialAssets |
96 |
Non-current derivative financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentDerivativeFinancialAssets |
97 |
Non-current net defined benefit asset |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentRecognisedAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan |
98 |
Deferred tax assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:DeferredTaxAssets |
99 |
Non-current inventories |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentInventories |
100 |
Non-current trade receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentTradeReceivables |
101 |
Non-current contract assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentContractAssets |
102 |
Current tax assets, non-current |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentTaxAssetsNoncurrent |
103 |
Other non-current non-financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherNoncurrentNonfinancialAssets |
104 |
Non-current liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentLiabilities |
105 |
Non-current provisions for employee benefits |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentProvisionsForEmployeeBenefits |
106 |
Other non-current provisions |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherLongtermProvisions |
107 |
Non-current portion of non-current bonds issued |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentPortionOfNoncurrentBondsIssued |
108 |
Non-current government grants |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentGovernmentGrants |
109 |
Non-current portion of non-current borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:LongtermBorrowings |
110 |
Trade and other non-current payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentPayables |
111 |
Non-current contract liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentContractLiabilities |
112 |
Other non-current financial liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherNoncurrentFinancialLiabilities |
113 |
Deferred tax liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:DeferredTaxLiabilities |
114 |
Non-current derivative financial liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentDerivativeFinancialLiabilities |
115 |
Current tax liabilities, non-current |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentTaxLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
116 |
Other non-current non-financial liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherNoncurrentNonfinancialLiabilities |
117 |
CashFlows |
Network |
* |
* | |
118 |
Cash flows from (used in) financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CashFlowsFromUsedInFinancingActivities |
119 |
Proceeds from changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries that do not result in loss of control |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromChangesInOwnershipInterestsInSubsidiaries |
120 |
Payments from changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries that do not result in loss of control |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PaymentsFromChangesInOwnershipInterestsInSubsidiaries |
121 |
Proceeds from issuing shares |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromIssuingShares |
122 |
Proceeds from issuing other equity instruments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromIssuingOtherEquityInstruments |
123 |
Proceeds from sale or issue of treasury shares |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromSaleOrIssueOfTreasuryShares |
124 |
Proceeds from exercise of options |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromExerciseOfOptions |
125 |
Payments to acquire or redeem entity's shares |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PaymentsToAcquireOrRedeemEntitysShares |
126 |
Payments for share issue costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PaymentsForShareIssueCosts |
127 |
Payments of other equity instruments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PaymentsOfOtherEquityInstruments |
128 |
Proceeds from borrowings, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromBorrowingsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
129 |
Repayments of borrowings, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RepaymentsOfBorrowingsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
130 |
Payments for debt issue costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PaymentsForDebtIssueCosts |
131 |
Payments of lease liabilities, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PaymentsOfLeaseLiabilitiesClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
132 |
Proceeds from government grants, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromGovernmentGrantsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
133 |
Dividends paid, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:DividendsPaidClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
134 |
Dividends paid to equity holders of parent, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:DividendsPaidToEquityHoldersOfParentClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
135 |
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:DividendsPaidToNoncontrollingInterestsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
136 |
Interest paid, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:InterestPaidClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
137 |
Income taxes paid (refund), classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxesPaidRefundClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
138 |
Other inflows (outflows) of cash, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherInflowsOutflowsOfCashClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
139 |
Dividends paid to equity holders of parent, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:DividendsPaidToEquityHoldersOfParentClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
140 |
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests, classified as financing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:DividendsPaidToNoncontrollingInterestsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities |
141 |
Proceeds from sale or issue of treasury shares |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromSaleOrIssueOfTreasuryShares |
142 |
Proceeds from exercise of options |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromExerciseOfOptions |
143 |
Proceeds from issue of ordinary shares |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromIssueOfOrdinaryShares |
144 |
Proceeds from issue of preference shares |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromIssueOfPreferenceShares |
145 |
Proceeds from non-current borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromNoncurrentBorrowings |
146 |
Repayments of non-current borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RepaymentsOfNoncurrentBorrowings |
147 |
Proceeds from current borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromCurrentBorrowings |
148 |
Repayments of current borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RepaymentsOfCurrentBorrowings |
149 |
Cash flows from (used in) increase (decrease) in current borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CashFlowsFromUsedInIncreaseDecreaseInCurrentBorrowings |
150 |
Cash advances and loans from related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CashAdvancesAndLoansFromRelatedParties |
151 |
Cash repayments of advances and loans from related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CashRepaymentsOfAdvancesAndLoansFromRelatedParties |
152 |
Proceeds from issue of bonds, notes and debentures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromIssueOfBondsNotesAndDebentures |
153 |
Repayments of bonds, notes and debentures |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RepaymentsOfBondsNotesAndDebentures |
154 |
Payments for share issue costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PaymentsForShareIssueCosts |
155 |
Payments for debt issue costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PaymentsForDebtIssueCosts |
156 |
Proceeds from contributions of non-controlling interests |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromContributionsOfNoncontrollingInterests |
157 |
Proceeds from issue of subordinated liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromIssueOfSubordinatedLiabilities |
158 |
Repayments of subordinated liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RepaymentsOfSubordinatedLiabilities |
159 |
Cash flows from (used in) investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CashFlowsFromUsedInInvestingActivities |
160 |
Cash flows from losing control of subsidiaries or other businesses, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CashFlowsFromLosingControlOfSubsidiariesOrOtherBusinessesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
161 |
Cash flows used in obtaining control of subsidiaries or other businesses, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CashFlowsUsedInObtainingControlOfSubsidiariesOrOtherBusinessesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
162 |
Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromSalesOfPropertyPlantAndEquipmentClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
163 |
Purchase of property, plant and equipment, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PurchaseOfPropertyPlantAndEquipmentClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
164 |
Other cash receipts from sales of equity or debt instruments of other entities, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherCashReceiptsFromSalesOfEquityOrDebtInstrumentsOfOtherEntitiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
165 |
Purchase of investment property |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PurchaseOfInvestmentProperty |
166 |
Purchase of intangible assets, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PurchaseOfIntangibleAssetsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
167 |
Proceeds from sales of intangible assets, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromSalesOfIntangibleAssetsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
168 |
Purchase of biological assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PurchaseOfBiologicalAssets |
169 |
Other cash payments to acquire equity or debt instruments of other entities, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherCashPaymentsToAcquireEquityOrDebtInstrumentsOfOtherEntitiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
170 |
Purchase of available-for-sale financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PurchaseOfAvailableforsaleFinancialAssets |
171 |
Other cash receipts from sales of interests in joint ventures, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherCashReceiptsFromSalesOfInterestsInJointVenturesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
172 |
Other cash payments to acquire interests in joint ventures, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherCashPaymentsToAcquireInterestsInJointVenturesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
173 |
Payments for development project expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PaymentsForDevelopmentProjectExpenditure |
174 |
Proceeds from government grants, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromGovernmentGrantsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
175 |
Proceeds from disposal or maturity of available-for-sale financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromDisposalOrMaturityOfAvailableforsaleFinancialAssets |
176 |
Proceeds from sales of other long-term assets, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromOtherLongtermAssetsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
177 |
Purchase of other long-term assets, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PurchaseOfOtherLongtermAssetsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
178 |
Cash advances and loans made to other parties, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CashAdvancesAndLoansMadeToOtherPartiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
179 |
Cash receipts from repayment of advances and loans made to other parties, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentOfAdvancesAndLoansMadeToOtherPartiesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
180 |
Cash advances and loans made to related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CashAdvancesAndLoansMadeToRelatedParties |
181 |
Cash receipts from repayment of advances and loans made to related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentOfAdvancesAndLoansMadeToRelatedParties |
182 |
Cash payments for futures contracts, forward contracts, option contracts and swap contracts, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CashPaymentsForFutureContractsForwardContractsOptionContractsAndSwapContractsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
183 |
Cash receipts from futures contracts, forward contracts, option contracts and swap contracts, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CashReceiptsFromFutureContractsForwardContractsOptionContractsAndSwapContractsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
184 |
Dividends received, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:DividendsReceivedClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
185 |
Dividends received from investments accounted for using equity method, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:DividendsReceivedFromInvestmentsAccountedForUsingEquityMethodClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
186 |
Dividends received from associates, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:DividendsReceivedFromAssociatesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
187 |
Dividends received from joint ventures, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:DividendsReceivedFromJointVenturesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
188 |
Interest paid, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:InterestPaidClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
189 |
Interest received, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InterestReceivedClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
190 |
Income taxes paid (refund), classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxesPaidRefundClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
191 |
Other inflows (outflows) of cash, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherInflowsOutflowsOfCashClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
192 |
Cash flows from (used in) operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:CashFlowsFromUsedInOperatingActivities |
193 |
Cash flows from (used in) operations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:CashFlowsFromUsedInOperations |
194 |
Cash flows from (used in) operations before changes in working capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:CashFlowsFromUsedInOperationsBeforeChangesInWorkingCapital |
195 |
Profit (loss) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ProfitLoss |
196 |
Adjustments for unrealised foreign exchange losses (gains) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForUnrealisedForeignExchangeLossesGains |
197 |
Adjustments for gain (loss) on disposals, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForGainLossOnDisposalsPropertyPlantAndEquipment |
198 |
Adjustments for finance income (cost) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForFinanceIncomeCost |
199 |
Adjustments for finance income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForFinanceIncome |
200 |
Adjustments for finance costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForFinanceCosts |
201 |
Adjustments for interest expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForInterestExpense |
202 |
Adjustments for interest income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForInterestIncome |
203 |
Adjustments for undistributed profits of investments accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForUndistributedProfitsOfInvestmentsAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
204 |
Adjustments for undistributed profits of associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForUndistributedProfitsOfAssociates |
205 |
Adjustments for provisions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForProvisions |
206 |
Adjustments for losses (gains) on disposal of non-current assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForLossesGainsOnDisposalOfNoncurrentAssets |
207 |
Adjustments for gain (loss) on disposal of investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForGainLossOnDisposalOfInvestmentsInSubsidiariesJointVenturesAndAssociates |
208 |
Adjustments for share-based payments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForSharebasedPayments |
209 |
Adjustments for fair value losses (gains) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForFairValueGainsLosses |
210 |
Adjustments for gains (losses) on fair value adjustment, investment property |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForGainsLossesOnFairValueAdjustmentInvestmentProperty |
211 |
Other adjustments for which cash effects are investing or financing cash flow |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherAdjustmentsForWhichCashEffectsAreInvestingOrFinancingCashFlow |
212 |
Adjustments for income tax expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncomeTaxExpense |
213 |
Other adjustments for non-cash items |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherAdjustmentsForNoncashItems |
214 |
Adjustments for increase (decrease) in other operating payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseDecreaseInOtherOperatingPayables |
215 |
Other adjustments to reconcile profit (loss) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherAdjustmentsToReconcileProfitLoss |
216 |
Adjustments for dividend income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDividendIncome |
217 |
Adjustments for deferred tax expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDeferredTaxExpense |
218 |
Increase (decrease) in working capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:IncreaseDecreaseInWorkingCapital |
219 |
Adjustments for decrease (increase) in inventories |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDecreaseIncreaseInInventories |
220 |
Adjustments to reconcile profit (loss) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForReconcileProfitLoss |
221 |
Adjustments for decrease (increase) in trade and other receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDecreaseIncreaseInTradeAndOtherReceivables |
222 |
Adjustments for decrease (increase) in trade accounts receivable |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDecreaseIncreaseInTradeAccountReceivable |
223 |
Adjustments for decrease (increase) in other operating receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDecreaseIncreaseInOtherOperatingReceivables |
224 |
Adjustments for increase (decrease) in trade and other payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseDecreaseInTradeAndOtherPayables |
225 |
Adjustments for increase (decrease) in trade accounts payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseDecreaseInTradeAccountPayable |
226 |
Adjustments for decrease (increase) in other assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDecreaseIncreaseInOtherAssets |
227 |
Adjustments for increase (decrease) in other liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseDecreaseInOtherLiabilities |
228 |
Adjustments for decrease (increase) in other current assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDecreaseIncreaseInOtherCurrentAssets |
229 |
Adjustments for increase (decrease) in other current liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseDecreaseInOtherCurrentLiabilities |
230 |
Adjustments for increase (decrease) in employee benefit liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseDecreaseInEmployeeBenefitLiabilities |
231 |
Adjustments for decrease (increase) in loans and advances to customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDecreaseIncreaseInLoansAndAdvancesToCustomers |
232 |
Adjustments for decrease (increase) in loans and advances to banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDecreaseIncreaseInLoansAndAdvancesToBanks |
233 |
Adjustments for increase (decrease) in deposits from customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseDecreaseInDepositsFromCustomers |
234 |
Adjustments for increase (decrease) in deposits from banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseDecreaseInDepositsFromBanks |
235 |
Adjustments for increase (decrease) in insurance, reinsurance and investment contract liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseDecreaseInInsuranceReinsuranceAndInvestmentContractLiabilities |
236 |
Adjustments for increase (decrease) in repurchase agreements and cash collateral on securities lent |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseDecreaseInRepurchaseAgreementsAndCashCollateralOnSecuritiesLent |
237 |
Adjustments for decrease (increase) in reverse repurchase agreements and cash collateral on securities borrowed |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDecreaseIncreaseInReverseRepurchaseAgreementsAndCashCollateralOnSecuritiesBorrowed |
238 |
Adjustments for decrease (increase) in financial assets held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDecreaseIncreaseInFinancialAssetsHeldForTrading |
239 |
Adjustments for increase (decrease) in financial liabilities held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseDecreaseInFinancialLiabilitiesHeldForTrading |
240 |
Adjustments for decrease (increase) in derivative financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDecreaseIncreaseInDerivativeFinancialAssets |
241 |
Adjustments for increase (decrease) in derivative financial liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseDecreaseInDerivativeFinancialLiabilities |
242 |
Adjustments for decrease (increase) in biological assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDecreaseIncreaseInBiologicalAssets |
243 |
Adjustments to reconcile profit (loss) other than changes in working capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsToReconcileProfitLossOtherThanChangesInWorkingCapital |
244 |
Adjustments for increase in other provisions arising from passage of time |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseInOtherProvisionsArisingFromPassageOfTime |
245 |
Adjustments for depreciation and amortisation expense and impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDepreciationAndAmortisationExpenseAndImpairmentLossReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
246 |
Adjustments for depreciation and amortisation expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDepreciationAndAmortisationExpense |
247 |
Adjustments for amortisation expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForAmortisationExpense |
248 |
Adjustments for depreciation expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDepreciationExpense |
249 |
Adjustments for impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForImpairmentLossReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
250 |
Adjustments for impairment loss recognised in profit or loss, goodwill |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossGoodwill |
251 |
Adjustments for impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForImpairmentLossReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossPropertyPlantAndEquipment |
252 |
Adjustments for impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss, trade and other receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForImpairmentLossReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossTradeAndOtherReceivables |
253 |
Adjustments for impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss, inventories |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForImpairmentLossReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossInventories |
254 |
Adjustments for impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss, exploration and evaluation assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForImpairmentLossReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossExplorationAndEvaluationAssets |
255 |
Adjustments for impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss, loans and advances |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForImpairmentLossReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossLoansAndAdvances |
256 |
Adjustments for gains (losses) on change in fair value less costs to sell, biological assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForGainsLossesOnChangeInFairValueLessCostsToSellBiologicalAssets |
257 |
Adjustments for gains (losses) on change in fair value of derivatives |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForGainsLossesOnChangeInFairValueOfDerivatives |
258 |
Adjustments for gain (loss) on disposals, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForGainLossOnDisposalsPropertyPlantAndEquipment |
259 |
Adjustments for gain (loss) on disposal of investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForGainLossOnDisposalOfInvestmentsInSubsidiariesJointVenturesAndAssociates |
260 |
Adjustments for undistributed profits of investments accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForUndistributedProfitsOfInvestmentsAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
261 |
Dividends paid, classified as operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:DividendsPaidClassifiedAsOperatingActivities |
262 |
Dividends received, classified as operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:DividendsReceivedClassifiedAsOperatingActivities |
263 |
Interest paid, classified as operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:InterestPaidClassifiedAsOperatingActivities |
264 |
Interest received, classified as operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InterestReceivedClassifiedAsOperatingActivities |
265 |
Finance costs paid, classified as operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:FinanceCostsPaidClassifiedAsOperatingActivities |
266 |
Finance income received, classified as operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:FinanceIncomeReceivedClassifiedAsOperatingActivities |
267 |
Income taxes paid (refund), classified as operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxesPaidRefundClassifiedAsOperatingActivities |
268 |
Income taxes paid, classified as operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxesPaidClassifiedAsOperatingActivities |
269 |
Income taxes refund, classified as operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxesRefundClassifiedAsOperatingActivities |
270 |
Other inflows (outflows) of cash, classified as operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherInflowsOutflowsOfCashClassifiedAsOperatingActivities |
271 |
Adjustments to reconcile profit (loss) other than changes in working capital |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsToReconcileProfitLossOtherThanChangesInWorkingCapital |
272 |
Adjustments for increase in other provisions arising from passage of time |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForIncreaseInOtherProvisionsArisingFromPassageOfTime |
273 |
Adjustments for depreciation and amortisation expense and impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDepreciationAndAmortisationExpenseAndImpairmentLossReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
274 |
Adjustments for depreciation and amortisation expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDepreciationAndAmortisationExpense |
275 |
Adjustments for amortisation expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForAmortisationExpense |
276 |
Adjustments for depreciation expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDepreciationExpense |
277 |
Adjustments for impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForImpairmentLossReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
278 |
Adjustments for impairment loss recognised in profit or loss, goodwill |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossGoodwill |
279 |
Adjustments for impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForImpairmentLossReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossPropertyPlantAndEquipment |
280 |
Adjustments for impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss, trade and other receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForImpairmentLossReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossTradeAndOtherReceivables |
281 |
Adjustments for impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss, inventories |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForImpairmentLossReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossInventories |
282 |
Adjustments for impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss, exploration and evaluation assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForImpairmentLossReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossExplorationAndEvaluationAssets |
283 |
Adjustments for impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss, loans and advances |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForImpairmentLossReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossLoansAndAdvances |
284 |
Adjustments for gains (losses) on change in fair value less costs to sell, biological assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForGainsLossesOnChangeInFairValueLessCostsToSellBiologicalAssets |
285 |
Adjustments for gains (losses) on change in fair value of derivatives |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForGainsLossesOnChangeInFairValueOfDerivatives |
286 |
Adjustments for gain (loss) on disposals, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForGainLossOnDisposalsPropertyPlantAndEquipment |
287 |
Adjustments for gain (loss) on disposal of investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForGainLossOnDisposalOfInvestmentsInSubsidiariesJointVenturesAndAssociates |
288 |
Adjustments for undistributed profits of investments accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForUndistributedProfitsOfInvestmentsAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
289 |
Finance costs paid, classified as operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:FinanceCostsPaidClassifiedAsOperatingActivities |
290 |
Finance income received, classified as operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:FinanceIncomeReceivedClassifiedAsOperatingActivities |
291 |
Cash flows from (used in) decrease (increase) in restricted cash and cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CashFlowsFromUsedInDecreaseIncreaseInRestrictedCashAndCashEquivalents |
292 |
Dividends received from investments accounted for using equity method, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:DividendsReceivedFromInvestmentsAccountedForUsingEquityMethodClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
293 |
Dividends received from associates, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:DividendsReceivedFromAssociatesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
294 |
Dividends received from joint ventures, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:DividendsReceivedFromJointVenturesClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
295 |
Purchase of interests in associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PurchaseOfInterestsInAssociates |
296 |
Proceeds from sales of interests in associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromSalesOfInterestsInAssociates |
297 |
Purchase of interests in investments accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PurchaseOfInterestsInInvestmentsAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
298 |
Proceeds from sales of investments accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromSalesOfInvestmentsAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
299 |
Cash advances and loans made to related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CashAdvancesAndLoansMadeToRelatedParties |
300 |
Cash receipts from repayment of advances and loans made to related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CashReceiptsFromRepaymentOfAdvancesAndLoansMadeToRelatedParties |
301 |
Purchase of investment property |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PurchaseOfInvestmentProperty |
302 |
Proceeds from sales of investment property |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromSalesOfInvestmentProperty |
303 |
Purchase of biological assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PurchaseOfBiologicalAssets |
304 |
Proceeds from sales of biological assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromSalesOfBiologicalAssets |
305 |
Purchase of exploration and evaluation assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PurchaseOfExplorationAndEvaluationAssets |
306 |
Proceeds from disposal of exploration and evaluation assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromDisposalOfExplorationAndEvaluationAssets |
307 |
Purchase of mining assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PurchaseOfMiningAssets |
308 |
Proceeds from disposal of mining assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromDisposalOfMiningAssets |
309 |
Purchase of oil and gas assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PurchaseOfOilAndGasAssets |
310 |
Proceeds from disposal of oil and gas assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromDisposalOfOilAndGasAssets |
311 |
Proceeds from disposal of non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale and discontinued operations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromDisposalOfNoncurrentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsClassifiedAsHeldForSaleAndDiscontinuedOperations |
312 |
Purchase of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets other than goodwill, investment property and other non-current assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PurchaseOfPropertyPlantAndEquipmentIntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwillInvestmentPropertyAndOtherNoncurrentAssets |
313 |
Proceeds from disposals of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets other than goodwill, investment property and other non-current assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromDisposalsOfPropertyPlantAndEquipmentIntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwillInvestmentPropertyAndOtherNoncurrentAssets |
314 |
Payments for development project expenditure |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PaymentsForDevelopmentProjectExpenditure |
315 |
Cash flows used in exploration and development activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CashFlowsUsedInExplorationAndDevelopmentActivities |
316 |
Purchase of investments other than investments accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PurchaseOfInvestmentsOtherThanInvestmentsAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
317 |
Proceeds from sales of investments other than investments accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromSalesOfInvestmentsOtherThanInvestmentsAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
318 |
Purchase of financial instruments, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PurchaseOfFinancialInstrumentsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
319 |
Proceeds from sales or maturity of financial instruments, classified as investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromSalesOrMaturityOfFinancialInstrumentsClassifiedAsInvestingActivities |
320 |
Purchase of available-for-sale financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PurchaseOfAvailableforsaleFinancialAssets |
321 |
Proceeds from disposal or maturity of available-for-sale financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProceedsFromDisposalOrMaturityOfAvailableforsaleFinancialAssets |
322 |
Cash flows from (used in) decrease (increase) in short-term deposits and investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CashFlowsFromUsedInDecreaseIncreaseInShorttermDepositsAndInvestments |
323 |
Inflows of cash from investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InflowsOfCashFromInvestingActivities |
324 |
Outflows of cash from investing activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OutflowsOfCashFromInvestingActivities |
325 |
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents after effect of exchange rate changes |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncreaseDecreaseInCashAndCashEquivalents |
326 |
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:EffectOfExchangeRateChangesOnCashAndCashEquivalents |
327 |
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents before effect of exchange rate changes |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncreaseDecreaseInCashAndCashEquivalentsBeforeEffectOfExchangeRateChanges |
328 |
IncomeStatementByFunction |
Network |
* |
* | |
329 |
Profit (loss) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ProfitLoss |
330 |
Profit (loss) from continuing operations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ProfitLossFromContinuingOperations |
331 |
Profit (loss) before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ProfitLossBeforeTax |
332 |
Profit (loss) from operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ProfitLossFromOperatingActivities |
333 |
Gross profit |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:GrossProfit |
334 |
Revenue |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:Revenue |
335 |
Revenue from contracts with customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromContractsWithCustomers |
336 |
Rental income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RentalIncome |
337 |
Cost of sales |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CostOfSales |
338 |
Other income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherIncome |
339 |
Distribution costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:DistributionCosts |
340 |
Administrative expenses |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdministrativeExpense |
341 |
Research and development expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ResearchAndDevelopmentExpense |
342 |
Expense of restructuring activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ExpenseOfRestructuringActivities |
343 |
Other operating income (expense) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherOperatingIncomeExpense |
344 |
Other gains (losses) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherGainsLosses |
345 |
Finance income (cost) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:FinanceIncomeCost |
346 |
Finance income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:FinanceIncome |
347 |
Finance costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:FinanceCosts |
348 |
Interest income (expense) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:InterestRevenueExpense |
349 |
Share of profit (loss) of associates and joint ventures accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ShareOfProfitLossOfAssociatesAndJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
350 |
Tax expense (income) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxExpenseContinuingOperations |
351 |
Profit (loss) from discontinued operations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ProfitLossFromDiscontinuedOperations |
352 |
IncomeStatementByNature |
Network |
* |
* | |
353 |
Profit (loss) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ProfitLoss |
354 |
Profit (loss) from continuing operations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ProfitLossFromContinuingOperations |
355 |
Profit (loss) before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ProfitLossBeforeTax |
356 |
Profit (loss) from operating activities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ProfitLossFromOperatingActivities |
357 |
Revenue |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:Revenue |
358 |
Interest revenue calculated using effective interest method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:InterestRevenueCalculatedUsingEffectiveInterestMethod |
359 |
Other income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherIncome |
360 |
Decrease (increase) in inventories of finished goods and work in progress |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ChangesInInventoriesOfFinishedGoodsAndWorkInProgress |
361 |
Other work performed by entity and capitalised |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherWorkPerformedByEntityAndCapitalised |
362 |
Raw materials and consumables used |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:RawMaterialsAndConsumablesUsed |
363 |
Employee benefits expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:EmployeeBenefitsExpense |
364 |
Depreciation and amortisation expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:DepreciationAndAmortisationExpense |
365 |
Impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ImpairmentLossReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
366 |
Other expenses, by nature |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherExpenseByNature |
367 |
Other gains (losses) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherGainsLosses |
368 |
Difference between carrying amount of dividends payable and carrying amount of non-cash assets distributed |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:DifferenceBetweenCarryingAmountOfDividendsPayableAndCarryingAmountOfNoncashAssetsDistributed |
369 |
Gains (losses) on net monetary position |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:GainsLossesOnNetMonetaryPosition |
370 |
Gain (loss) arising from derecognition of financial assets measured at amortised cost |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:GainLossArisingFromDerecognitionOfFinancialAssetsMeasuredAtAmortisedCost |
371 |
Finance income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:FinanceIncome |
372 |
Finance costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:FinanceCosts |
373 |
Impairment loss (impairment gain and reversal of impairment loss) determined in accordance with IFRS 9 |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ImpairmentLossImpairmentGainAndReversalOfImpairmentLossDeterminedInAccordanceWithIFRS9 |
374 |
Share of profit (loss) of associates and joint ventures accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ShareOfProfitLossOfAssociatesAndJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
375 |
Other income (expense) from subsidiaries, jointly controlled entities and associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherIncomeExpenseFromSubsidiariesJointlyControlledEntitiesAndAssociates |
376 |
Gains (losses) arising from difference between previous amortised cost and fair value of financial assets reclassified out of amortised cost into fair value through profit or loss measurement category |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:GainsLossesArisingFromDifferenceBetweenPreviousCarryingAmountAndFairValueOfFinancialAssetsReclassifiedAsMeasuredAtFairValue |
377 |
Cumulative gain (loss) previously recognised in other comprehensive income arising from reclassification of financial assets out of fair value through other comprehensive income into fair value through profit or loss measurement category |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CumulativeGainLossPreviouslyRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeArisingFromReclassificationOfFinancialAssetsOutOfFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncomeIntoFairValueThroughProfitOrLossMeasurementCategory |
378 |
Hedging gains (losses) for hedge of group of items with offsetting risk positions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:HedgingGainsLossesForHedgeOfGroupOfItemsWithOffsettingRiskPositions |
379 |
Tax expense (income) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxExpenseContinuingOperations |
380 |
Profit (loss) from discontinued operations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ProfitLossFromDiscontinuedOperations |
381 |
Level1NoteTextblocks |
Network |
* |
* | |
382 |
Level 1 Note Text Block |
Abstract |
cm:Level1TextBlock |
383 |
Disclosure of cash flow statement [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfCashFlowStatementExplanatory |
384 |
Disclosure of leases [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfLeasesExplanatory |
385 |
Disclosure of effect of changes in foreign exchange rates [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfEffectOfChangesInForeignExchangeRatesExplanatory |
386 |
Disclosure of impairment of assets [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfImpairmentOfAssetsExplanatory |
387 |
Disclosure of non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfNoncurrentAssetsHeldForSaleAndDiscontinuedOperationsExplanatory |
388 |
Disclosure of interests in other entities [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfInterestsInOtherEntitiesExplanatory |
389 |
Disclosure of other provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfOtherProvisionsContingentLiabilitiesAndContingentAssetsExplanatory |
390 |
Disclosure of analysis of other comprehensive income by item [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfAnalysisOfOtherComprehensiveIncomeByItemExplanatory |
391 |
Disclosure of investment property [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfInvestmentPropertyExplanatory |
392 |
Disclosure of changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates and errors [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfChangesInAccountingPoliciesAccountingEstimatesAndErrorsExplanatory |
393 |
Disclosure of separate financial statements [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfConsolidatedAndSeparateFinancialStatementsExplanatory |
394 |
Disclosure of borrowing costs [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfBorrowingCostsExplanatory |
395 |
Disclosure of government grants [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfGovernmentGrantsExplanatory |
396 |
Disclosure of insurance contracts [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfInsuranceContractsExplanatory |
397 |
Disclosure of exploration and evaluation assets [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfExplorationAndEvaluationAssetsExplanatory |
398 |
Disclosure of income tax [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfIncomeTaxExplanatory |
399 |
Disclosure of property, plant and equipment [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfPropertyPlantAndEquipmentExplanatory |
400 |
Disclosure of significant accounting policies [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfSummaryOfSignificantAccountingPoliciesExplanatory |
401 |
Disclosure of related party [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfRelatedPartyExplanatory |
402 |
Disclosure of earnings per share [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfEarningsPerShareExplanatory |
403 |
Disclosure of entity's operating segments [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfEntitysReportableSegmentsExplanatory |
404 |
Disclosure of events after reporting period [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfEventsAfterReportingPeriodExplanatory |
405 |
Disclosure of financial instruments [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfFinancialInstrumentsExplanatory |
406 |
Disclosure of employee benefits [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfEmployeeBenefitsExplanatory |
407 |
Disclosure of share capital, reserves and other equity interest [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfShareCapitalReservesAndOtherEquityInterestExplanatory |
408 |
Disclosure of inventories [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfInventoriesExplanatory |
409 |
Disclosure of intangible assets [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfIntangibleAssetsExplanatory |
410 |
Disclosure of share-based payment arrangements [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfSharebasedPaymentArrangementsExplanatory |
411 |
Disclosure of general information about financial statements [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfGeneralInformationAboutFinancialStatementsExplanatory |
412 |
Disclosure of revenue [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfRevenueExplanatory |
413 |
Disclosure of business combinations [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfBusinessCombinationsExplanatory |
414 |
Disclosure of fair value measurement [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfFairValueMeasurementExplanatory |
415 |
Level2PolicyTextblocks |
Network |
* |
* | |
416 |
Level 2 Policy Text Block |
Abstract |
cm:Level2TextBlock |
417 |
Description of accounting policy for trade and other receivables [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForTradeAndOtherReceivablesExplanatory |
418 |
Description of accounting policy for borrowing costs [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForBorrowingCostsExplanatory |
419 |
Description of accounting policy for government grants [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForGovernmentGrants |
420 |
Description of accounting policy for goodwill [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForGoodwillExplanatory |
421 |
Description of accounting policy for fair value measurement [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForFairValueMeasurementExplanatory |
422 |
Description of accounting policy for non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForNoncurrentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsClassifiedAsHeldForSaleExplanatory |
423 |
Description of accounting policy for derivative financial instruments and hedging [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForDerivativeFinancialInstrumentsAndHedgingExplanatory |
424 |
Description of accounting policy for research and development expense [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForResearchAndDevelopmentExpenseExplanatory |
425 |
Description of accounting policy for derivative financial instruments [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForDerivativeFinancialInstrumentsExplanatory |
426 |
Description of accounting policy for financial liabilities [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForFinancialLiabilitiesExplanatory |
427 |
Description of accounting policy for borrowings [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForBorrowingsExplanatory |
428 |
Description of accounting policy for investment in associates and joint ventures [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForInvestmentInAssociatesAndJointVenturesExplanatory |
429 |
Description of accounting policy for dividends [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForDividendsExplanatory |
430 |
Description of accounting policy for impairment of financial assets [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForImpairmentOfFinancialAssetsExplanatory |
431 |
Description of accounting policy for trade and other payables [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForTradeAndOtherPayablesExplanatory |
432 |
Description of accounting policy for functional currency [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForFunctionalCurrencyExplanatory |
433 |
Description of accounting policy for finance income and costs [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForFinanceIncomeAndCostsExplanatory |
434 |
Description of accounting policy for investment property [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForInvestmentPropertyExplanatory |
435 |
Description of accounting policy for subsidiaries [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForSubsidiariesExplanatory |
436 |
Description of accounting policy for treasury shares [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForTreasurySharesExplanatory |
437 |
Description of accounting policy for business combinations and goodwill [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForBusinessCombinationsAndGoodwillExplanatory |
438 |
Description of accounting policy for deferred income tax [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForDeferredIncomeTaxExplanatory |
439 |
Description of accounting policy for investment in associates [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForInvestmentInAssociates |
440 |
Description of accounting policy for contingent liabilities and contingent assets [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForContingentLiabilitiesAndContingentAssetsExplanatory |
441 |
Description of accounting policy for financial guarantees [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForFinancialGuaranteesExplanatory |
442 |
Description of accounting policy for transactions with related parties [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForTransactionsWithRelatedPartiesExplanatory |
443 |
Description of accounting policy for cash flows [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForCashFlowsExplanatory |
444 |
Description of accounting policy for exploration and evaluation expenditures [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForExplorationAndEvaluationExpenditures |
445 |
Description of accounting policy for non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale and discontinued operations [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForNoncurrentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsClassifiedAsHeldForSaleAndDiscontinuedOperationsExplanatory |
446 |
Description of accounting policy for offsetting of financial instruments [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForOffsettingOfFinancialInstrumentsExplanatory |
447 |
Description of accounting policy for interest income and expense [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForInterestIncomeAndExpenseExplanatory |
448 |
Description of accounting policy for restricted cash and cash equivalents [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForRestrictedCashAndCashEquivalentsExplanatory |
449 |
Description of accounting policy for expenses [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForExpensesExplanatory |
450 |
Description of accounting policy for available-for-sale financial assets [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForAvailableforsaleFinancialAssetsExplanatory |
451 |
Description of accounting policy for decommissioning, restoration and rehabilitation provisions [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForDecommissioningRestorationAndRehabilitationProvisionsExplanatory |
452 |
Description of accounting policy for taxes other than income tax [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForTaxesOtherThanIncomeTaxExplanatory |
453 |
Description of accounting policy for hedging [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForHedgingExplanatory |
454 |
Description of accounting policy for loans and receivables [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForLoansAndReceivablesExplanatory |
455 |
Description of accounting policy for insurance contracts and related assets, liabilities, income and expense [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForInsuranceContracts |
456 |
Description of accounting policy for investments other than investments accounted for using equity method [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForInvestmentsOtherThanInvestmentsAccountedForUsingEquityMethodExplanatory |
457 |
Description of accounting policy for finance costs [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForFinanceCostsExplanatory |
458 |
Description of accounting policy for repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForRepurchaseAndReverseRepurchaseAgreementsExplanatory |
459 |
Description of accounting policy for discontinued operations [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForDiscontinuedOperationsExplanatory |
460 |
Description of accounting policy for transactions with non-controlling interests [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForTransactionsWithNoncontrollingInterestsExplanatory |
461 |
Description of accounting policy for construction in progress [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForConstructionInProgressExplanatory |
462 |
Description of accounting policy for financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForFinancialInstrumentsAtFairValueThroughProfitOrLossExplanatory |
463 |
Description of accounting policy for derecognition of financial instruments [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForDerecognitionOfFinancialInstrumentsExplanatory |
464 |
Description of accounting policy for investments in joint ventures [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForInvestmentsInJointVentures |
465 |
Description of accounting policy for property, plant and equipment [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForPropertyPlantAndEquipmentExplanatory |
466 |
Description of accounting policy for foreign currency translation [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForForeignCurrencyTranslationExplanatory |
467 |
Description of accounting policy for income tax [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForIncomeTaxExplanatory |
468 |
Description of accounting policy for recognition of revenue [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForRecognitionOfRevenue |
469 |
Description of accounting policy for employee benefits [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForEmployeeBenefitsExplanatory |
470 |
Description of accounting policy for leases [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForLeasesExplanatory |
471 |
Description of accounting policy for provisions [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForProvisionsExplanatory |
472 |
Description of accounting policy for share-based payment transactions [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForSharebasedPaymentTransactionsExplanatory |
473 |
Description of accounting policy for determining components of cash and cash equivalents [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyToDetermineComponentsOfCashAndCashEquivalents |
474 |
Description of accounting policy for financial instruments [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForFinancialInstrumentsExplanatory |
475 |
Description of accounting policy for measuring inventories [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForMeasuringInventories |
476 |
Description of accounting policy for earnings per share [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForEarningsPerShareExplanatory |
477 |
Description of accounting policy for segment reporting [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForSegmentReportingExplanatory |
478 |
Description of accounting policy for intangible assets other than goodwill [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForIntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwillExplanatory |
479 |
Description of accounting policy for impairment of non-financial assets [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForImpairmentOfNonfinancialAssetsExplanatory |
480 |
Description of accounting policy for impairment of assets [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForImpairmentOfAssetsExplanatory |
481 |
Description of accounting policy for intangible assets and goodwill [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForIntangibleAssetsAndGoodwillExplanatory |
482 |
Description of accounting policy for financial assets [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForFinancialAssetsExplanatory |
483 |
Description of accounting policy for business combinations [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForBusinessCombinationsExplanatory |
484 |
Description of accounting policy for issued capital [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfAccountingPolicyForIssuedCapitalExplanatory |
485 |
Level3DisclosureTextblocks |
Network |
* |
* | |
486 |
Level 3 Disclosure Text Block |
Abstract |
cm:Level3TextBlock |
487 |
Disclosure of reconciliation of changes in intangible assets and goodwill [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfReconciliationOfChangesInIntangibleAssetsAndGoodwillExplanatory |
488 |
Disclosure of interests in subsidiaries [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfInterestsInSubsidiariesExplanatory |
489 |
Disclosure of reserves within equity [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfReservesAndOtherEquityInterestExplanatory |
490 |
Disclosure of investments accounted for using equity method [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfInvestmentsAccountedForUsingEquityMethodExplanatory |
491 |
Disclosure of expected impact of initial application of new standards or interpretations [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfExpectedImpactOfInitialApplicationOfNewStandardsOrInterpretations |
492 |
Disclosure of associates [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfSignificantInvestmentsInAssociatesExplanatory |
493 |
Disclosure of contingent liabilities [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfContingentLiabilitiesExplanatory |
494 |
Disclosure of indirect measurement of fair value of goods or services received, share options granted during period [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfIndirectMeasurementOfFairValueOfGoodsOrServicesReceivedShareOptionsGrantedDuringPeriodExplanatory |
495 |
Disclosure of non-controlling interests [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfNoncontrollingInterestsExplanatory |
496 |
Disclosure of issued capital [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfIssuedCapitalExplanatory |
497 |
Disclosure of reconciliation of liabilities arising from financing activities [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfReconciliationOfLiabilitiesArisingFromFinancingActivitiesExplanatory |
498 |
Disclosure of credit risk exposure [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfCreditRiskExposureExplanatory |
499 |
Disclosure of financial assets that are either past due or impaired [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfFinancialAssetsThatAreEitherPastDueOrImpairedExplanatory |
500 |
Disclosure of maturity analysis of operating lease payments [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfMaturityAnalysisOfOperatingLeasePaymentsExplanatory |
501 |
Disclosure of expenses by nature [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfExpensesByNatureExplanatory |
502 |
Disclosure of finance cost [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfFinanceCostExplanatory |
503 |
Disclosure of reconciliation of changes in goodwill [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfReconciliationOfChangesInGoodwillExplanatory |
504 |
Disclosure of fair value measurement of assets [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfFairValueMeasurementOfAssetsExplanatory |
505 |
Disclosure of intangible assets and goodwill [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfIntangibleAssetsAndGoodwillExplanatory |
506 |
Disclosure of objectives, policies and processes for managing capital [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfObjectivesPoliciesAndProcessesForManagingCapitalExplanatory |
507 |
Disclosure of number and weighted average exercise prices of other equity instruments [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfNumberAndWeightedAverageExercisePricesOfOtherEquityInstrumentsExplanatory |
508 |
Disclosure of joint ventures [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfJointVenturesExplanatory |
509 |
Disclosure of available-for-sale financial assets [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfAvailableforsaleAssetsExplanatory |
510 |
Disclosure of depreciation and amortisation expense [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfDepreciationAndAmortisationExpenseExplanatory |
511 |
Disclosure of other operating expense [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfOtherOperatingExpenseExplanatory |
512 |
Disclosure of other operating income [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfOtherOperatingIncomeExplanatory |
513 |
Disclosure of interests in associates [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfInterestsInAssociatesExplanatory |
514 |
Disclosure of expenses [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfExpensesExplanatory |
515 |
Disclosure of allowance for credit losses [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfAllowanceForCreditLossesExplanatory |
516 |
Disclosure of debt instruments [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfDebtSecuritiesExplanatory |
517 |
Disclosure of maturity analysis for derivative financial liabilities [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:MaturityAnalysisForDerivativeFinancialLiabilities |
518 |
Disclosure of other assets [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfOtherAssetsExplanatory |
519 |
Disclosure of information for cash-generating units [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfInformationForIndividualAssetOrCashgeneratingUnitWithSignificantAmountOfGoodwillOrIntangibleAssetsWithIndefiniteUsefulLivesExplanatory |
520 |
Disclosure of accrued expenses and other liabilities [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfAccruedExpensesAndOtherLiabilitiesExplanatory |
521 |
Disclosure of other liabilities [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfOtherLiabilitiesExplanatory |
522 |
Disclosure of nature and extent of risks arising from financial instruments [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfNatureAndExtentOfRisksArisingFromFinancialInstrumentsExplanatory |
523 |
Disclosure of other non-current assets [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfOtherNoncurrentAssetsExplanatory |
524 |
Disclosure of products and services [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfProductsAndServicesExplanatory |
525 |
Analysis of age of financial assets that are past due but not impaired [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:AnalysisOfAgeOfFinancialAssetsThatArePastDueButNotImpaired |
526 |
Disclosure of offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfOffsettingOfFinancialAssetsAndFinancialLiabilitiesExplanatory |
527 |
Disclosure of impairment loss and reversal of impairment loss [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfImpairmentLossAndReversalOfImpairmentLossExplanatory |
528 |
Disclosure of fair value measurement of liabilities [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfFairValueMeasurementOfLiabilitiesExplanatory |
529 |
Disclosure of detailed information about investment property [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfDetailedInformationAboutInvestmentPropertyExplanatory |
530 |
Disclosure of detailed information about hedging instruments [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfDetailedInformationAboutHedgingInstrumentsExplanatory |
531 |
Disclosure of information about maturity profile of defined benefit obligation [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfInformationAboutMaturityProfileOfDefinedBenefitObligationExplanatory |
532 |
Disclosure of auditors' remuneration [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfAuditorsRemunerationExplanatory |
533 |
Disclosure of cost of sales [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfCostOfSalesExplanatory |
534 |
Disclosure of reconciliation of summarised financial information of associate accounted for using equity method to carrying amount of interest in associate [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfReconciliationOfSummarisedFinancialInformationOfAssociateAccountedForUsingEquityMethodToCarryingAmountOfInterestInAssociateExplanatory |
535 |
Disclosure of notes and other explanatory information [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfNotesAndOtherExplanatoryInformationExplanatory |
536 |
Disclosure of number and weighted average remaining contractual life of outstanding share options [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfNumberAndWeightedAverageRemainingContractualLifeOfOutstandingShareOptionsExplanatory |
537 |
Disclosure of deferred income [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfDeferredIncomeExplanatory |
538 |
Disclosure of discontinued operations [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfDiscontinuedOperationsExplanatory |
539 |
Disclosure of non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfNoncurrentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsClassifiedAsHeldForSaleExplanatory |
540 |
Disclosure of other current liabilities [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfOtherCurrentLiabilitiesExplanatory |
541 |
Disclosure of prepayments and other assets [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfPrepaymentsAndOtherAssetsExplanatory |
542 |
Disclosure of initial application of standards or interpretations [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfInitialApplicationOfStandardsOrInterpretations |
543 |
Disclosure of amounts incurred by entity for provision of key management personnel services provided by separate management entities [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfAmountsIncurredByEntityForProvisionOfKeyManagementPersonnelServicesProvidedBySeparateManagementEntitiesExplanatory |
544 |
Disclosure of information about employees [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfInformationAboutEmployeesExplanatory |
545 |
Disclosure of financial instruments by type of interest rate [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfFinancialInstrumentsByTypeOfInterestRateExplanatory |
546 |
Disclosure of financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfFinancialInstrumentsAtFairValueThroughProfitOrLossExplanatory |
547 |
Disclosure of restricted cash and cash equivalents [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfRestrictedCashAndCashEquivalentsExplanatory |
548 |
Description of other accounting policies relevant to understanding of financial statements [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfOtherAccountingPoliciesRelevantToUnderstandingOfFinancialStatements |
549 |
Disclosure of additional information about defined benefit plans [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfAdditionalInformationAboutDefinedBenefitPlansExplanatory |
550 |
Disclosure of major customers [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfSegmentsMajorCustomersExplanatory |
551 |
Disclosure of finance income [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfFinanceIncomeExplanatory |
552 |
Disclosure of tax receivables and payables [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfTaxReceivablesAndPayablesExplanatory |
553 |
Disclosure of treasury shares [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfTreasurySharesExplanatory |
554 |
Disclosure of other non-current liabilities [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfOtherNoncurrentLiabilitiesExplanatory |
555 |
Disclosure of research and development expense [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfResearchAndDevelopmentExpenseExplanatory |
556 |
Statement of IFRS compliance [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:StatementOfIFRSCompliance |
557 |
Disclosure of range of exercise prices of outstanding share options [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfRangeOfExercisePricesOfOutstandingShareOptionsExplanatory |
558 |
Explanation of measurement bases used in preparing financial statements [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:ExplanationOfMeasurementBasesUsedInPreparingFinancialStatements |
559 |
Disclosure of terms and conditions of share-based payment arrangement [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfTermsAndConditionsOfSharebasedPaymentArrangementExplanatory |
560 |
Disclosure of collateral [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfCollateralExplanatory |
561 |
Disclosure of credit risk [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfCreditRiskExplanatory |
562 |
Disclosure of other current assets [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfOtherCurrentAssetsExplanatory |
563 |
Disclosure of market risk [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfMarketRiskExplanatory |
564 |
Disclosure of significant unobservable inputs used in fair value measurement of assets [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfSignificantUnobservableInputsUsedInFairValueMeasurementOfAssetsExplanatory |
565 |
Disclosure of indirect measurement of fair value of goods or services received, other equity instruments granted during period [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfIndirectMeasurementOfFairValueOfGoodsOrServicesReceivedOtherEquityInstrumentsGrantedDuringPeriodExplanatory |
566 |
Disclosure of additional information [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfAdditionalInformationExplanatory |
567 |
Disclosure of interest income (expense) [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfInterestIncomeExpenseExplanatory |
568 |
Disclosure of loans and advances to customers [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfLoansAndAdvancesToCustomersExplanatory |
569 |
Disclosure of detailed information about hedges [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfDetailedInformationAboutHedgesExplanatory |
570 |
Disclosure of changes in accounting policies [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfChangesInAccountingPoliciesExplanatory |
571 |
Disclosure of deposits from customers [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfDepositsFromCustomersExplanatory |
572 |
Disclosure of interest expense [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfInterestExpenseExplanatory |
573 |
Disclosure of interest income [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfInterestIncomeExplanatory |
574 |
Disclosure of loans and advances to banks [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfLoansAndAdvancesToBanksExplanatory |
575 |
Disclosure of interests in joint arrangements [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfInterestsInJointArrangementsExplanatory |
576 |
Disclosure of reconciliation of summarised financial information of joint venture accounted for using equity method to carrying amount of interest in joint venture [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfReconciliationOfSummarisedFinancialInformationOfJointVentureAccountedForUsingEquityMethodToCarryingAmountOfInterestInJointVentureExplanatory |
577 |
Disclosure of investments other than investments accounted for using equity method [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfInvestmentsOtherThanInvestmentsAccountedForUsingEquityMethodExplanatory |
578 |
Disclosure of how entity manages liquidity risk [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DescriptionOfManagingLiquidityRisk |
579 |
Disclosure of fee and commission income (expense) [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfFeeAndCommissionIncomeExpenseExplanatory |
580 |
Disclosure of external credit grades [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfExternalCreditExposuresExplanatory |
581 |
Disclosure of profit (loss) from operating activities [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfProfitLossFromOperatingActivitiesExplanatory |
582 |
Disclosure of reconciliation of changes in loss allowance and explanation of changes in gross carrying amount for financial instruments [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfReconciliationOfChangesInLossAllowanceAndExplanationOfChangesInGrossCarryingAmountForFinancialInstrumentsExplanatory |
583 |
Disclosure of information about consolidated structured entities [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfInformationAboutConsolidatedStructuredEntitiesExplanatory |
584 |
Disclosure of deposits from banks [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfDepositsFromBanksExplanatory |
585 |
Disclosure of going concern [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfGoingConcernExplanatory |
586 |
Disclosure of hedge accounting [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfHedgeAccountingExplanatory |
587 |
Disclosure of subordinated liabilities [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfSubordinatedLiabilitiesExplanatory |
588 |
Disclosure of intangible assets with indefinite useful life [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfIntangibleAssetsWithIndefiniteUsefulLifeExplanatory |
589 |
Disclosure of offsetting of financial liabilities [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfOffsettingOfFinancialLiabilitiesExplanatory |
590 |
Disclosure of information about possible differences between carrying amount and fair value of contracts described in IFRS 7.29 b and IFRS 7.29 c [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfFairValueOfFinancialAssetsAndFinancialLiabilitiesAndReclassificationExplanatory |
591 |
Disclosure of transfers of financial assets [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfTransfersOfFinancialAssetsExplanatory |
592 |
Disclosure of intangible assets material to entity [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfIntangibleAssetsMaterialToEntityExplanatory |
593 |
Disclosure of financial assets held for trading [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfFinancialAssetsHeldForTradingExplanatory |
594 |
Disclosure of lease prepayments [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfLeasePrepaymentsExplanatory |
595 |
Disclosure of offsetting of financial assets [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfOffsettingOfFinancialAssetsExplanatory |
596 |
Disclosure of information about terms and conditions of hedging instruments and how they affect future cash flows [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfInformationAboutTermsAndConditionsOfHedgingInstrumentsAndHowTheyAffectFutureCashFlowsExplanatory |
597 |
Disclosure of significant unobservable inputs used in fair value measurement of liabilities [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfSignificantUnobservableInputsUsedInFairValueMeasurementOfLiabilitiesExplanatory |
598 |
Disclosure of interests in unconsolidated structured entities [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfInterestsInUnconsolidatedStructuredEntitiesExplanatory |
599 |
Disclosure of maturity analysis of finance lease payments receivable [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfMaturityAnalysisOfFinanceLeasePaymentsReceivableExplanatory |
600 |
Disclosure of repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfRepurchaseAndReverseRepurchaseAgreementsExplanatory |
601 |
Disclosure of transferred financial assets that are not derecognised in their entirety [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfFinancialAssetsTransferredDuringPeriodWhichDoNotQualifyForDerecognitionExplanatory |
602 |
Disclosure of composition of group [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfCompositionOfGroupExplanatory |
603 |
Disclosure of joint operations [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfJointOperationsExplanatory |
604 |
Explanation of effect of share-based payments on entity's profit or loss [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:ExplanationOfEffectOfSharebasedPaymentsOnProfitOrLoss |
605 |
Disclosure of authorisation of financial statements [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfAuthorisationOfFinancialStatementsExplanatory |
606 |
Disclosure of liquidity risk [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfLiquidityRiskExplanatory |
607 |
Disclosure of information for impairment loss recognised or reversed for individual asset or cash-generating unit [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfInformationForEachMaterialImpairmentLossRecognisedOrReversedForIndividualAssetOrCashgeneratingUnitExplanatory |
608 |
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfDetailedInformationAboutPropertyPlantAndEquipmentExplanatory |
609 |
Disclosure of cash and cash equivalents [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfCashAndCashEquivalentsExplanatory |
610 |
Disclosure of trade and other receivables [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfTradeAndOtherReceivablesExplanatory |
611 |
Disclosure of transactions between related parties [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfTransactionsBetweenRelatedPartiesExplanatory |
612 |
Disclosure of operating segments [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfOperatingSegmentsExplanatory |
613 |
Disclosure of deferred taxes [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfDeferredTaxesExplanatory |
614 |
Disclosure of classes of share capital [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfClassesOfShareCapitalExplanatory |
615 |
Disclosure of borrowings [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfBorrowingsExplanatory |
616 |
Disclosure of commitments and contingent liabilities [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfCommitmentsAndContingentLiabilitiesExplanatory |
617 |
Disclosure of trade and other payables [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfTradeAndOtherPayablesExplanatory |
618 |
Disclosure of detailed information about borrowings [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfDetailedInformationAboutBorrowingsExplanatory |
619 |
Disclosure of subsidiaries [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfSignificantInvestmentsInSubsidiariesExplanatory |
620 |
Disclosure of accounting judgements and estimates [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfAccountingJudgementsAndEstimatesExplanatory |
621 |
Earnings per share [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:EarningsPerShareExplanatory |
622 |
Disclosure of temporary difference, unused tax losses and unused tax credits [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfTemporaryDifferenceUnusedTaxLossesAndUnusedTaxCreditsExplanatory |
623 |
Disclosure of basis of preparation of financial statements [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfBasisOfPreparationOfFinancialStatementsExplanatory |
624 |
Disclosure of financial risk management [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfFinancialRiskManagementExplanatory |
625 |
Disclosure of geographical areas [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfGeographicalAreasExplanatory |
626 |
Disclosure of detailed information about intangible assets [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfDetailedInformationAboutIntangibleAssetsExplanatory |
627 |
Disclosure of finance income (cost) [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfFinanceIncomeExpenseExplanatory |
628 |
Disclosure of sensitivity analysis for actuarial assumptions [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfSensitivityAnalysisForActuarialAssumptionsExplanatory |
629 |
Disclosure of number and weighted average exercise prices of share options [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfNumberAndWeightedAverageExercisePricesOfShareOptionsExplanatory |
630 |
Disclosure of information about key management personnel [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfInformationAboutKeyManagementPersonnelExplanatory |
631 |
Disclosure of net defined benefit liability (asset) [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAssetExplanatory |
632 |
Disclosure of commitments [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfCommitmentsExplanatory |
633 |
Disclosure of defined benefit plans [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfDefinedBenefitPlansExplanatory |
634 |
Disclosure of provisions [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfProvisionsExplanatory |
635 |
Disclosure of detailed information about financial instruments [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfDetailedInformationAboutFinancialInstrumentsExplanatory |
636 |
Disclosure of maturity analysis for non-derivative financial liabilities [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:MaturityAnalysisForNonderivativeFinancialLiabilities |
637 |
Disclosure of other provisions [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfOtherProvisionsExplanatory |
638 |
Disclosure of derivative financial instruments [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfDerivativeFinancialInstrumentsExplanatory |
639 |
Disclosure of financial assets [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfFinancialAssetsExplanatory |
640 |
Disclosure of dividends [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfDividendsExplanatory |
641 |
Disclosure of detailed information about business combination [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfDetailedInformationAboutBusinessCombinationsExplanatory |
642 |
Disclosure of other operating income (expense) [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfOtherOperatingIncomeExpenseExplanatory |
643 |
Disclosure of fair value of plan assets [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfFairValueOfPlanAssetsExplanatory |
644 |
Disclosure of fair value of financial instruments [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfFairValueOfFinancialInstrumentsExplanatory |
645 |
Disclosure of financial liabilities [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfFinancialLiabilitiesExplanatory |
646 |
Disclosure of goodwill [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfGoodwillExplanatory |
647 |
Disclosure of basis of consolidation [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfBasisOfConsolidationExplanatory |
648 |
Sensitivity analysis for types of market risk [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:SensitivityAnalysisForEachTypeOfMarketRisk |
649 |
Disclosure of general and administrative expense [text block] |
Concept (Text Block (HTML)) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:DisclosureOfGeneralAndAdministrativeExpenseExplanatory |
650 |
SubClassOfBalanceSheetByLiquidity |
Network |
* |
* | |
651 |
Financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:FinancialAssets |
652 |
Financial assets available-for-sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:FinancialAssetsAvailableforsale |
653 |
Held-to-maturity investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:HeldtomaturityInvestments |
654 |
Loans and receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:LoansAndReceivables |
655 |
Financial assets at amortised cost |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:FinancialAssetsAtAmortisedCost |
656 |
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:FinancialAssetsAtFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
657 |
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, designated upon initial recognition or subsequently |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:FinancialAssetsAtFairValueThroughProfitOrLossDesignatedAsUponInitialRecognition |
658 |
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, classified as held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:FinancialAssetsAtFairValueThroughProfitOrLossClassifiedAsHeldForTrading |
659 |
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, mandatorily measured at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:FinancialAssetsAtFairValueThroughProfitOrLossMandatorilyMeasuredAtFairValue |
660 |
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:FinancialAssetsAtFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome |
661 |
Financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:FinancialAssetsMeasuredAtFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome |
662 |
Investments in equity instruments designated at fair value through other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:FairValueOfInvestmentsInEquityInstrumentsDesignatedAsMeasuredAtFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome |
663 |
Financial liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:FinancialLiabilities |
664 |
Financial liabilities at amortised cost |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:FinancialLiabilitiesAtAmortisedCost |
665 |
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:FinancialLiabilitiesAtFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
666 |
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss that meet definition of held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:FinancialLiabilitiesAtFairValueThroughProfitOrLossClassifiedAsHeldForTrading |
667 |
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, designated upon initial recognition or subsequently |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:FinancialLiabilitiesAtFairValueThroughProfitOrLossDesignatedAsUponInitialRecognition |
668 |
Intangible assets other than goodwill |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwill |
669 |
Brand names |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:BrandNames |
670 |
Intangible exploration and evaluation assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IntangibleExplorationAndEvaluationAssets |
671 |
Mastheads and publishing titles |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:MastheadsAndPublishingTitles |
672 |
Computer software |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ComputerSoftware |
673 |
Licences and franchises |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:LicencesAndFranchises |
674 |
Copyrights, patents and other industrial property rights, service and operating rights |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CopyrightsPatentsAndOtherIndustrialPropertyRightsServiceAndOperatingRights |
675 |
Recipes, formulae, models, designs and prototypes |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:RecipesFormulaeModelsDesignsAndPrototypes |
676 |
Intangible assets under development |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IntangibleAssetsUnderDevelopment |
677 |
Other intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherIntangibleAssets |
678 |
Investment property |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentProperty |
679 |
Investment property completed |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentPropertyCompleted |
680 |
Investment property under construction or development |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentPropertyUnderConstructionOrDevelopment |
681 |
Investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates reported in separate financial statements |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentsInSubsidiariesJointVenturesAndAssociates |
682 |
Investments in subsidiaries reported in separate financial statements |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentsInSubsidiaries |
683 |
Investments in joint ventures reported in separate financial statements |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentsInJointVentures |
684 |
Investments in associates reported in separate financial statements |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentsInAssociates |
685 |
Investments in joint ventures accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentsInJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
686 |
Investments in associates accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentsInAssociatesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
687 |
Other assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherAssets |
688 |
Net defined benefit asset |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:RecognisedAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan |
689 |
Restricted cash and cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:RestrictedCashAndCashEquivalents |
690 |
Derivative financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:DerivativeFinancialAssets |
691 |
Derivative financial assets held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:DerivativeFinancialAssetsHeldForTrading |
692 |
Derivative financial assets held for hedging |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:DerivativeFinancialAssetsHeldForHedging |
693 |
Finance lease receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:FinanceLeaseReceivables |
694 |
Interest receivable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InterestReceivable |
695 |
Programming assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProgrammingAssets |
696 |
Investments other than investments accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentsOtherThanInvestmentsAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
697 |
Equity instruments held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:EquityInstrumentsHeld |
698 |
Loans and advances to banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:LoansAndAdvancesToBanks |
699 |
Loans and advances to customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:LoansAndAdvancesToCustomers |
700 |
Loans to corporate entities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CorporateLoans |
701 |
Loans to consumers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ConsumerLoans |
702 |
Loans to government |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:LoansToGovernment |
703 |
Cash and bank balances at central banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CashAndBankBalancesAtCentralBanks |
704 |
Mandatory reserve deposits at central banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:MandatoryReserveDepositsAtCentralBanks |
705 |
Bank balances at central banks other than mandatory reserve deposits |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:BankBalancesAtCentralBanksOtherThanMandatoryReserveDeposits |
706 |
Bank acceptance assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:BankAcceptanceAssets |
707 |
Reverse repurchase agreements and cash collateral on securities borrowed |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ReverseRepurchaseAgreementsAndCashCollateralOnSecuritiesBorrowed |
708 |
Investments for risk of policyholders |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentsForRiskOfPolicyholders |
709 |
Items in course of collection from other banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ItemsInCourseOfCollectionFromOtherBanks |
710 |
Debt instruments held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:DebtInstrumentsHeld |
711 |
Bank debt instruments held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:BankDebtInstrumentsHeld |
712 |
Corporate debt instruments held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CorporateDebtInstrumentsHeld |
713 |
Government debt instruments held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:GovernmentDebtInstrumentsHeld |
714 |
Asset-backed debt instruments held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AssetbackedDebtInstrumentsHeld |
715 |
Other debt instruments held |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherDebtInstrumentsHeld |
716 |
Other liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherLiabilities |
717 |
Net defined benefit liability |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RecognisedLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlan |
718 |
Derivative financial liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:DerivativeFinancialLiabilities |
719 |
Derivative financial liabilities held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:DerivativeFinancialLiabilitiesHeldForTrading |
720 |
Derivative financial liabilities held for hedging |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:DerivativeFinancialLiabilitiesHeldForHedging |
721 |
Government grants |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:GovernmentGrants |
722 |
Advances received, representing contract liabilities for performance obligations satisfied at point in time |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:Advances |
723 |
Dividend payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:DividendPayables |
724 |
Interest payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:InterestPayable |
725 |
Deposits from banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:DepositsFromBanks |
726 |
Liabilities due to central banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:LiabilitiesDueToCentralBanks |
727 |
Debt instruments issued |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:DebtSecurities |
728 |
Bank acceptance liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:BankAcceptanceLiabilities |
729 |
Repurchase agreements and cash collateral on securities lent |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RepurchaseAgreementsAndCashCollateralOnSecuritiesLent |
730 |
Investment contracts liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentContractsLiabilities |
731 |
Items in course of transmission to other banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ItemsInCourseOfTransmissionToOtherBanks |
732 |
Deposits from customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:DepositsFromCustomers |
733 |
Balances on term deposits from customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:BalancesOnTermDepositsFromCustomers |
734 |
Balances on demand deposits from customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:BalancesOnDemandDepositsFromCustomers |
735 |
Balances on current accounts from customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:BalancesOnCurrentAccountsFromCustomers |
736 |
Balances on other deposits from customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:BalancesOnOtherDepositsFromCustomers |
737 |
Dated subordinated liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:DatedSubordinatedLiabilities |
738 |
Undated subordinated liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:UndatedSubordinatedLiabilities |
739 |
Subordinated liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:SubordinatedLiabilities |
740 |
Other provisions |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherProvisions |
741 |
Warranty provision |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:WarrantyProvision |
742 |
Restructuring provision |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RestructuringProvision |
743 |
Legal proceedings provision |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:LegalProceedingsProvision |
744 |
Refunds provision |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RefundsProvision |
745 |
Onerous contracts provision |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OnerousContractsProvision |
746 |
Provision for decommissioning, restoration and rehabilitation costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ProvisionForDecommissioningRestorationAndRehabilitationCosts |
747 |
Miscellaneous other provisions |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:MiscellaneousOtherProvisions |
748 |
Other reserves |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherReserves |
749 |
Revaluation surplus |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevaluationSurplus |
750 |
Reserve of exchange differences on translation |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfExchangeDifferencesOnTranslation |
751 |
Reserve of cash flow hedges |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfCashFlowHedges |
752 |
Reserve of gains and losses on hedging instruments that hedge investments in equity instruments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfGainsAndLossesOnHedgingInstrumentsThatHedgeInvestmentsInEquityInstruments |
753 |
Reserve of change in value of time value of options |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfChangeInValueOfTimeValueOfOptions |
754 |
Reserve of change in value of forward elements of forward contracts |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfChangeInValueOfForwardElementsOfForwardContracts |
755 |
Reserve of change in value of foreign currency basis spreads |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfChangeInValueOfForeignCurrencyBasisSpreads |
756 |
Reserve of gains and losses on financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfGainsAndLossesOnFinancialAssetsMeasuredAtFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome |
757 |
Reserve of gains and losses on remeasuring available-for-sale financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfGainsAndLossesOnRemeasuringAvailableforsaleFinancialAssets |
758 |
Reserve of share-based payments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfSharebasedPayments |
759 |
Reserve of remeasurements of defined benefit plans |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfRemeasurementsOfDefinedBenefitPlans |
760 |
Amount recognised in other comprehensive income and accumulated in equity relating to non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:AmountRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeAndAccumulatedInEquityRelatingToNoncurrentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSale |
761 |
Reserve of gains and losses from investments in equity instruments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfGainsAndLossesFromInvestmentsInEquityInstruments |
762 |
Reserve of change in fair value of financial liability attributable to change in credit risk of liability |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfChangeInFairValueOfFinancialLiabilityAttributableToChangeInCreditRiskOfLiability |
763 |
Reserve for catastrophe |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveForCatastrophe |
764 |
Reserve for equalisation |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveForEqualisation |
765 |
Reserve of discretionary participation features |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfDiscretionaryParticipationFeatures |
766 |
Reserve of equity component of convertible instruments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfEquityComponentOfConvertibleInstruments |
767 |
Capital redemption reserve |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CapitalRedemptionReserve |
768 |
Merger reserve |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:MergerReserve |
769 |
Statutory reserve |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:StatutoryReserve |
770 |
Property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:PropertyPlantAndEquipment |
771 |
Land and buildings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:LandAndBuildings |
772 |
Machinery |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:Machinery |
773 |
Vehicles |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:Vehicles |
774 |
Ships |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:Ships |
775 |
Aircraft |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:Aircraft |
776 |
Motor vehicles |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:MotorVehicles |
777 |
Fixtures and fittings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:FixturesAndFittings |
778 |
Office equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OfficeEquipment |
779 |
Bearer plants |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:BearerPlants |
780 |
Tangible exploration and evaluation assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:TangibleExplorationAndEvaluationAssets |
781 |
Mining assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:MiningAssets |
782 |
Oil and gas assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OilAndGasAssets |
783 |
Construction in progress |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ConstructionInProgress |
784 |
Other property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherPropertyPlantAndEquipment |
785 |
Trade and other payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:TradeAndOtherPayables |
786 |
Trade payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:TradeAndOtherPayablesToTradeSuppliers |
787 |
Payables for purchase of energy |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PayablesForPurchaseOfEnergy |
788 |
Payables to related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:TradeAndOtherPayablesToRelatedParties |
789 |
Payables for purchase of non-current assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PayablesForPurchaseOfNoncurrentAssets |
790 |
Payables on social security and taxes other than income tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PayablesOnSocialSecurityAndTaxesOtherThanIncomeTax |
791 |
Value added tax payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ValueAddedTaxPayables |
792 |
Excise tax payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ExciseTaxPayables |
793 |
Retention payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RetentionPayables |
794 |
Other payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherPayables |
795 |
Trade and other receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:TradeAndOtherReceivables |
796 |
Trade receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:TradeReceivables |
797 |
Receivables due from related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:TradeAndOtherReceivablesDueFromRelatedParties |
798 |
Receivables due from associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ReceivablesDueFromAssociates |
799 |
Receivables due from joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ReceivablesDueFromJointVentures |
800 |
Receivables from taxes other than income tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ReceivablesFromTaxesOtherThanIncomeTax |
801 |
Value added tax receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ValueAddedTaxReceivables |
802 |
Receivables from sale of properties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ReceivablesFromSaleOfProperties |
803 |
Receivables from rental of properties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ReceivablesFromRentalOfProperties |
804 |
Other receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherReceivables |
805 |
SubClassOfBalanceSheetCurrentNoncurrent |
Network |
* |
* | |
806 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CashAndCashEquivalents |
807 |
Cash |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:Cash |
808 |
Cash on hand |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CashOnHand |
809 |
Balances with banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:BalancesWithBanks |
810 |
Cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CashEquivalents |
811 |
Short-term deposits, classified as cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ShorttermDepositsClassifiedAsCashEquivalents |
812 |
Short-term investments, classified as cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ShorttermInvestmentsClassifiedAsCashEquivalents |
813 |
Other banking arrangements, classified as cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:BankingArrangementsClassifiedAsCashEquivalents |
814 |
Current borrowings and current portion of non-current borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentBorrowingsAndCurrentPortionOfNoncurrentBorrowings |
815 |
Current loans received and current portion of non-current loans received |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentLoansReceivedAndCurrentPortionOfNoncurrentLoansReceived |
816 |
Current secured bank loans received and current portion of non-current secured bank loans received |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentSecuredBankLoansReceivedAndCurrentPortionOfNoncurrentSecuredBankLoansReceived |
817 |
Current unsecured bank loans received and current portion of non-current unsecured bank loans received |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentUnsecuredBankLoansReceivedAndCurrentPortionOfNoncurrentUnsecuredBankLoansReceived |
818 |
Current bonds issued and current portion of non-current bonds issued |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentBondsIssuedAndCurrentPortionOfNoncurrentBondsIssued |
819 |
Current notes and debentures issued and current portion of non-current notes and debentures issued |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentNotesAndDebenturesIssuedAndCurrentPortionOfNoncurrentNotesAndDebenturesIssued |
820 |
Current commercial papers issued and current portion of non-current commercial papers issued |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentCommercialPapersIssuedAndCurrentPortionOfNoncurrentCommercialPapersIssued |
821 |
Other current borrowings and current portion of other non-current borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherCurrentBorrowingsAndCurrentPortionOfOtherNoncurrentBorrowings |
822 |
Current borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ShorttermBorrowings |
823 |
Current portion of non-current borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentPortionOfLongtermBorrowings |
824 |
Current financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentFinancialAssets |
825 |
Current financial assets available-for-sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentFinancialAssetsAvailableforsale |
826 |
Current held-to-maturity investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentHeldtomaturityInvestments |
827 |
Current loans and receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentLoansAndReceivables |
828 |
Current financial assets at amortised cost |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentFinancialAssetsAtAmortisedCost |
829 |
Current financial assets at fair value through profit or loss |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentFinancialAssetsAtFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
830 |
Current financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, designated upon initial recognition or subsequently |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentFinancialAssetsAtFairValueThroughProfitOrLossDesignatedUponInitialRecognition |
831 |
Current financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, classified as held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentFinancialAssetsAtFairValueThroughProfitOrLossClassifiedAsHeldForTrading |
832 |
Current financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, mandatorily measured at fair value |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentFinancialAssetsAtFairValueThroughProfitOrLossMandatorilyMeasuredAtFairValue |
833 |
Current financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentFinancialAssetsAtFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome |
834 |
Current financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentFinancialAssetsMeasuredAtFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome |
835 |
Current investments in equity instruments designated at fair value through other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentInvestmentsInEquityInstrumentsDesignatedAtFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome |
836 |
Current financial liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentFinancialLiabilities |
837 |
Current financial liabilities at amortised cost |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentFinancialLiabilitiesAtAmortisedCost |
838 |
Current financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentFinancialLiabilitiesAtFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
839 |
Current financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, classified as held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentFinancialLiabilitiesAtFairValueThroughProfitOrLossClassifiedAsHeldForTrading |
840 |
Current financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, designated upon initial recognition or subsequently |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentFinancialLiabilitiesAtFairValueThroughProfitOrLossDesignatedUponInitialRecognition |
841 |
Current inventories |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:Inventories |
842 |
Current raw materials and current production supplies |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentRawMaterialsAndCurrentProductionSupplies |
843 |
Current raw materials |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:RawMaterials |
844 |
Current production supplies |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProductionSupplies |
845 |
Current work in progress |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:WorkInProgress |
846 |
Current finished goods |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:FinishedGoods |
847 |
Current merchandise |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:Merchandise |
848 |
Current food and beverage |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentFoodAndBeverage |
849 |
Current agricultural produce |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentAgriculturalProduce |
850 |
Current packaging and storage materials |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentPackagingAndStorageMaterials |
851 |
Current spare parts |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:SpareParts |
852 |
Current fuel |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentFuel |
853 |
Property intended for sale in ordinary course of business |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:PropertyIntendedForSaleInOrdinaryCourseOfBusiness |
854 |
Current inventories in transit |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentInventoriesInTransit |
855 |
Other current inventories |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherInventories |
856 |
Current inventories held for sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentInventoriesHeldForSale |
857 |
Current materials and supplies to be consumed in production process or rendering services |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentMaterialsAndSuppliesToBeConsumedInProductionProcessOrRenderingServices |
858 |
Current ore stockpiles |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentOreStockpiles |
859 |
Current crude oil |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentCrudeOil |
860 |
Current petroleum and petrochemical products |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentPetroleumAndPetrochemicalProducts |
861 |
Current natural gas |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentNaturalGas |
862 |
Non-current portion of non-current borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:LongtermBorrowings |
863 |
Non-current portion of non-current loans received |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentPortionOfNoncurrentLoansReceived |
864 |
Non-current portion of non-current secured bank loans received |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentPortionOfNoncurrentSecuredBankLoansReceived |
865 |
Non-current portion of non-current unsecured bank loans received |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentPortionOfNoncurrentUnsecuredBankLoansReceived |
866 |
Non-current portion of non-current notes and debentures issued |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentPortionOfNoncurrentNotesAndDebenturesIssued |
867 |
Non-current portion of non-current commercial papers issued |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentPortionOfNoncurrentCommercialPapersIssued |
868 |
Non-current portion of other non-current borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentPortionOfOtherNoncurrentBorrowings |
869 |
Non-current assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentAssets |
870 |
Property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:PropertyPlantAndEquipment |
871 |
Land and buildings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:LandAndBuildings |
872 |
Land |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:Land |
873 |
Buildings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:Buildings |
874 |
Machinery |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:Machinery |
875 |
Vehicles |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:Vehicles |
876 |
Ships |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:Ships |
877 |
Aircraft |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:Aircraft |
878 |
Motor vehicles |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:MotorVehicles |
879 |
Fixtures and fittings |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:FixturesAndFittings |
880 |
Office equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OfficeEquipment |
881 |
Bearer plants |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:BearerPlants |
882 |
Tangible exploration and evaluation assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:TangibleExplorationAndEvaluationAssets |
883 |
Mining assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:MiningAssets |
884 |
Oil and gas assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OilAndGasAssets |
885 |
Construction in progress |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ConstructionInProgress |
886 |
Other property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherPropertyPlantAndEquipment |
887 |
Intangible assets and goodwill |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IntangibleAssetsAndGoodwill |
888 |
Goodwill |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:Goodwill |
889 |
Intangible assets other than goodwill |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwill |
890 |
Brand names |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:BrandNames |
891 |
Intangible exploration and evaluation assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IntangibleExplorationAndEvaluationAssets |
892 |
Mastheads and publishing titles |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:MastheadsAndPublishingTitles |
893 |
Computer software |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ComputerSoftware |
894 |
Licences and franchises |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:LicencesAndFranchises |
895 |
Copyrights, patents and other industrial property rights, service and operating rights |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CopyrightsPatentsAndOtherIndustrialPropertyRightsServiceAndOperatingRights |
896 |
Recipes, formulae, models, designs and prototypes |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:RecipesFormulaeModelsDesignsAndPrototypes |
897 |
Intangible assets under development |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IntangibleAssetsUnderDevelopment |
898 |
Other intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherIntangibleAssets |
899 |
Investment property |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentProperty |
900 |
Investment property completed |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentPropertyCompleted |
901 |
Investment property under construction or development |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentPropertyUnderConstructionOrDevelopment |
902 |
Non-current biological assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentBiologicalAssets |
903 |
Investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates reported in separate financial statements |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentsInSubsidiariesJointVenturesAndAssociates |
904 |
Investments in subsidiaries reported in separate financial statements |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentsInSubsidiaries |
905 |
Investments in joint ventures reported in separate financial statements |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentsInJointVentures |
906 |
Investments in associates reported in separate financial statements |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentsInAssociates |
907 |
Investments in joint ventures accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentsInJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
908 |
Investments in associates accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentsInAssociatesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
909 |
Investments accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
910 |
Non-current investments other than investments accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentInvestmentsOtherThanInvestmentsAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
911 |
Non-current finance lease receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentFinanceLeaseReceivables |
912 |
Non-current held-to-maturity investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentHeldtomaturityInvestments |
913 |
Non-current financial assets available-for-sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentFinancialAssetsAvailableforsale |
914 |
Other non-current financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherNoncurrentFinancialAssets |
915 |
Non-current derivative financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentDerivativeFinancialAssets |
916 |
Non-current net defined benefit asset |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentRecognisedAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan |
917 |
Deferred tax assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:DeferredTaxAssets |
918 |
Non-current inventories |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentInventories |
919 |
Non-current ore stockpiles |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentOreStockpiles |
920 |
Non-current trade receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentTradeReceivables |
921 |
Non-current receivables from taxes other than income tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentReceivablesFromTaxesOtherThanIncomeTax |
922 |
Non-current value added tax receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentValueAddedTaxReceivables |
923 |
Non-current receivables from sale of properties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentReceivablesFromSaleOfProperties |
924 |
Non-current receivables from rental of properties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentReceivablesFromRentalOfProperties |
925 |
Other non-current receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherNoncurrentReceivables |
926 |
Trade and other non-current receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentReceivables |
927 |
Non-current receivables due from related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentReceivablesDueFromRelatedParties |
928 |
Non-current receivables due from associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentReceivablesDueFromAssociates |
929 |
Non-current receivables due from joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentReceivablesDueFromJointVentures |
930 |
Non-current contract assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentContractAssets |
931 |
Current tax assets, non-current |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentTaxAssetsNoncurrent |
932 |
Other non-current non-financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherNoncurrentNonfinancialAssets |
933 |
Non-current restricted cash and cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentRestrictedCashAndCashEquivalents |
934 |
Non-current interest receivable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentInterestReceivable |
935 |
Non-current programming assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentProgrammingAssets |
936 |
Other non-current assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherNoncurrentAssets |
937 |
Non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale or as held for distribution to owners |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsClassifiedAsHeldForSaleOrAsHeldForDistributionToOwners |
938 |
Non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsClassifiedAsHeldForSale |
939 |
Non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for distribution to owners |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsClassifiedAsHeldForDistributionToOwners |
940 |
Non-current financial liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentFinancialLiabilities |
941 |
Non-current financial liabilities at amortised cost |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentFinancialLiabilitiesAtAmortisedCost |
942 |
Non-current financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentFinancialLiabilitiesAtFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
943 |
Non-current financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, classified as held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentFinancialLiabilitiesAtFairValueThroughProfitOrLossClassifiedAsHeldForTrading |
944 |
Non-current financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, designated upon initial recognition or subsequently |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentFinancialLiabilitiesAtFairValueThroughProfitOrLossDesignatedUponInitialRecognition |
945 |
Trade and other non-current payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentPayables |
946 |
Non-current trade payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentPayablesToTradeSuppliers |
947 |
Non-current payables for purchase of energy |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentPayablesForPurchaseOfEnergy |
948 |
Non-current payables to related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentPayablesToRelatedParties |
949 |
Non-current payables for purchase of non-current assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentPayablesForPurchaseOfNoncurrentAssets |
950 |
Non-current payables on social security and taxes other than income tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentPayablesOnSocialSecurityAndTaxesOtherThanIncomeTax |
951 |
Non-current value added tax payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentValueAddedTaxPayables |
952 |
Non-current excise tax payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentExciseTaxPayables |
953 |
Non-current retention payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentRetentionPayables |
954 |
Other non-current payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherNoncurrentPayables |
955 |
Rent deferred income classified as non-current |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RentDeferredIncomeClassifiedAsNoncurrent |
956 |
Accruals classified as non-current |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:AccrualsClassifiedAsNoncurrent |
957 |
Other current non-financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherCurrentNonfinancialAssets |
958 |
Current net defined benefit asset |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentRecognisedAssetsDefinedBenefitPlan |
959 |
Current restricted cash and cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentRestrictedCashAndCashEquivalents |
960 |
Current finance lease receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentFinanceLeaseReceivables |
961 |
Current interest receivable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentInterestReceivable |
962 |
Current programming assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentProgrammingAssets |
963 |
Current investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentInvestments |
964 |
Short-term deposits, not classified as cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ShorttermDepositsNotClassifiedAsCashEquivalents |
965 |
Current prepayments and other current assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentPrepaymentsAndOtherCurrentAssets |
966 |
Other current assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherCurrentAssets |
967 |
Other current non-financial liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherCurrentNonfinancialLiabilities |
968 |
Current net defined benefit liability |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentRecognisedLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlan |
969 |
Current government grants |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentGovernmentGrants |
970 |
Current advances received, representing current contract liabilities for performance obligations satisfied at point in time |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentAdvances |
971 |
Current interest payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentInterestPayable |
972 |
Current deposits from customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentDepositsFromCustomers |
973 |
Current debt instruments issued |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentDebtInstrumentsIssued |
974 |
Other current liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherCurrentLiabilities |
975 |
Other non-current provisions |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherLongtermProvisions |
976 |
Non-current warranty provision |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:LongtermWarrantyProvision |
977 |
Non-current restructuring provision |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:LongtermRestructuringProvision |
978 |
Non-current legal proceedings provision |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:LongtermLegalProceedingsProvision |
979 |
Non-current onerous contracts provision |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:LongtermOnerousContractsProvision |
980 |
Non-current provision for decommissioning, restoration and rehabilitation costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:LongtermProvisionForDecommissioningRestorationAndRehabilitationCosts |
981 |
Non-current miscellaneous other provisions |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:LongtermMiscellaneousOtherProvisions |
982 |
Other non-current non-financial liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherNoncurrentNonfinancialLiabilities |
983 |
Non-current net defined benefit liability |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentRecognisedLiabilitiesDefinedBenefitPlan |
984 |
Non-current advances received, representing non-current contract liabilities for performance obligations satisfied at point in time |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentAdvances |
985 |
Non-current dividend payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentDividendPayables |
986 |
Non-current interest payable |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentInterestPayable |
987 |
Non-current deposits from customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentDepositsFromCustomers |
988 |
Non-current debt instruments issued |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NoncurrentDebtInstrumentsIssued |
989 |
Other non-current liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherNoncurrentLiabilities |
990 |
Other reserves |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherReserves |
991 |
Revaluation surplus |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevaluationSurplus |
992 |
Reserve of exchange differences on translation |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfExchangeDifferencesOnTranslation |
993 |
Reserve of cash flow hedges |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfCashFlowHedges |
994 |
Reserve of gains and losses on hedging instruments that hedge investments in equity instruments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfGainsAndLossesOnHedgingInstrumentsThatHedgeInvestmentsInEquityInstruments |
995 |
Reserve of change in value of time value of options |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfChangeInValueOfTimeValueOfOptions |
996 |
Reserve of change in value of forward elements of forward contracts |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfChangeInValueOfForwardElementsOfForwardContracts |
997 |
Reserve of change in value of foreign currency basis spreads |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfChangeInValueOfForeignCurrencyBasisSpreads |
998 |
Reserve of gains and losses on financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfGainsAndLossesOnFinancialAssetsMeasuredAtFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome |
999 |
Reserve of gains and losses on remeasuring available-for-sale financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfGainsAndLossesOnRemeasuringAvailableforsaleFinancialAssets |
1000 |
Reserve of share-based payments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfSharebasedPayments |
1001 |
Reserve of remeasurements of defined benefit plans |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfRemeasurementsOfDefinedBenefitPlans |
1002 |
Amount recognised in other comprehensive income and accumulated in equity relating to non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:AmountRecognisedInOtherComprehensiveIncomeAndAccumulatedInEquityRelatingToNoncurrentAssetsOrDisposalGroupsHeldForSale |
1003 |
Reserve of gains and losses from investments in equity instruments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfGainsAndLossesFromInvestmentsInEquityInstruments |
1004 |
Reserve of change in fair value of financial liability attributable to change in credit risk of liability |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfChangeInFairValueOfFinancialLiabilityAttributableToChangeInCreditRiskOfLiability |
1005 |
Reserve for catastrophe |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveForCatastrophe |
1006 |
Reserve for equalisation |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveForEqualisation |
1007 |
Reserve of discretionary participation features |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfDiscretionaryParticipationFeatures |
1008 |
Reserve of equity component of convertible instruments |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReserveOfEquityComponentOfConvertibleInstruments |
1009 |
Capital redemption reserve |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CapitalRedemptionReserve |
1010 |
Merger reserve |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:MergerReserve |
1011 |
Statutory reserve |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:StatutoryReserve |
1012 |
Other current provisions |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherShorttermProvisions |
1013 |
Current warranty provision |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ShorttermWarrantyProvision |
1014 |
Current restructuring provision |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ShorttermRestructuringProvision |
1015 |
Current legal proceedings provision |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ShorttermLegalProceedingsProvision |
1016 |
Current onerous contracts provision |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ShorttermOnerousContractsProvision |
1017 |
Current provision for decommissioning, restoration and rehabilitation costs |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ShorttermProvisionForDecommissioningRestorationAndRehabilitationCosts |
1018 |
Current miscellaneous other provisions |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ShorttermMiscellaneousOtherProvisions |
1019 |
Trade and other current payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:TradeAndOtherCurrentPayables |
1020 |
Current payables to related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:TradeAndOtherCurrentPayablesToRelatedParties |
1021 |
Current payables for purchase of non-current assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentPayablesForPurchaseOfNoncurrentAssets |
1022 |
Current payables on social security and taxes other than income tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentPayablesOnSocialSecurityAndTaxesOtherThanIncomeTax |
1023 |
Current value added tax payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentValueAddedTaxPayables |
1024 |
Current excise tax payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentExciseTaxPayables |
1025 |
Current retention payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CurrentRetentionPayables |
1026 |
Other current payables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherCurrentPayables |
1027 |
Trade and other current receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:TradeAndOtherCurrentReceivables |
1028 |
Current trade receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentTradeReceivables |
1029 |
Current receivables due from related parties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:TradeAndOtherCurrentReceivablesDueFromRelatedParties |
1030 |
Current receivables due from associates |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentReceivablesDueFromAssociates |
1031 |
Current receivables due from joint ventures |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentReceivablesDueFromJointVentures |
1032 |
Current receivables from taxes other than income tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentReceivablesFromTaxesOtherThanIncomeTax |
1033 |
Current value added tax receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentValueAddedTaxReceivables |
1034 |
Current receivables from sale of properties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentReceivablesFromSaleOfProperties |
1035 |
Current receivables from rental of properties |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CurrentReceivablesFromRentalOfProperties |
1036 |
Other current receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
As Of |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherCurrentReceivables |
1037 |
SubclassificationsOfComprehensiveIncome |
Network |
* |
* | |
1038 |
Other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncome |
1039 |
Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss, net of tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeThatWillNotBeReclassifiedToProfitOrLossNetOfTax |
1040 |
Other comprehensive income, net of tax, gains (losses) from investments in equity instruments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxGainsLossesFromInvestmentsInEquityInstruments |
1041 |
Other comprehensive income, net of tax, gains (losses) on revaluation of property, plant and equipment, right-of-use assets and intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxGainsLossesOnRevaluation |
1042 |
Other comprehensive income, net of tax, gains (losses) on remeasurements of defined benefit plans |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxGainsLossesOnRemeasurementsOfDefinedBenefitPlans |
1043 |
Other comprehensive income, net of tax, change in fair value of financial liability attributable to change in credit risk of liability |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxChangeInFairValueOfFinancialLiabilityAttributableToChangeInCreditRiskOfLiability |
1044 |
Share of other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures accounted for using equity method that will not be reclassified to profit or loss, net of tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ShareOfOtherComprehensiveIncomeOfAssociatesAndJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethodThatWillNotBeReclassifiedToProfitOrLossNetOfTax |
1045 |
Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss, before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeThatWillNotBeReclassifiedToProfitOrLossBeforeTax |
1046 |
Other comprehensive income, before tax, gains (losses) from investments in equity instruments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeBeforeTaxGainsLossesFromInvestmentsInEquityInstruments |
1047 |
Other comprehensive income, before tax, gains (losses) on revaluation of property, plant and equipment, right-of-use assets and intangible assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeBeforeTaxGainsLossesOnRevaluation |
1048 |
Other comprehensive income, before tax, gains (losses) on remeasurements of defined benefit plans |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeBeforeTaxGainsLossesOnRemeasurementsOfDefinedBenefitPlans |
1049 |
Other comprehensive income, before tax, change in fair value of financial liability attributable to change in credit risk of liability |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeBeforeTaxChangeInFairValueOfFinancialLiabilityAttributableToChangeInCreditRiskOfLiability |
1050 |
Other comprehensive income, before tax, gains (losses) on hedging instruments that hedge investments in equity instruments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeBeforeTaxGainsLossesOnHedgingInstrumentsThatHedgeInvestmentsInEquityInstruments |
1051 |
Share of other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures accounted for using equity method that will not be reclassified to profit or loss, before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ShareOfOtherComprehensiveIncomeOfAssociatesAndJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethodThatWillNotBeReclassifiedToProfitOrLossBeforeTax |
1052 |
Income tax relating to components of other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxRelatingToComponentsOfOtherComprehensiveIncomeThatWillNotBeReclassifiedToProfitOrLoss |
1053 |
Income tax relating to investments in equity instruments included in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxRelatingToInvestmentsInEquityInstrumentsOfOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1054 |
Income tax relating to changes in revaluation surplus of property, plant and equipment, right-of-use assets and intangible assets included in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxRelatingToChangesInRevaluationSurplusOfOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1055 |
Income tax relating to remeasurements of defined benefit plans included in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxRelatingToRemeasurementsOfDefinedBenefitPlansOfOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1056 |
Income tax relating to changes in fair value of financial liability attributable to change in credit risk of liability included in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxRelatingToChangesInFairValueOfFinancialLiabilityAttributableToChangeInCreditRiskOfLiabilityOfOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1057 |
Income tax relating to hedges of investments in equity instruments included in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxRelatingToHedgesOfInvestmentsInEquityInstrumentsOfOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1058 |
Income tax relating to share of other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures accounted for using equity method that will not be reclassified to profit or loss |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxRelatingToShareOfOtherComprehensiveIncomeOfAssociatesAndJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethodThatWillNotBeReclassifiedToProfitOrLoss |
1059 |
Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss, net of tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeThatWillBeReclassifiedToProfitOrLossNetOfTax |
1060 |
Other comprehensive income, net of tax, exchange differences on translation of foreign operations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxExchangeDifferencesOnTranslation |
1061 |
Gains (losses) on exchange differences on translation of foreign operations, net of tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:GainsLossesOnExchangeDifferencesOnTranslationNetOfTax |
1062 |
Reclassification adjustments on exchange differences on translation of foreign operations, net of tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ReclassificationAdjustmentsOnExchangeDifferencesOnTranslationNetOfTax |
1063 |
Other comprehensive income, net of tax, available-for-sale financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxAvailableforsaleFinancialAssets |
1064 |
Gains (losses) on remeasuring available-for-sale financial assets, net of tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:GainsLossesOnRemeasuringAvailableforsaleFinancialAssetsNetOfTax |
1065 |
Reclassification adjustments on available-for-sale financial assets, net of tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ReclassificationAdjustmentsOnAvailableforsaleFinancialAssetsNetOfTax |
1066 |
Other comprehensive income, net of tax, cash flow hedges |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxCashFlowHedges |
1067 |
Gains (losses) on cash flow hedges, net of tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:GainsLossesOnCashFlowHedgesNetOfTax |
1068 |
Reclassification adjustments on cash flow hedges, net of tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ReclassificationAdjustmentsOnCashFlowHedgesNetOfTax |
1069 |
Amounts removed from equity and included in carrying amount of non-financial asset (liability) whose acquisition or incurrence was hedged highly probable forecast transaction, net of tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForAmountsTransferredToInitialCarryingAmountOfHedgedItems |
1070 |
Other comprehensive income, net of tax, hedges of net investments in foreign operations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxHedgesOfNetInvestmentsInForeignOperations |
1071 |
Gains (losses) on hedges of net investments in foreign operations, net of tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:GainsLossesOnHedgesOfNetInvestmentsInForeignOperationsNetOfTax |
1072 |
Reclassification adjustments on hedges of net investments in foreign operations, net of tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ReclassificationAdjustmentsOnHedgesOfNetInvestmentsInForeignOperationsNetOfTax |
1073 |
Other comprehensive income, net of tax, change in value of time value of options |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxChangeInValueOfTimeValueOfOptions |
1074 |
Gains (losses) on change in value of time value of options, net of tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:GainsLossesOnChangeInValueOfTimeValueOfOptionsNetOfTax |
1075 |
Reclassification adjustments on change in value of time value of options, net of tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ReclassificationAdjustmentsOnChangeInValueOfTimeValueOfOptionsNetOfTax |
1076 |
Other comprehensive income, net of tax, change in value of forward elements of forward contracts |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxChangeInValueOfForwardElementsOfForwardContracts |
1077 |
Gains (losses) on change in value of forward elements of forward contracts, net of tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:GainsLossesOnChangeInValueOfForwardElementsOfForwardContractsNetOfTax |
1078 |
Reclassification adjustments on change in value of forward elements of forward contracts, net of tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ReclassificationAdjustmentsOnChangeInValueOfForwardElementsOfForwardContractsNetOfTax |
1079 |
Other comprehensive income, net of tax, change in value of foreign currency basis spreads |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxChangeInValueOfForeignCurrencyBasisSpreads |
1080 |
Gains (losses) on change in value of foreign currency basis spreads, net of tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:GainsLossesOnChangeInValueOfForeignCurrencyBasisSpreadsNetOfTax |
1081 |
Reclassification adjustments on change in value of foreign currency basis spreads, net of tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ReclassificationAdjustmentsOnChangeInValueOfForeignCurrencyBasisSpreadsNetOfTax |
1082 |
Other comprehensive income, net of tax, financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxFinancialAssetsMeasuredAtFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1083 |
Gains (losses) on financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, net of tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:GainsLossesOnFinancialAssetsMeasuredAtFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTax |
1084 |
Reclassification adjustments on financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, net of tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ReclassificationAdjustmentsOnFinancialAssetsMeasuredAtFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTax |
1085 |
Amounts removed from equity and adjusted against fair value of financial assets on reclassification out of fair value through other comprehensive income measurement category, net of tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AmountsRemovedFromEquityAndAdjustedAgainstFairValueOfFinancialAssetsOnReclassificationOutOfFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncomeMeasurementCategoryNetOfTax |
1086 |
Share of other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures accounted for using equity method that will be reclassified to profit or loss, net of tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ShareOfOtherComprehensiveIncomeOfAssociatesAndJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethodThatWillBeReclassifiedToProfitOrLossNetOfTax |
1087 |
Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss, before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeThatWillBeReclassifiedToProfitOrLossBeforeTax |
1088 |
Other comprehensive income, before tax, exchange differences on translation of foreign operations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeBeforeTaxExchangeDifferencesOnTranslation |
1089 |
Gains (losses) on exchange differences on translation of foreign operations, before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:GainsLossesOnExchangeDifferencesOnTranslationBeforeTax |
1090 |
Reclassification adjustments on exchange differences on translation of foreign operations, before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ReclassificationAdjustmentsOnExchangeDifferencesOnTranslationBeforeTax |
1091 |
Other comprehensive income, before tax, available-for-sale financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeBeforeTaxAvailableforsaleFinancialAssets |
1092 |
Gains (losses) on remeasuring available-for-sale financial assets, before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:GainsLossesOnRemeasuringAvailableforsaleFinancialAssetsBeforeTax |
1093 |
Reclassification adjustments on available-for-sale financial assets, before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ReclassificationAdjustmentsOnAvailableforsaleFinancialAssetsBeforeTax |
1094 |
Other comprehensive income, before tax, cash flow hedges |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeBeforeTaxCashFlowHedges |
1095 |
Gains (losses) on cash flow hedges, before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:GainsLossesOnCashFlowHedgesBeforeTax |
1096 |
Reclassification adjustments on cash flow hedges, before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ReclassificationAdjustmentsOnCashFlowHedgesBeforeTax |
1097 |
Amounts removed from equity and included in carrying amount of non-financial asset (liability) whose acquisition or incurrence was hedged highly probable forecast transaction, before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AmountsRemovedFromEquityAndIncludedInCarryingAmountOfNonfinancialAssetLiabilityWhoseAcquisitionOrIncurrenceWasHedgedHighlyProbableForecastTransactionBeforeTax |
1098 |
Other comprehensive income, before tax, hedges of net investments in foreign operations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeBeforeTaxHedgesOfNetInvestmentsInForeignOperations |
1099 |
Gains (losses) on hedges of net investments in foreign operations, before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:GainsLossesOnHedgesOfNetInvestmentsInForeignOperationsBeforeTax |
1100 |
Reclassification adjustments on hedges of net investments in foreign operations, before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ReclassificationAdjustmentsOnHedgesOfNetInvestmentsInForeignOperationsBeforeTax |
1101 |
Other comprehensive income, before tax, change in value of time value of options |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeBeforeTaxChangeInValueOfTimeValueOfOptions |
1102 |
Gains (losses) on change in value of time value of options, before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:GainsLossesOnChangeInValueOfTimeValueOfOptionsBeforeTax |
1103 |
Reclassification adjustments on change in value of time value of options, before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ReclassificationAdjustmentsOnChangeInValueOfTimeValueOfOptionsBeforeTax |
1104 |
Other comprehensive income, before tax, change in value of foreign currency basis spreads |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeBeforeTaxChangeInValueOfForeignCurrencyBasisSpreads |
1105 |
Gains (losses) on change in value of foreign currency basis spreads, before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:GainsLossesOnChangeInValueOfForeignCurrencyBasisSpreadsBeforeTax |
1106 |
Reclassification adjustments on change in value of foreign currency basis spreads, before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ReclassificationAdjustmentsOnChangeInValueOfForeignCurrencyBasisSpreadsBeforeTax |
1107 |
Other comprehensive income, before tax, financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeBeforeTaxFinancialAssetsMeasuredAtFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1108 |
Gains (losses) on financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:GainsLossesOnFinancialAssetsMeasuredAtFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncomeBeforeTax |
1109 |
Reclassification adjustments on financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ReclassificationAdjustmentsOnFinancialAssetsMeasuredAtFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncomeBeforeTax |
1110 |
Amounts removed from equity and adjusted against fair value of financial assets on reclassification out of fair value through other comprehensive income measurement category, before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AmountsRemovedFromEquityAndAdjustedAgainstFairValueOfFinancialAssetsOnReclassificationOutOfFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncomeMeasurementCategoryBeforeTax |
1111 |
Share of other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures accounted for using equity method that will be reclassified to profit or loss, before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ShareOfOtherComprehensiveIncomeOfAssociatesAndJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethodThatWillBeReclassifiedToProfitOrLossBeforeTax |
1112 |
Other comprehensive income, before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherComprehensiveIncomeBeforeTax |
1113 |
Income tax relating to components of other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxRelatingToComponentsOfOtherComprehensiveIncomeThatWillBeReclassifiedToProfitOrLoss |
1114 |
Income tax relating to exchange differences on translation of foreign operations included in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxRelatingToExchangeDifferencesOnTranslationOfOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1115 |
Income tax relating to available-for-sale financial assets included in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxRelatingToAvailableforsaleFinancialAssetsOfOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1116 |
Income tax relating to cash flow hedges included in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxRelatingToCashFlowHedgesOfOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1117 |
Income tax relating to hedges of net investments in foreign operations included in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxRelatingToHedgesOfNetInvestmentsInForeignOperationsOfOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1118 |
Income tax relating to change in value of time value of options included in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxRelatingToChangeInValueOfTimeValueOfOptionsOfOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1119 |
Income tax relating to change in value of forward elements of forward contracts included in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxRelatingToChangeInValueOfForwardElementsOfForwardContractsOfOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1120 |
Income tax relating to change in value of foreign currency basis spreads included in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxRelatingToChangeInValueOfForeignCurrencyBasisSpreadsOfOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1121 |
Income tax relating to financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income included in other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxRelatingToFinancialAssetsMeasuredAtFairValueThroughOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1122 |
Income tax relating to share of other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures accounted for using equity method that will be reclassified to profit or loss |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxRelatingToShareOfOtherComprehensiveIncomeOfAssociatesAndJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethodThatWillBeReclassifiedToProfitOrLoss |
1123 |
Other individually immaterial components of other comprehensive income, before tax |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherIndividuallyImmaterialComponentsOfOtherComprehensiveIncomeBeforeTax |
1124 |
Income tax relating to other individually immaterial components of other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxRelatingToOtherIndividuallyImmaterialComponentsOfOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1125 |
Income tax relating to other individually immaterial components of other comprehensive income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncomeTaxRelatingToOtherIndividuallyImmaterialComponentsOfOtherComprehensiveIncome |
1126 |
Share of profit (loss) of associates and joint ventures accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ShareOfProfitLossOfAssociatesAndJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
1127 |
Share of profit (loss) of associates accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ShareOfProfitLossOfAssociatesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
1128 |
Share of profit (loss) of associates accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ShareOfProfitLossOfAssociatesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
1129 |
Share of profit (loss) of joint ventures accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ShareOfProfitLossOfJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
1130 |
Share of profit (loss) of joint ventures accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ShareOfProfitLossOfJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
1131 |
Share of profit (loss) of associates accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ShareOfProfitLossOfAssociatesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
1132 |
Share of profit (loss) of associates accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ShareOfProfitLossOfAssociatesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
1133 |
Share of profit (loss) of joint ventures accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ShareOfProfitLossOfJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
1134 |
Share of profit (loss) of joint ventures accounted for using equity method |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ShareOfProfitLossOfJointVenturesAccountedForUsingEquityMethod |
1135 |
SubclassificationsOfIncomeStatement |
Network |
* |
* | |
1136 |
Cost of sales |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CostOfSales |
1137 |
Cost of sales, hotel operations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CostOfSalesHotelOperations |
1138 |
Cost of sales, room occupancy services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CostOfSalesRoomOccupancyServices |
1139 |
Cost of sales, food and beverage |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CostOfSalesFoodAndBeverage |
1140 |
Finance income (cost) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:FinanceIncomeCost |
1141 |
Other finance income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherFinanceIncome |
1142 |
Other finance cost |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherFinanceCost |
1143 |
Interest expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InterestExpense |
1144 |
Interest expense on bank loans and overdrafts |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InterestExpenseOnBankLoansAndOverdrafts |
1145 |
Interest expense on bonds |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InterestExpenseOnBonds |
1146 |
Interest expense on borrowings |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InterestExpenseOnBorrowings |
1147 |
Interest expense on debt instruments issued |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InterestExpenseOnDebtInstrumentsIssued |
1148 |
Interest expense on deposits from banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InterestExpenseOnDepositsFromBanks |
1149 |
Interest expense on deposits from customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InterestExpenseOnDepositsFromCustomers |
1150 |
Interest expense on liabilities due to central banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InterestExpenseOnLiabilitiesDueToCentralBanks |
1151 |
Interest expense on financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InterestExpenseOnFinancialLiabilitiesDesignatedAtFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
1152 |
Interest expense on financial liabilities held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InterestExpenseOnFinancialLiabilitiesHeldForTrading |
1153 |
Interest expense on other financial liabilities |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InterestExpenseOnOtherFinancialLiabilities |
1154 |
Interest expense on repurchase agreements and cash collateral on securities lent |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InterestExpenseOnRepurchaseAgreementsAndCashCollateralOnSecuritiesLent |
1155 |
Investment income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:InvestmentIncome |
1156 |
Operating expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OperatingExpense |
1157 |
Operating expense excluding cost of sales |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OperatingExpenseExcludingCostOfSales |
1158 |
Selling, general and administrative expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:SellingGeneralAndAdministrativeExpense |
1159 |
Selling expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:SellingExpense |
1160 |
General and administrative expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:GeneralAndAdministrativeExpense |
1161 |
Distribution and administrative expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:DistributionAndAdministrativeExpense |
1162 |
Write-downs (reversals of write-downs) of property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:WritedownsReversalsOfPropertyPlantAndEquipment |
1163 |
Impairment loss recognised in profit or loss, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:ImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossPropertyPlantAndEquipment |
1164 |
Reversal of impairment loss recognised in profit or loss, property, plant and equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:ReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossPropertyPlantAndEquipment |
1165 |
Write-downs (reversals of write-downs) of inventories |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:WritedownsReversalsOfInventories |
1166 |
Inventory write-down |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:InventoryWritedown2011 |
1167 |
Reversal of inventory write-down |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:ReversalOfInventoryWritedown |
1168 |
Impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss, trade receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ImpairmentLossReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossTradeReceivables |
1169 |
Impairment loss recognised in profit or loss, trade receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossTradeReceivables |
1170 |
Reversal of impairment loss recognised in profit or loss, trade receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:ReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossTradeReceivables |
1171 |
Impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss, loans and advances |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ImpairmentLossReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossLoansAndAdvances |
1172 |
Impairment loss recognised in profit or loss, loans and advances |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:ImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossLoansAndAdvances |
1173 |
Reversal of impairment loss recognised in profit or loss, loans and advances |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
ifrs-full:ReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLossLoansAndAdvances |
1174 |
Dividends classified as expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:DividendsClassifiedAsExpense |
1175 |
Royalty expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:RoyaltyExpense |
1176 |
Expense arising from passage of time on other provisions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ExpenseDueToUnwindingOfDiscountOnProvisions |
1177 |
Repairs and maintenance expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:RepairsAndMaintenanceExpense |
1178 |
Fuel and energy expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:FuelAndEnergyExpense |
1179 |
Fuel expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:FuelExpense |
1180 |
Energy expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:EnergyExpense |
1181 |
Donations and subsidies expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:DonationsAndSubsidiesExpense |
1182 |
Directors' remuneration expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:DirectorsRemunerationExpense |
1183 |
Occupancy expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OccupancyExpense |
1184 |
Rental income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RentalIncome |
1185 |
Rental expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:RentalExpense |
1186 |
Property development and project management income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PropertyDevelopmentAndProjectManagementIncome |
1187 |
Property service charge income (expense) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PropertyServiceChargeIncomeExpense |
1188 |
Property service charge expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:PropertyServiceChargeExpense |
1189 |
Property service charge income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PropertyServiceChargeIncome |
1190 |
Property management expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:PropertyManagementExpense |
1191 |
Income from reimbursements under insurance policies |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:IncomeFromReimbursementsUnderInsurancePolicies |
1192 |
Income from fines and penalties |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:IncomeFromFinesAndPenalties |
1193 |
Other operating income (expense) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherOperatingIncomeExpense |
1194 |
Miscellaneous other operating income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:MiscellaneousOtherOperatingIncome |
1195 |
Miscellaneous other operating expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:MiscellaneousOtherOperatingExpense |
1196 |
Media production expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:MediaProductionExpense |
1197 |
Gains (losses) on change in fair value of derivatives |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:GainsLossesOnChangeInFairValueOfDerivatives |
1198 |
Gains on change in fair value of derivatives |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:GainsOnChangeInFairValueOfDerivatives |
1199 |
Losses on change in fair value of derivatives |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:LossesOnChangeInFairValueOfDerivatives |
1200 |
Fee and commission income (expense) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:FeeAndCommissionIncomeExpense |
1201 |
Trading income (expense) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:TradingIncomeExpense |
1202 |
Trading income (expense) on debt instruments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:TradingIncomeExpenseOnDebtInstruments |
1203 |
Trading income (expense) on equity instruments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:TradingIncomeExpenseOnEquityInstruments |
1204 |
Trading income (expense) on derivative financial instruments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:TradingIncomeExpenseOnDerivativeFinancialInstruments |
1205 |
Trading income (expense) on foreign exchange contracts |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:TradingIncomeExpenseOnForeignExchangeContracts |
1206 |
Other trading income (expense) |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherTradingIncomeExpense |
1207 |
Net earned premium |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NetEarnedPremium |
1208 |
Claims and benefits paid, net of reinsurance recoveries |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ClaimsAndBenefitsPaidNetOfReinsuranceRecoveries |
1209 |
Increase (decrease) in provision for unearned premium |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncreaseDecreaseInProvisionForUnearnedPremium |
1210 |
Premiums written, net of reinsurance |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:PremiumsWrittenNetOfReinsurance |
1211 |
Increase (decrease) in insurance liabilities, net of reinsurance |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:IncreaseDecreaseInInsuranceLiabilitiesNetOfReinsurance |
1212 |
Acquisition and administration expense related to insurance contracts |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AcquisitionAndAdministrationExpenseRelatedToInsuranceContracts |
1213 |
Expenses, by nature |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ExpenseByNature |
1214 |
Raw materials and consumables used |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:RawMaterialsAndConsumablesUsed |
1215 |
Cost of merchandise sold |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CostOfMerchandiseSold |
1216 |
Cost of purchased energy sold |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CostOfPurchasedEnergySold |
1217 |
Services expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ServicesExpense |
1218 |
Insurance expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:InsuranceExpense |
1219 |
Professional fees expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ProfessionalFeesExpense |
1220 |
Transportation expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:TransportationExpense |
1221 |
Bank and similar charges |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:BankAndSimilarCharges |
1222 |
Energy transmission charges |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:EnergyTransmissionCharges |
1223 |
Travel expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:TravelExpense |
1224 |
Communication expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:CommunicationExpense |
1225 |
Utilities expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:UtilitiesExpense |
1226 |
Advertising expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AdvertisingExpense |
1227 |
Employee benefits expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:EmployeeBenefitsExpense |
1228 |
Short-term employee benefits expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ShorttermEmployeeBenefitsExpense |
1229 |
Wages and salaries |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:WagesAndSalaries |
1230 |
Social security contributions |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:SocialSecurityContributions |
1231 |
Other short-term employee benefits |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherShorttermEmployeeBenefits |
1232 |
Post-employment benefit expense, defined contribution plans |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:PostemploymentBenefitExpenseDefinedContributionPlans |
1233 |
Post-employment benefit expense in profit or loss, defined benefit plans |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:PostemploymentBenefitExpenseDefinedBenefitPlans |
1234 |
Termination benefits expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:TerminationBenefitsExpense |
1235 |
Other long-term employee benefits |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherLongtermBenefits |
1236 |
Other employee expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherEmployeeExpense |
1237 |
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:DepreciationAmortisationAndImpairmentLossReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
1238 |
Depreciation and amortisation expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:DepreciationAndAmortisationExpense |
1239 |
Depreciation expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:DepreciationExpense |
1240 |
Amortisation expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:AmortisationExpense |
1241 |
Impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:ImpairmentLossReversalOfImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitOrLoss |
1242 |
Other expenses, by nature |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:OtherExpenseByNature |
1243 |
Tax expense other than income tax expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:TaxExpenseOtherThanIncomeTaxExpense |
1244 |
Property tax expense |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Debit |
ifrs-full:PropertyTaxExpense |
1245 |
Revenue |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:Revenue |
1246 |
Revenue from sale of goods |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromSaleOfGoods |
1247 |
Revenue from sale of copper |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromSaleOfCopper |
1248 |
Revenue from sale of gold |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromSaleOfGold |
1249 |
Revenue from sale of silver |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromSaleOfSilver |
1250 |
Revenue from sale of oil and gas products |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromSaleOfOilAndGasProducts |
1251 |
Revenue from sale of crude oil |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromSaleOfCrudeOil |
1252 |
Revenue from sale of natural gas |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromSaleOfNaturalGas |
1253 |
Revenue from sale of petroleum and petrochemical products |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromSaleOfPetroleumAndPetrochemicalProducts |
1254 |
Revenue from sale of telecommunication equipment |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromSaleOfTelecommunicationEquipment |
1255 |
Revenue from sale of electricity |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromSaleOfElectricity |
1256 |
Revenue from sale of publications |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromSaleOfPublications |
1257 |
Circulation revenue |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:CirculationRevenue |
1258 |
Subscription circulation revenue |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:SubscriptionCirculationRevenue |
1259 |
Non-subscription circulation revenue |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:NonsubscriptionCirculationRevenue |
1260 |
Revenue from sale of books |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromSaleOfBooks |
1261 |
Revenue from sale of agricultural produce |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromSaleOfAgriculturalProduce |
1262 |
Revenue from sale of sugar |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromSaleOfSugar |
1263 |
Revenue from sale of alcohol and alcoholic drinks |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromSaleOfAlcoholAndAlcoholicDrinks |
1264 |
Revenue from sale of food and beverage |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromSaleOfFoodAndBeverage |
1265 |
Revenue from rendering of services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromRenderingOfServices |
1266 |
Revenue from rendering of transport services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromRenderingOfTransportServices |
1267 |
Revenue from rendering of passenger transport services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromRenderingOfPassengerTransportServices |
1268 |
Revenue from rendering of cargo and mail transport services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromRenderingOfCargoAndMailTransportServices |
1269 |
Revenue from rendering of advertising services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromRenderingOfAdvertisingServices |
1270 |
Revenue from rendering of printing services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromRenderingOfPrintingServices |
1271 |
Revenue from rendering of information technology services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromRenderingOfInformationTechnologyServices |
1272 |
Revenue from rendering of information technology maintenance and support services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromRenderingOfInformationTechnologyMaintenanceAndSupportServices |
1273 |
Revenue from rendering of information technology consulting services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromRenderingOfInformationTechnologyConsultingServices |
1274 |
Revenue from rendering of telecommunication services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromRenderingOfTelecommunicationServices |
1275 |
Revenue from rendering of interconnection services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromRenderingOfInterconnectionServices |
1276 |
Revenue from rendering of internet services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromRenderingOfInternetServices |
1277 |
Revenue from rendering of data services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromRenderingOfDataServices |
1278 |
Revenue from rendering of internet and data services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromRenderingOfInternetAndDataServices |
1279 |
Revenue from rendering of other telecommunication services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromRenderingOfOtherTelecommunicationServices |
1280 |
Revenue from rendering of telephone services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromRenderingOfTelephoneServices |
1281 |
Revenue from rendering of land line telephone services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromRenderingOfLandLineTelephoneServices |
1282 |
Revenue from rendering of mobile telephone services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromRenderingOfMobileTelephoneServices |
1283 |
Revenue from hotel operations |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromHotelOperations |
1284 |
Revenue from room occupancy services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromRoomOccupancyServices |
1285 |
Revenue from rendering of gaming services |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromRenderingOfGamingServices |
1286 |
Revenue from construction contracts |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromConstructionContracts |
1287 |
Royalty income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromRoyalties |
1288 |
Licence fee income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:LicenceFeeIncome |
1289 |
Franchise fee income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:FranchiseFeeIncome |
1290 |
Interest income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromInterest |
1291 |
Interest income on available-for-sale financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:InterestIncomeOnAvailableforsaleFinancialAssets |
1292 |
Interest income on cash and bank balances at central banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:InterestIncomeOnCashAndBankBalancesAtCentralBanks |
1293 |
Interest income on cash and cash equivalents |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:InterestIncomeOnCashAndCashEquivalents |
1294 |
Interest income on debt instruments held |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:InterestIncomeOnDebtInstrumentsHeld |
1295 |
Interest income on deposits |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:InterestIncomeOnDeposits |
1296 |
Interest income on financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:InterestIncomeOnFinancialAssetsDesignatedAtFairValueThroughProfitOrLoss |
1297 |
Interest income on financial assets held for trading |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:InterestIncomeOnFinancialAssetsHeldForTrading |
1298 |
Interest income on held-to-maturity investments |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:InterestIncomeOnHeldtomaturityInvestments |
1299 |
Interest income on loans and advances to banks |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:InterestIncomeOnLoansAndAdvancesToBanks |
1300 |
Interest income on loans and advances to customers |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:InterestIncomeOnLoansAndAdvancesToCustomers |
1301 |
Interest income on loans and receivables |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:InterestIncomeOnLoansAndReceivables |
1302 |
Interest income on other financial assets |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:InterestIncomeOnOtherFinancialAssets |
1303 |
Interest income on reverse repurchase agreements and cash collateral on securities borrowed |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:InterestIncomeOnReverseRepurchaseAgreementsAndCashCollateralOnSecuritiesBorrowed |
1304 |
Dividend income |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:RevenueFromDividends |
1305 |
Other revenue |
Concept (Monetary) |
For Period |
Credit |
ifrs-full:OtherRevenue |