Generated by Pacioli version 54f833c (updated 2 hours ago). Analysis at 2021-06-16T22:05:26+0000 for This page will remain online at for about 28 days.


101-Balance SheetBalance Sheet [Hypercube] Assets
201-Balance SheetBalance Sheet [Hypercube] Liabilities and Equity
302-Net AssetsNet Assets [Hypercube] Net Assets
403-Comprehensive IncomeComprehensive Income Statement [Hypercube] Comprehensive Income
504-Comprehensive Income 2Comprehensive Income Statement [Hypercube] Comprehensive Income
605-Comprehensive Income 3Comprehensive Income Statement [Hypercube] Comprehensive Income
706-Cash FlowCash Flow [Hypercube] Net Cash Flow
806-Cash FlowCash Flow [Hypercube] Assets, Beginning Balance
907-Changes in EquityChanges in Equity [Hypercube] Equity, Beginning Balance

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DISCLAIMER: this analysis is provided by software still under development, and likely incomplete or even erroneous; do NOT use it other than for experimental, inconsequential purposes