Mastering XBRL-based Digital Financial Reporting

'The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones.' (John Maynard Keynes)

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1. Mastering XBRL-based Digital Financial Reporting Draft
2. Table of Contents Draft
3. Section 0: Introduction Reviewed
4. Introduction Reviewed
5. Accounting, Reporting, Auditing, and Analysis in a Digital Environment Reviewed
6. Computational Professional Services Reviewed
7. Very Basic XBRL Primer Reviewed
8. Computational Thinking (was Computer Empathy) Reviewed
9. Essence of Accounting Reviewed
10. Section 1: Important Background Information Reviewed
11. Conceptual Overview of XBRL-based Digital Financial Report Reviewed
12. Principles Reviewed
13. Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering in a Nutshell Draft
14. Digitizing Financial Reports Draft
15. Professional Accountant's Interests, Perspective, Position, and Risks Draft
16. Distributed Ledgers Draft
17. Lean Six Sigma Draft
18. Other Moving Parts of Digital Draft
19. Section 2: Logical Conceptulization of Financial Report Draft
20. Exchanging Complex Financial Information Draft
21. Logical Systems Draft
22. Logical Theory Describing Financial Report Draft
23. Terms Draft
24. Associations Draft
25. Structures Draft
26. Rules Draft
27. Facts Draft
28. Representing Structures Draft
29. Concept Arrangement Patterns Draft
30. Member Arrangement Patterns Draft
31. Structure Arrangement Patterns Draft
32. Fundamental Accounting Concepts and Reporting Styles Draft
33. Disclosure Mechanics Draft
34. Disclosure Rules (a.k.a. Reporting Checklist) Draft
35. Method Draft
36. SEC-type XBRL-based Digital Financial Report Draft
37. ESEF-type XBRL-based Digital Financial Report Draft
38. Semantic Spreadsheets Draft
39. Reference to Logical Theory Terms Draft
40. Reference to Logical Theory Semantics Draft
41. Advanced Aspects of Logical Conceptulization of Financial Report Draft
42. Additional Resources Draft
43. Section 3: Working with XBRL-based Digital Financial Reports Draft
44. Viewing Reports Draft
45. Controlling Report Quality Draft
46. Querying Report Information Draft
47. Creating Reports Draft
48. Extracting Information from Reports Draft
49. Digital Financial Report Creation Best Practices Draft
50. Workflow and Process Control Draft
51. Auditing XBRL-based Digital Financial Reports Draft
52. Section 4: Examples and Samples Draft
53. Hello World Example Draft
54. Concept Arrangement Pattern Examples Draft
55. Member Arrangement Pattern Examples Draft
56. Business Use Case Examples Draft
57. Comprehensive Example Draft
58. Reference Implementation of XBRL-based Report for SEC Draft
59. Reference Implementation of XBRL-based Report for ESMA Draft
60. Mastering Examples Draft
61. Template Examples Draft
62. Exemplar Examples Draft
63. Section 5: Technical Details Draft
64. Processing Logical Systems Draft
65. XBRL Technical Syntax Details Draft
66. Special and Specific Considerations Draft
67. Reconcilation of Models Draft
68. Financial Report Object Properties Draft
69. Report Element Properties Draft
70. Analysis of 6,751 XBRL-based 10-Ks Draft
71. XBRL Technical Syntax Modeling Tips Draft
72. Profiles Draft
73. Guide to Building Expert System for Creating Financial Reports Draft