Generated by Pacioli version 020274e (updated 2 days ago). Analysis at 2022-04-29T16:52:48+0000 for This page will remain online at for about 90 days. | ![]() |
Type | Defined | Bound | Derived | OK | Fail |
calculation | 37 | 57 | 0 | 57 | 0 |
disclosure | 30 | 44 | 0 | 44 | 0 |
disclosureCheck | 41 | 41 | 0 | 41 | 0 |
existenceAssertion | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
formula | 19 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
valueAssertion | 30 | 39 | 0 | 39 | 0 |
# | Type | Name | Rule Expression | |
1 | valueAssertion | FAC_BS1_BalanceSheetBalances
Assets=LiabilitiesAndEquity | |
2 | valueAssertion | FAC_BS2_AssetsEqualsCurrentPlusNoncurrentAssets
Assets=AssetsCurrent+AssetsNoncurrent | |
3 | valueAssertion | FAC_BS3_LiabilitiesEqualsCurrentPlusNoncurrentLiabilities
Liabilities=LiabilitiesCurrent+LiabilitiesNoncurrent | |
4 | valueAssertion | FAC_BS4_LiabilitiesAndEquityEqualsLiabilitiesPlusEquity
LiabilitiesAndEquity=Liabilities+Equity | |
5 | valueAssertion | FAC_CF1_NetCashFlowEqualsOperatingInvestingAndFinancing
CashFlowNet=CashFlowProvidedByUsedInOperatingActivitiesNet+CashFlowsProvidedByUsedInInvestingActivitiesNet+CashFlowsProvidedByUsedInFinancingActivitiesNet | |
6 | valueAssertion | FAC_CONSISTENCY_16
IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsAfterTax=IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeTax-IncomeTaxExpenseBenefit | |
7 | valueAssertion | FAC_CONSISTENCY_17
NetIncomeLoss=IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsAfterTax+IncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsNetOfTax | |
8 | valueAssertion | FAC_CONSISTENCY_2
Assets=LiabilitiesAndEquity | |
9 | valueAssertion | FAC_CONSISTENCY_3
Assets=CurrentAssets+NoncurrentAssets | |
10 | valueAssertion | FAC_CONSISTENCY_4
Liabilities=CurrentLiabilities+NoncurrentLiabilities | |
11 | valueAssertion | FAC_CONSISTENCY_5
LiabilitiesAndEquity=Liabilities+Equity | |
12 | formula | FAC_IMPUTE_1
if Assets=0 and NoncurrentAssets=0 and not Assets=LiabilitiesAndEquity and CurrentAssets=LiabilitiesAndEquity then CurrentAssets else null | |
13 | formula | FAC_IMPUTE_11
if Liabilities=0 and (CurrentLiabilities=0 or NoncurrentLiabilities=0)and not Equity=0 and not LiabilitiesAndEquity=0 then LiabilitiesAndEquity-Equity else null | |
14 | formula | FAC_IMPUTE_12
if NoncurrentLiabilities=0 and not Liabilities=0 and not CurrentLiabilities=0 then Liabilities-CurrentLiabilities else null | |
15 | formula | FAC_IMPUTE_13
if Liabilities=0 and not CurrentLiabilities=0 and NoncurrentLiabilities=0 and not Equity=0 and not LiabilitiesAndEquity=0 then CurrentLiabilities else null | |
16 | formula | FAC_IMPUTE_14
if Liabilities=0 and not CurrentLiabilities=0 and not NoncurrentLiabilities=0 then CurrentLiabilities+NoncurrentLiabilities else null | |
17 | formula | FAC_IMPUTE_16
if CurrentLiabilities=0 and NoncurrentLiabilities=0 and not Liabilities=0 then Liabilities else null | |
18 | formula | FAC_IMPUTE_18
if CurrentAssets=0 and not Assets=0 and not LiabilitiesAndEquity=0 and LiabilitiesAndEquity=Assets then Assets else null | |
19 | formula | FAC_IMPUTE_2
if Assets=0 and not LiabilitiesAndEquity=0 and CurrentAssets=LiabilitiesAndEquity then CurrentAssets else null | |
20 | formula | FAC_IMPUTE_3
if Assets=0 and NoncurrentAssets=0 and not LiabilitiesAndEquity=0 and LiabilitiesAndEquity=Liabilities+Equity then CurrentAssets else null | |
21 | formula | FAC_IMPUTE_4
if NoncurrentAssets=0 and not Assets=0 and not CurrentAssets=0 then Assets-CurrentAssets else null | |
22 | formula | FAC_IMPUTE_44
if IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsAfterTax=0 and not IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeTax=0 then IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeTax-IncomeTaxExpenseBenefit else null | |
23 | formula | FAC_IMPUTE_46
if NetIncomeLoss=0 and not IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsAfterTax=0 and not IncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsNetOfTax=0 then IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsAfterTax+IncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsNetOfTax else null | |
24 | formula | FAC_IMPUTE_48
if IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeTax=0 and not IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsAfterTax=0 and IncomeTaxExpenseBenefit=0 then IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsAfterTax else null | |
25 | formula | FAC_IMPUTE_5
if LiabilitiesAndEquity=0 and not Assets=0 then Assets else null | |
26 | formula | FAC_IMPUTE_55
if IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsAfterTax=0 and not NetIncomeLoss=0 then NetIncomeLoss-IncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsNetOfTax else null | |
27 | formula | FAC_IMPUTE_56
if IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsAfterTax=0 and not IncomeTaxExpenseBenefit=0 and not IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeTax=0 then IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeTax-IncomeTaxExpenseBenefit else null | |
28 | formula | FAC_IMPUTE_58
if IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeTax=0 and not IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsAfterTax=0 then IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsAfterTax+IncomeTaxExpenseBenefit else null | |
29 | formula | FAC_IMPUTE_80
if NoncurrentLiabilities=0 and not CurrentLiabilities=0 and not Liabilities=0 then Liabilities-CurrentLiabilities else null | |
30 | formula | FAC_IMPUTE_91
if OperatingAndNonoperatingCostsAndExpenses=0 and not OperatingAndNonoperatingRevenues=0 and not IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeTax=0 then OperatingAndNonoperatingRevenues-IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeTax else null | |
31 | valueAssertion | FAC_IS1_GrossProfitFoots
GrossProfitLoss=RevenuesNet-CostOfSales | |
32 | valueAssertion | FAC_IS2_OperatingIncomeFoots
OperatingIncomeLoss=GrossProfitLoss-OperatingExpenses | |
33 | valueAssertion | FAC_IS3_IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeTaxFoots
IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeTax=OperatingIncomeLoss-NonoperatingIncomeExpenses | |
34 | valueAssertion | FAC_IS4_NetIncomeLossFoots
NetIncomeLoss=IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeTax-IncomeTaxExpenseBenefit | |
35 | valueAssertion | MINI_RollForwardReconciles_AccountsPayable
VARIABLE_BalanceStart+PurchasesOfInventoryForSale-PaymentOfAccountsPayable=VARIABLE_BalanceEnd | |
36 | valueAssertion | MINI_RollForwardReconciles_CashAndCashEquivalents
VARIABLE_BalanceStart+CollectionReceivables-PaymentOfAccountsPayable+AdditionalLongtermBorrowings-RepaymentLongtermBorrowings-CapitalAdditionsPropertyPlantAndEquipment=VARIABLE_BalanceEnd | |
37 | valueAssertion | MINI_RollForwardReconciles_Inventories
VARIABLE_BalanceStart+PurchasesOfInventoryForSale-CostsOfSales-InventoryWrittenOff=VARIABLE_BalanceEnd | |
38 | valueAssertion | MINI_RollForwardReconciles_PropertyPlantAndEquipment
VARIABLE_BalanceStart+CapitalAdditionsPropertyPlantAndEquipment-DepreciationAndAmortization-PropertyPlantAndEquipmentWrittenOff=VARIABLE_BalanceEnd | |
39 | valueAssertion | MINI_RollForwardReconciles_Receivables
VARIABLE_BalanceStart+Sales-CollectionReceivables-AdditionsToAllowanceForBadDebts-BadDebtsWrittenOff=VARIABLE_BalanceEnd | |
40 | valueAssertion | REPORT_Balances_BalanceSheet
Total_Assets=Total_LiabilitiesAndEquity | |
41 | valueAssertion | REPORT_RollForwardReconciles_AccountsPayable
VARIABLE_BalanceStart+PurchasesOfInventoryForSale-PaymentOfAccountsPayable=VARIABLE_BalanceEnd | |
42 | valueAssertion | REPORT_RollForwardReconciles_CashAndCashEquivalents
VARIABLE_BalanceStart+CollectionReceivables-PaymentOfAccountsPayable+AdditionalLongtermBorrowings-RepaymentLongtermBorrowings-CapitalAdditionsPropertyPlantAndEquipment=VARIABLE_BalanceEnd 1 instance: mini:CashAndCashEquivalents[3,000] + mini:CollectionReceivables[3,000] - mini:PaymentOfAccountsPayable[2,000] + mini:AdditionalLongtermBorrowings2[6,000] - mini:RepaymentLongtermBorrowings2[1,000] - mini:CapitalAdditionsPropertyPlantAndEquipment2[5,000] = mini:CashAndCashEquivalents[4,000] | |
43 | valueAssertion | REPORT_RollForwardReconciles_Inventories
VARIABLE_BalanceStart+PurchasesOfInventoryForSale-CostsOfSales-InventoryWrittenOff=VARIABLE_BalanceEnd | |
44 | valueAssertion | REPORT_RollForwardReconciles_LongTermDebt
VARIABLE_BalanceStart+AdditionalLongtermBorrowings-RepaymentLongtermBorrowings=VARIABLE_BalanceEnd | |
45 | valueAssertion | REPORT_RollForwardReconciles_PropertyPlantAndEquipment
VARIABLE_BalanceStart+CapitalAdditionsPropertyPlantAndEquipment-DepreciationAndAmortization-PropertyPlantAndEquipmentWrittenOff=VARIABLE_BalanceEnd | |
46 | valueAssertion | REPORT_RollForwardReconciles_Receivables
VARIABLE_BalanceStart+Sales-CollectionReceivables-AdditionsToAllowanceForBadDebts-BadDebtsWrittenOff=VARIABLE_BalanceEnd | |
47 | valueAssertion | REPORT_RollFowardReconciles_CashFlowStatement
VARIABLE_BalanceStart+NetCashFlow=VARIABLE_BalanceEnd | |
48 | valueAssertion | REPORT_RollFowardReconciles_RetainedEarnings
VARIABLE_BalanceStart+VARIABLE_Change1=VARIABLE_BalanceEnd | |
49 | valueAssertion | REPORT_RollFowardReconciles_StatementOfChangesInEquity
VARIABLE_BalanceStart+VARIABLE_Change1=VARIABLE_BalanceEnd | |
50 | disclosure | disclosures:AccountsPayableRollForward
Accounts Payable Roll Forward
2 instances:
In network 5000 - Disclosure - Disclosures (Level 3 Disclosure Text Blocks):
In network 7110 - Disclosure - Accounts Payable Roll Forward (Level 4 Detail): | |
51 | disclosure | disclosures:AccountsPayableSubclassifications
Accounts Payable Subclassifications
2 instances:
In network 5000 - Disclosure - Disclosures (Level 3 Disclosure Text Blocks):
In network 8160 - Disclosure - Accounts Payable Subclassifications (Level 4 Detail): | |
52 | disclosure | disclosures:AssetsRollUp
Assets Roll Up
1 instance:
In network 1101 - Statement - Balance Sheet: | |
53 | disclosure | disclosures:BalanceSheetClassified
Balance Sheet, Classified
1 instance:
In network 1101 - Statement - Balance Sheet: | |
54 | disclosure | disclosures:BasisOfPresentation
Basis of Presentation
1 instance:
In network 2120 - Disclosure - Basis of Reporting Note (Level 1 Note Text Blocks): | |
55 | disclosure | disclosures:CashAndCashEquivalentsRollForward
Cash and Cash Equivalents Roll Forward
2 instances:
In network 5000 - Disclosure - Disclosures (Level 3 Disclosure Text Blocks):
In network 6110 - Disclosure - Cash and Cash Equivalents Roll Forward (Level 4 Detail): | |
56 | disclosure | disclosures:CashAndCashEquivalentsSubclassifications
Cash and Cash Equivalents Subclassifications
2 instances:
In network 5000 - Disclosure - Disclosures (Level 3 Disclosure Text Blocks):
In network 8110 - Disclosure - Cash and Cash Equivalents Subclassifications (Level 4 Detail): | |
57 | disclosure | disclosures:CashAndCashEquivalentsSummaryRollForward
Cash and Cash Equivalents Summary Roll Forward
1 instance:
In network 1103 - Statement - Cash Flow Statement: | |
58 | disclosure | disclosures:CashFlowStatementDirectMethod
Cash Flow Statement, Direct Method
1 instance:
In network 1103 - Statement - Cash Flow Statement: | |
59 | disclosure | disclosures:DocumentInformation
Document Information
1 instance:
In network 1001 - Document - Document Information: | |
60 | disclosure | disclosures:EntityInformation
Entity Information
1 instance:
In network 1002 - Document - Entity Information: | |
61 | disclosure | disclosures:FinishedGoodsSubclassifications
Finished Goods Subclassifications
2 instances:
In network 5000 - Disclosure - Disclosures (Level 3 Disclosure Text Blocks):
In network 8140 - Disclosure - Inventories - Finished Goods Subclassifications (Level 4 Detail): | |
62 | disclosure | disclosures:IncomeStatement
Income Statement
1 instance:
In network 1102 - Statement - Income Statement: | |
63 | disclosure | disclosures:InventoriesRollForward
Inventories Roll Forward
2 instances:
In network 5000 - Disclosure - Disclosures (Level 3 Disclosure Text Blocks):
In network 6130 - Disclosure - Inventories Roll Forward (Level 4 Detail): | |
64 | disclosure | disclosures:InventoriesSubclassifications
Inventories Subclassifications
2 instances:
In network 5000 - Disclosure - Disclosures (Level 3 Disclosure Text Blocks):
In network 8130 - Disclosure - Inventories Subclassifications (Level 4 Detail): | |
65 | disclosure | disclosures:LiabilitiesAndEquityRollUp
Liabilities and Equity Roll Up
1 instance:
In network 1101 - Statement - Balance Sheet: | |
66 | disclosure | disclosures:LongTermDebtMaturities
Long-Term Debt Maturities
2 instances:
In network 5000 - Disclosure - Disclosures (Level 3 Disclosure Text Blocks):
In network 8180 - Disclosure - Long-term Debt Maturities (Level 4 Detail): | |
67 | disclosure | disclosures:LongTermDebtRollForward
Long-Term Debt Roll Forward
2 instances:
In network 5000 - Disclosure - Disclosures (Level 3 Disclosure Text Blocks):
In network 7120 - Disclosure - Long-term Debt Roll Forward (Level 4 Detail): | |
68 | disclosure | disclosures:LongTermDebtSubclassifications
Long-Term Debt Subclassifications
2 instances:
In network 5000 - Disclosure - Disclosures (Level 3 Disclosure Text Blocks):
In network 8170 - Disclosure - Long-term Debt Subclassifications (Level 4 Detail): | |
69 | disclosure | disclosures:NatureOfEntity
Nature of Entity
1 instance:
In network 2110 - Disclosure - Nature of Business Note (Level 1 Note Text Blocks): | |
70 | disclosure | disclosures:NetCashFlowRollUp
Net Cash Flow Roll Up
1 instance:
In network 1103 - Statement - Cash Flow Statement: | |
71 | disclosure | disclosures:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentNetRollForward
Property, Plant, and Equipment, Net Roll Forward
2 instances:
In network 5000 - Disclosure - Disclosures (Level 3 Disclosure Text Blocks):
In network 6140 - Disclosure - Property, Plant, and Equipment Roll Forward (Level 4 Detail): | |
72 | disclosure | disclosures:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentNetSubclassifications
Property, Plant, and Equipment, Net Subclassifications
2 instances:
In network 5000 - Disclosure - Disclosures (Level 3 Disclosure Text Blocks):
In network 8150 - Disclosure - Property, Plant, and Equipment Subclassifications (Level 4 Detail): | |
73 | disclosure | disclosures:ReceivablesRollForward
Receivables Roll Forward
2 instances:
In network 5000 - Disclosure - Disclosures (Level 3 Disclosure Text Blocks):
In network 6120 - Disclosure - Receivables Roll Forward (Level 4 Detail): | |
74 | disclosure | disclosures:ReceivablesSubclassifications
Receivables Subclassifications
2 instances:
In network 5000 - Disclosure - Disclosures (Level 3 Disclosure Text Blocks):
In network 8120 - Disclosure - Receivables Subclassifications (Level 4 Detail): | |
75 | disclosure | disclosures:RetainedEarningsRollForward
Retained Earnings Roll Forward
1 instance:
In network 7130 - Disclosure - Retained Earnings Roll Forward (Level 4 Detail): | |
76 | disclosure | disclosures:SignificantAccountingPolicies
Significant Accounting Policies
1 instance:
In network 2130 - Disclosure - Significant Accounting Policies Note (Level 1 Note Text Blocks): | |
77 | disclosure | disclosures:StatementOfChangesInEquity
Statement of Changes in Equity
1 instance:
In network 1104 - Statement - Statement of Changes in Equity: | |
78 | disclosure | disclosures:TransactionsGroupings
Transactions Groupings
1 instance:
In network 9102 - Support - Transactions Groupings (Level 4 Detail): | |
79 | disclosure | disclosures:TrialBalance
Trial Balance
1 instance:
In network 9101 - Support - Trial Balance (Level 4 Detail): | |
80 | calculation | fac:Assets (in BSC)
total=CurrentAssets_2+NoncurrentAssets_1 | |
81 | calculation | fac:Liabilities (in BSC)
total=CurrentLiabilities_2+NoncurrentLiabilities_1 | |
82 | calculation | fac:LiabilitiesAndEquity (in BSC)
total=Liabilities_2+Equity_1 | |
83 | calculation | fac:NetCashFlow (in CashFlowStatement)
total=NetCashFlowFromOperatingActivities_3+(NetCashFlowFromInvestingActivities_2+NetCashFlowFromFinancingActivities_1) | |
84 | calculation | fac:GrossProfit (in ISM)
total=Revenues_2+ -CostOfRevenue_1 | |
85 | calculation | fac:IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsAfterTax (in ISM)
total=IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeTax_2+ -IncomeTaxExpenseBenefit_1 | |
86 | calculation | fac:IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeTax (in ISM)
total=OperatingIncomeLoss_2+NonoperatingIncomeLoss_1 | |
87 | calculation | fac:NetIncomeLoss (in ISM)
total=IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsAfterTax_2+IncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsNetOfTax_1 | |
88 | calculation | fac:OperatingIncomeLoss (in ISM)
total=GrossProfit_2+ -OperatingExpenses_1 | |
89 | calculation | mini:AccountsPayable (in AccountsPayableDetail)
total=TradePayables_2+OtherPayables_1 | |
90 | calculation | mini:Assets (in BalanceSheet)
total=CurrentAssets_2+NoncurrentAssets_1 | |
91 | calculation | mini:CurrentAssets (in BalanceSheet)
total=CashAndCashEquivalents_3+(Receivables_2+Inventories_1) | |
92 | calculation | mini:CurrentLiabilities (in BalanceSheet)
total=AccountsPayable_1 | |
93 | calculation | mini:Equity (in BalanceSheet)
total=RetainedEarnings_1 | |
94 | calculation | mini:Liabilities (in BalanceSheet)
total=CurrentLiabilities_2+NoncurrentLiabilities_1 | |
95 | calculation | mini:LiabilitiesAndEquity (in BalanceSheet)
total=Liabilities_2+Equity_1 | |
96 | calculation | mini:NoncurrentAssets (in BalanceSheet)
total=PropertyPlantAndEquipment_1 | |
97 | calculation | mini:NoncurrentLiabilities (in BalanceSheet)
total=LongtermDebt_1 | |
98 | calculation | mini:CashAndCashEquivalents (in CashAndCashEquivalentsDetail)
total=Cash_2+CashEquivalents_1 | |
99 | calculation | mini:NetCashFlow (in CashFlowStatement)
total=NetCashFlowOperatingActivities_3+(NetCashFlowFinancingActivities_2+NetCashFlowInvestingActivities_1) | |
100 | calculation | mini:NetCashFlowFinancingActivities (in CashFlowStatement)
total=AdditionalLongtermBorrowings2_2+ -RepaymentLongtermBorrowings2_1 | |
101 | calculation | mini:NetCashFlowInvestingActivities (in CashFlowStatement)
total= -CapitalAdditionsPropertyPlantAndEquipment2_1 | |
102 | calculation | mini:NetCashFlowOperatingActivities (in CashFlowStatement)
total=CollectionReceivables_2+ -PaymentOfAccountsPayable_1 | |
103 | calculation | mini:FinishedGoods (in FinishedGoodsDetail)
total=ProductAlpha_2+ProductBravo_1 | |
104 | calculation | mini:GrossProfitLoss (in IncomeStatement)
total=Sales_2+ -CostsOfSales_1 | |
105 | calculation | mini:IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeTax (in IncomeStatement)
total=OperatingIncomeLoss_2+NonoperatingIncomeExpenses_1 | |
106 | calculation | mini:NetIncomeLoss (in IncomeStatement)
total=IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeTax_2+ -IncomeTaxExpenseBenefit_1 | |
107 | calculation | mini:OperatingExpenses (in IncomeStatement)
total=DepreciationAndAmortization_1 | |
108 | calculation | mini:OperatingIncomeLoss (in IncomeStatement)
total=GrossProfitLoss_2+ -OperatingExpenses_1 | |
109 | calculation | mini:Inventories (in InventoriesDetail)
total=FinishedGoods_3+(WorkInProgress_2+RawMaterial_1) | |
110 | calculation | mini:LongtermDebt (in LongTermDebtDetail)
total=MortgageLoans_2+OtherSecuredLoans_1 | |
111 | calculation | mini:LongtermDebt (in LongTermDebtMaturities)
total=MaturesInOneYear_6+(MaturesInTwoYears_5+(MaturesInThreeYears_4+(MaturesInFourYears_3+(MaturesInFiveYears_2+MaturesThereafter_1)))) | |
112 | calculation | mini:PropertyPlantAndEquipment (in PropertyPlantAndEquipmentDetail)
total=PropertyPlantAndEquipmentGross_2+ -AccumulatedDepreciation_1 | |
113 | calculation | mini:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentGross (in PropertyPlantAndEquipmentDetail)
total=Land_3+(Buildings_2+Equipment_1) | |
114 | calculation | mini:Receivables (in ReceivablesDetail)
total=TradeReceivables_2+OtherReceivables_1 | |
115 | calculation | mini:CheckSumChanges (in Transactions)
total=CollectionReceivables_20+(-PaymentOfAccountsPayable_19+(AdditionalLongtermBorrowings2_18+(-RepaymentLongtermBorrowings2_17+(-CapitalAdditionsPropertyPlantAndEquipment2_16+(Sales2_15+(-CollectionReceivables2_14+(-AdditionsToAllowanceForBadDebts_13+(-BadDebtsWrittenOff_12+(PurchasesOfInventoryForSale_11+(-CostsOfSales2_10+(-InventoryWrittenOff_9+(CapitalAdditionsPropertyPlantAndEquipment_8+(-DepreciationAndAmortization2_7+(-PropertyPlantAndEquipmentWrittenOff_6+(-PurchasesOfInventoryForSale2_5+(PaymentOfAccountsPayable2_4+(-AdditionalLongtermBorrowings_3+(RepaymentLongtermBorrowings_2+ -NetIncomeLoss_1)))))))))))))))))) 1 instance: mini:CheckSumChanges[0] = mini:CollectionReceivables[3,000] + - mini:PaymentOfAccountsPayable[2,000] + mini:AdditionalLongtermBorrowings2[6,000] + - mini:RepaymentLongtermBorrowings2[1,000] + - mini:CapitalAdditionsPropertyPlantAndEquipment2[5,000] + mini:Sales2[4,000] + - mini:CollectionReceivables2[3,000] + - mini:AdditionsToAllowanceForBadDebts[0] + - mini:BadDebtsWrittenOff[0] + mini:PurchasesOfInventoryForSale[2,000] + - mini:CostsOfSales2[2,000] + - mini:InventoryWrittenOff[0] + mini:CapitalAdditionsPropertyPlantAndEquipment[5,000] + - mini:DepreciationAndAmortization2[0] + - mini:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentWrittenOff[0] + - mini:PurchasesOfInventoryForSale2[2,000] + mini:PaymentOfAccountsPayable2[2,000] + - mini:AdditionalLongtermBorrowings[6,000] + mini:RepaymentLongtermBorrowings[1,000] + - mini:NetIncomeLoss[2,000] | |
116 | calculation | mini:CheckSum (in TrialBalance)
total=CashAndCashEquivalents_7+(Receivables_6+(Inventories_5+(PropertyPlantAndEquipment_4+(-AccountsPayable_3+(-LongtermDebt_2+ -RetainedEarnings_1))))) 2 instances: mini:CheckSum[0] = mini:CashAndCashEquivalents[4,000] + mini:Receivables[2,000] + mini:Inventories[1,000] + mini:PropertyPlantAndEquipment[6,000] + - mini:AccountsPayable[1,000] + - mini:LongtermDebt[6,000] + - mini:RetainedEarnings[6,000] mini:CheckSum[0] = mini:CashAndCashEquivalents[3,000] + mini:Receivables[1,000] + mini:Inventories[1,000] + mini:PropertyPlantAndEquipment[1,000] + - mini:AccountsPayable[1,000] + - mini:LongtermDebt[1,000] + - mini:RetainedEarnings[4,000] | |
117 | disclosureCheck | require [disclosures:BalanceSheetClassified]
Require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
118 | disclosureCheck | require [disclosures:BasisOfPresentation]
Require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
119 | disclosureCheck | require [disclosures:CashFlowStatementDirectMethod]
Require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
120 | disclosureCheck | require [disclosures:DocumentInformation]
Require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
121 | disclosureCheck | require [disclosures:EntityInformation]
Require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
122 | disclosureCheck | require [disclosures:IncomeStatement]
Require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
123 | disclosureCheck | require [disclosures:NatureOfEntity]
Require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
124 | disclosureCheck | require [disclosures:SignificantAccountingPolicies]
Require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
125 | disclosureCheck | require [disclosures:StatementOfChangesInEquity]
Require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
126 | disclosureCheck | possibleDisclosure [disclosures:TransactionsGroupings]
Possible disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
127 | disclosureCheck | possibleDisclosure [disclosures:TrialBalance]
Possible disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
128 | disclosureCheck | reportsConcept [mini:AccountsPayable]
Require fact for concept:
1 instance:
Detected fact | |
129 | disclosureCheck | reportsConcept [mini:Assets]
Require fact for concept:
1 instance:
Detected fact | |
130 | disclosureCheck | reportsConcept [mini:CashAndCashEquivalents]
Require fact for concept:
1 instance:
Detected fact | |
131 | disclosureCheck | reportsConcept [mini:FinishedGoods]
Require fact for concept:
1 instance:
Detected fact | |
132 | disclosureCheck | reportsConcept [mini:Inventories]
Require fact for concept:
1 instance:
Detected fact | |
133 | disclosureCheck | reportsConcept [mini:LiabilitiesAndEquity]
Require fact for concept:
1 instance:
Detected fact | |
134 | disclosureCheck | reportsConcept [mini:LongtermDebt]
Require fact for concept:
1 instance:
Detected fact | |
135 | disclosureCheck | reportsConcept [mini:NetCashFlow]
Require fact for concept:
1 instance:
Detected fact | |
136 | disclosureCheck | reportsConcept [mini:PropertyPlantAndEquipment]
Require fact for concept:
1 instance:
Detected fact | |
137 | disclosureCheck | reportsConcept [mini:Receivables]
Require fact for concept:
1 instance:
Detected fact | |
138 | disclosureCheck | reportsConcept [mini:RetainedEarnings]
Require fact for concept:
1 instance:
Detected fact | |
139 | disclosureCheck | mini:AccountsPayable reportingLineItem-requiresDisclosure [disclosures:AccountsPayableRollForward]
If line items term mini:AccountsPayable present, require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
140 | disclosureCheck | mini:AccountsPayable reportingLineItem-requiresDisclosure [disclosures:AccountsPayableSubclassifications]
If line items term mini:AccountsPayable present, require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
141 | disclosureCheck | mini:Assets reportingLineItem-requiresDisclosure [disclosures:AssetsRollUp]
If line items term mini:Assets present, require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
142 | disclosureCheck | mini:CashAndCashEquivalents reportingLineItem-requiresDisclosure [disclosures:CashAndCashEquivalentsRollForward]
If line items term mini:CashAndCashEquivalents present, require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
143 | disclosureCheck | mini:CashAndCashEquivalents reportingLineItem-requiresDisclosure [disclosures:CashAndCashEquivalentsSubclassifications]
If line items term mini:CashAndCashEquivalents present, require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
144 | disclosureCheck | mini:FinishedGoods reportingLineItem-requiresDisclosure [disclosures:FinishedGoodsSubclassifications]
If line items term mini:FinishedGoods present, require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
145 | disclosureCheck | mini:Inventories reportingLineItem-requiresDisclosure [disclosures:InventoriesRollForward]
If line items term mini:Inventories present, require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
146 | disclosureCheck | mini:Inventories reportingLineItem-requiresDisclosure [disclosures:InventoriesSubclassifications]
If line items term mini:Inventories present, require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
147 | disclosureCheck | mini:LiabilitiesAndEquity reportingLineItem-requiresDisclosure [disclosures:LiabilitiesAndEquityRollUp]
If line items term mini:LiabilitiesAndEquity present, require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
148 | disclosureCheck | mini:LongtermDebt reportingLineItem-requiresDisclosure [disclosures:LongTermDebtMaturities]
If line items term mini:LongtermDebt present, require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
149 | disclosureCheck | mini:LongtermDebt reportingLineItem-requiresDisclosure [disclosures:LongTermDebtRollForward]
If line items term mini:LongtermDebt present, require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
150 | disclosureCheck | mini:LongtermDebt reportingLineItem-requiresDisclosure [disclosures:LongTermDebtSubclassifications]
If line items term mini:LongtermDebt present, require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
151 | disclosureCheck | mini:NetCashFlow reportingLineItem-requiresDisclosure [disclosures:CashAndCashEquivalentsSummaryRollForward]
If line items term mini:NetCashFlow present, require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
152 | disclosureCheck | mini:NetCashFlow reportingLineItem-requiresDisclosure [disclosures:NetCashFlowRollUp]
If line items term mini:NetCashFlow present, require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
153 | disclosureCheck | mini:PropertyPlantAndEquipment reportingLineItem-requiresDisclosure [disclosures:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentNetRollForward]
If line items term mini:PropertyPlantAndEquipment present, require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
154 | disclosureCheck | mini:PropertyPlantAndEquipment reportingLineItem-requiresDisclosure [disclosures:PropertyPlantAndEquipmentNetSubclassifications]
If line items term mini:PropertyPlantAndEquipment present, require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
155 | disclosureCheck | mini:Receivables reportingLineItem-requiresDisclosure [disclosures:ReceivablesRollForward]
If line items term mini:Receivables present, require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
156 | disclosureCheck | mini:Receivables reportingLineItem-requiresDisclosure [disclosures:ReceivablesSubclassifications]
If line items term mini:Receivables present, require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above | |
157 | disclosureCheck | mini:RetainedEarnings reportingLineItem-requiresDisclosure [disclosures:RetainedEarningsRollForward]
If line items term mini:RetainedEarnings present, require disclosure:
1 instance:
See link above |
The colours used for the rules are significant, and have the following meanings:
For more information:
DISCLAIMER: this analysis is provided by software still under development, and likely incomplete or even erroneous; do NOT use it other than for experimental, inconsequential purposes