Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | AA: Statement: Financial Highlights ( |
Table | Financial Highlights [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | BA: Statement: Balance Sheet ( |
Table | Balance Sheet [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | BB: Statement: Balance Sheet, Classes of Preferred Stock ( |
Table | Preferred Stock, by Class [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | BC: Statement: Balance Sheet, Classes of Common Stock ( |
Table | Common Stock, by Class [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | CA: Statement: Income Statement ( |
Table | Income Statement [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | CB: Statement: Income Statement, Earnings Per Share ( |
Table | Earnings Per Share [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | DA: Statement: Cash Flow Statement, Direct Method ( |
Table | Cash Flow Statement, Direct Method [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | FA: Statement: Changes in Equity, Prior Period Adjustments ( |
Table | Statement of Changes in Equity, Prior Period Adjustments [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | FB: Statement: Changes in Equity ( |
Table | Statement of Changes in Equity [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | FC: Statement: Changes in Equity, Preferred Stock, Shares ( |
Table | Statement of Changes in Equity, Preferred Stock by Class [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | FD: Statement: Changes in Equity, Common Stock, Shares ( |
Table | Statement of Changes in Equity, Common Stock by Class [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | FE: Schedule: Changes in Equity [Extra] ( |
Table | (Implied) |
# | Reporting Entity [Axis] | Period [Axis] | Concept | Fact Value | Unit | Rounding | Parenthetical Explanations |
1 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2019-01-01 - 2019-12-31 | Other Increase (Decrease) in Preferred Stock | 1000000 | USD | INF | |
2 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Other Increase (Decrease) in Preferred Stock | 1000000 | USD | INF | |
3 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Additional Paid in Capital, Added from Issuance of Preferred Stock | 0 | USD | INF | |
4 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2019-01-01 - 2019-12-31 | Additional Paid in Capital, Added from Issuance of Preferred Stock | 0 | USD | INF | |
5 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2019-01-01 - 2019-12-31 | Other Increase (Decrease) in Retained Earnings (Accumulated Losses) | 6000000 | USD | INF | |
6 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Other Increase (Decrease) in Retained Earnings (Accumulated Losses) | 500000 | USD | INF | |
7 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Common Stock, Issued | 1000000 | USD | INF | |
8 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2019-01-01 - 2019-12-31 | Common Stock, Issued | 1000000 | USD | INF | |
9 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Additional Paid in Capital, Removed from Buybacks of Preferred Stock | 1000000 | USD | INF | |
10 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2019-01-01 - 2019-12-31 | Additional Paid in Capital, Removed from Buybacks of Preferred Stock | 1000000 | USD | INF | |
11 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2019-01-01 - 2019-12-31 | Preferred Stock and Additional Paid in Capital, Issuance of Preferred Stock | 1000000 | USD | INF | |
12 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Preferred Stock and Additional Paid in Capital, Issuance of Preferred Stock | 1000000 | USD | INF | |
13 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Preferred Stock, Buybacks | 1000000 | USD | INF | |
14 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2019-01-01 - 2019-12-31 | Preferred Stock, Buybacks | 1000000 | USD | INF | |
15 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Preferred Stock, Issued | 1000000 | USD | INF | |
16 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2019-01-01 - 2019-12-31 | Preferred Stock, Issued | 1000000 | USD | INF | |
17 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Other Increase (Decrease) in Equity | 500000 | USD | INF | |
18 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2019-01-01 - 2019-12-31 | Other Increase (Decrease) in Equity | 6000000 | USD | INF | |
19 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Additional Paid in Capital, Added from Issuance of Common Stock | 1000000 | USD | INF | |
20 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2019-01-01 - 2019-12-31 | Additional Paid in Capital, Added from Issuance of Common Stock | 1000000 | USD | INF | |
21 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Other Increase (Decrease) in Additional Paid in Capital | 1000000 | USD | INF | |
22 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2019-01-01 - 2019-12-31 | Other Increase (Decrease) in Additional Paid in Capital | 1000000 | USD | INF | |
23 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Common Stock and Additional Paid in Capital, Issuance of Common Stock | 2000000 | USD | INF | |
24 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2019-01-01 - 2019-12-31 | Common Stock and Additional Paid in Capital, Issuance of Common Stock | 2000000 | USD | INF | |
25 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2019-01-01 - 2019-12-31 | Preferred Stock and Additional Paid in Capital Removed, Buybacks of Preferred Stock | 2000000 | USD | INF | |
26 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Preferred Stock and Additional Paid in Capital Removed, Buybacks of Preferred Stock | 2000000 | USD | INF | |
27 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2019-01-01 - 2019-12-31 | Other Increase (Decrease) in Common Stock | -2000000 | USD | INF | |
28 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Other Increase (Decrease) in Common Stock | -2000000 | USD | INF |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | JA: Schedule: Cash and Cash Equivalents, by Component ( |
Table | Cash and Cash Equivalents Components [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | JB: Schedule: Reconciliation of Cash per Balance Sheet with Cash Flow Statement, Summary ( |
Table | Reconciliation of Cash, Summary [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | JC: Schedule: Reconciliation of Cash per Balance Sheet with Cash Flow Statement, by Item ( |
Table | Reconciling Item of Cash and Cash Equivalents [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | JD: Schedule: Receivables, by Current and Noncurrent Portion ( |
Table | Receivables, Details, Current/Noncurrent [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | JE: Schedule: Receivables, by Gross/Net Portion ( |
Table | Receivables, Details, Gross/Net [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | JF: Schedule: Receivables, by Component ( |
Table | Receivables, by Compoment [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | JG: Schedule: Inventory, by Component ( |
Table | Inventory, by Compoment [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | JH: Schedule: Prepaid Expenses, by Component ( |
Table | Prepaid Expenses [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | KA: Schedule: Property, Plant and Equipment, Net, by Component (Represented as Line Items/Concepts) ( |
Table | Property, Plant and Equipment Components [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | KB: Schedule: Property, Plant and Equipment, Net, Roll Forward (Represented as Line Items/Concepts) ( |
Table | Property, Plant and Equipment Roll Forward [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | KC: Schedule: Property, Plant and Equipment, Estimated Useful Lives (Represented as Axis/Members) ( |
Table | Property, Plant and Equipment, Estimated Useful Lives, by Type [Table] |
# | Reporting Entity [Axis] | Period [Axis] | Legal Entity [Axis] | Report Date [Axis] | Reporting Scenario [Axis] | Property, Plant and Equipment, Description of Major Class [Axis] | Concept | Fact Value | Unit | Rounding | Parenthetical Explanations |
1 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Consolidated Entity [Member] | Reported as of March 18, 2021 [Member] | Actual [Member] | Other Property, Plant and Equipment [Member] | Property, Plant and Equipment, Estimated Useful Life | P10Y | |||
2 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Consolidated Entity [Member] | Reported as of March 18, 2021 [Member] | Actual [Member] | Buildings [Member] | Property, Plant and Equipment, Estimated Useful Life | P25Y | |||
3 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Consolidated Entity [Member] | Reported as of March 18, 2021 [Member] | Actual [Member] | Furniture and Fixtures [Member] | Property, Plant and Equipment, Estimated Useful Life | P15Y |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | KD: Schedule: Property, Plant and Equipment, Net, by Component (Represented as Axis/Members) ( |
Table | Property, Plant and Equipment, Net, by Component, Class as Axis [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | KE: Schedule: Property, Plant and Equipment, Leasehold Land and Buildings ( |
Table | Leasehold Land and Building [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | KF: Schedule: Other Assets, by Current and Noncurrent Portion ( |
Table | Other Assets, Current and Noncurrent Portions [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | NA: Schedule: Payables and Accruals, by Component ( |
Table | Payables and Accruals Components [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | NB: Schedule: Long-Term Debt, by Component ( |
Table | Long-Term Debt, by Component [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | NC: Schedule: Long-Term Debt, by Current and Noncurrent Portion ( |
Table | Long-Term Debt, Current/Noncurrent Breakdown [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | ND: Schedule: Long-Term Debt, by Maturity ( |
Table | Long-Term Debt, Maturities [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | NE: Schedule: Long-Term Debt, by Instrument ( |
Table | Long-Term Debt Instrument [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | NF: Schedule: Other Liabilities, by Current and Noncurrent Portion ( |
Table | Other Liabilities, Current and Noncurrent Breakdown [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | NG: Schedule: Income Tax Expense (Benefit), by Component ( |
Table | Income Tax Expense (Benefit) Components [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | OA: Schedule: Subsequent Events, by Event Category ( |
Table | Subsequent Event [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | OB: Schedule: Business Segments, by Segment ( |
Table | Business Segments [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | OC: Schedule: Related Parties, by Party ( |
Table | Related Party [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | OD: Schedule: Related Party Transactions, by Transaction ( |
Table | Related Party Transaction [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | OE: Schedule: Director Compensation, by Director ( |
Table | Director Compensation [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | OF: Schedule: Share Ownership Plans, by Plan ( |
Table | Share Ownership Plan [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | OJ: Schedule: Investments, by Instrument ( |
Table | Investment [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | OK: Schedule: Sales Analysis, by Customer ( |
Table | Sales Analysis, by Customer [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | OL: Schedule: Document and Entity Information ( |
Table | Document Information [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | OM: Schedule: Entity Address ( |
Table | Address [Table] |
# | Reporting Entity [Axis] | Period [Axis] | Legal Entity [Axis] | Address Type [Axis] | Concept | Fact Value | Unit | Rounding | Parenthetical Explanations |
1 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Consolidated Entity [Member] | Company Address [Member] | Street 1 | 1234 North Street | |||
2 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Consolidated Entity [Member] | Company Address [Member] | City | New York |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | QA: Schedule: Variance Analysis ( |
Table | Variance Analysis, Gross Profit [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | XA: Note: Nature of Business and Overall Financial Reporting Presentation and Display Note ( |
Table | Nature of Business and Overall Financial Reporting Presentation and Display Matters [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | XB: Note: Significant Accounting Policies Note ( |
Table | Accounting Policies [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | XC: Note: Cash and Cash Equivalents Note ( |
Table | Cash and Cash Equivalents Note [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | XD: Note: Receivables Note ( |
Table | Receivables, Disclosures [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | XE: Note: Inventory Note ( |
Table | Inventory [Table] |
# | Reporting Entity [Axis] | Period [Axis] | Legal Entity [Axis] | Report Date [Axis] | Reporting Scenario [Axis] | Concept | Fact Value | Unit | Rounding | Parenthetical Explanations |
1 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Consolidated Entity [Member] | Reported as of March 18, 2021 [Member] | Actual [Member] | Inventory [HTML] | <p style='font-weight:bold'>Inventory</p> <p>Sed mauris. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tristique posuere ipsum. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam viverra r | |||
2 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Consolidated Entity [Member] | Reported as of March 18, 2021 [Member] | Actual [Member] | Inventory Components [Schedule] | <p style='font-family:Arial'> Praesent id mauris. Sed dapibus dui quis lectus. Donec id sem. Integer sit amet diam ac nibh consequat vestibu |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | XF: Note: Prepaid Expenses Note ( |
Table | Prepaid Expenses [Table] |
# | Reporting Entity [Axis] | Period [Axis] | Legal Entity [Axis] | Report Date [Axis] | Reporting Scenario [Axis] | Concept | Fact Value | Unit | Rounding | Parenthetical Explanations |
1 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Consolidated Entity [Member] | Reported as of March 18, 2021 [Member] | Actual [Member] | Prepaid Expenses [HTML] | <p style='font-weight:bold'>Prepaid expenses</p> <p>Sed mauris. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tristique posuere ipsum. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam vi | |||
2 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Consolidated Entity [Member] | Reported as of March 18, 2021 [Member] | Actual [Member] | Prepaid Expenses Components [Schedule] | <p style='font-family:Arial'> Praesent id mauris. Sed dapibus dui quis lectus. Donec id sem. Integer sit amet diam ac nibh consequat vestibu |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | XG: Note: Property, Plant and Equipment Note ( |
Table | Property, Plant and Equipment, Disclosures [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | XH: Note: Other Assets Note ( |
Table | Other Assets, Disclosures [Table] |
# | Reporting Entity [Axis] | Period [Axis] | Legal Entity [Axis] | Report Date [Axis] | Reporting Scenario [Axis] | Concept | Fact Value | Unit | Rounding | Parenthetical Explanations |
1 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Consolidated Entity [Member] | Reported as of March 18, 2021 [Member] | Actual [Member] | Other Assets [HTML] | <p style='font-weight:bold'>Inventory</p> <p>Sed mauris. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tristique posuere ipsum. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam viverra r | |||
2 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Consolidated Entity [Member] | Reported as of March 18, 2021 [Member] | Actual [Member] | Other Assets, Current and Noncurrent Portion [Schedule] | <p style='font-family:Arial'> Praesent id mauris. Sed dapibus dui quis lectus. Donec id sem. Integer sit amet diam ac nibh consequat vestibu |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | XI: Note: Payables and Accruals Note ( |
Table | Payables and Accruals, Disclosures [Table] |
# | Reporting Entity [Axis] | Period [Axis] | Legal Entity [Axis] | Report Date [Axis] | Reporting Scenario [Axis] | Concept | Fact Value | Unit | Rounding | Parenthetical Explanations |
1 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Consolidated Entity [Member] | Reported as of March 18, 2021 [Member] | Actual [Member] | Payables and Accruals [HTML] | <p style='font-weight:bold'>Inventory</p> <p>Sed mauris. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tristique posuere ipsum. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam viverra r | |||
2 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Consolidated Entity [Member] | Reported as of March 18, 2021 [Member] | Actual [Member] | Payables and Accruals Components [Schedule] | <p style='font-family:Arial'> Praesent id mauris. Sed dapibus dui quis lectus. Donec id sem. Integer sit amet diam ac nibh consequat vestibu |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | XJ: Note: Long-Term Debt Note ( |
Table | Long-Term Debt Disclosures [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | XK: Note: Other Liabilities Note ( |
Table | Other Liabilities Disclosures [Table] |
# | Reporting Entity [Axis] | Period [Axis] | Legal Entity [Axis] | Report Date [Axis] | Reporting Scenario [Axis] | Concept | Fact Value | Unit | Rounding | Parenthetical Explanations |
1 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Consolidated Entity [Member] | Reported as of March 18, 2021 [Member] | Actual [Member] | Other Liabilities Disclosures [HTML] | <p style='font-weight:bold'>Other liabilities</p> <p>Sed mauris. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tristique posuere ipsum. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam v | |||
2 | 10810137d58f76b84aaa ( | 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | Consolidated Entity [Member] | Reported as of March 18, 2021 [Member] | Actual [Member] | Other Liabilities Current and Noncurrent Breakdown [Schedule] | <p style='font-family:Arial'> Praesent id mauris. Sed dapibus dui quis lectus. Donec id sem. Integer sit amet diam ac nibh consequat vestibu |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | XL: Note: Equity Note ( |
Table | Equity Disclosures [Table] |
Component: (Network and Table) | |
Network | XM: Note: Income Taxes Note ( |
Table | Income Taxes, Disclosures [Table] |